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***NEWSFLASH*** Healers and Healers only!!!


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Hello fellow healers... Are you having a bad day? Need a pick-me-up? Want to feel like a god?


Well here you go!


Have you ever thought about the fact that in about a month, when everyone has all their pvp gear, we're the only ones who will actually benefit from expertise!?!?!?


Think about it...


Larry, Moe, and Curly all have (X) amount of expertise...

Larry is an Assassin

Moe is a Marauder

Curly is a Operative Healer

Larry, Moe, and Curly all reduce incoming damage by (x/y)...

Larry, Moe, and Curly all Increase outgoing damage by (x/y)...

Curly increases healing by (x/y)...


Larry hits Moe for dmg + (x/y) - (x/y) = dmg

Moe hits Larry for dmg + (x/y) - (x/y) = dmg

Moe hits Curly for dmg + (x/y) - (x/y) = dmg

Curly heals self for dmg + (x/y) = dmg + (x/y)


In a world where (x/y) is a uniformed, constant equation, Curly is the only one benefitting because Curly is the only one not having his dmg/healing reduced at the same rate it goes out...


Damn it feels good to be a healer...



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you do realize that healingspells scale worse than dmg spells by basestats and secondary stats?


So for every piece of gear the healer and the dd get better gear the DD get's directly more dmg output and the healer gains more through expertise..


so in pvp we heal 10% more while healing 30% less. -> profit^^

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If healers want to get Valor at the same rate as everyone else they should heal until the get 75k 2.5k and then focus on DPS for the rest of the game and hopefully pick up 10kills 25killls killing blow and 75k dmg.


Your team will obviously lose but as a healer, its more beneficial to get 5 medals and a loss than 2-3 medals and a win.


Either that or BW changes the Medal system so healers arn't screwed for doing their job.

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you do realize that healingspells scale worse than dmg spells by basestats and secondary stats?


So for every piece of gear the healer and the dd get better gear the DD get's directly more dmg output and the healer gains more through expertise..


so in pvp we heal 10% more while healing 30% less. -> profit^^


absolute truth, but we are used to that, and we're getting to reduce 10% of that 10% incoming damage while we're healing for 10% more then we used to...


BUT... Once again, We're healing more then we did with non expertise gear, while negating the damage bonus from the opponent's expertise with our own...


So, victory!

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and btw, time for some more fun math!


expertise reduction does NOT negate the expertise dmg increase, it goes above and beyond...


NON expertise math:

Tom and Jerry have no expertise...

Tom Hits Jerry for 1000 dmg

Jerry takes 1000 dmg


Expertise version:

Tom and Jerry have a 10% expertise slide

Tom hits Jerry for 1100 (1000 + 10%)

Jerry takes 990 damage (1100 - 10%)


YAY! There actually is a benefit to the reduction from expertise!


(This would have been obvious to the free thinkers out there, but many people have been posting how expertise has no effect in end game and only helps you kill new 50's)


Math is good...

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