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Poll: Would You Play This Game if it Wasn't Star Wars?


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No way. It's the only reason I stay and hope it will get decent.


Pretty much this.


I am still enjoying swinging a lightsaber, but the MMO part of this game (system designs, interface, quality of life things) is severely lacking.


Almost the opposite of Rift, where I found that the interface, designs of systems and the like was really well done at launch, but the world itself was boring (setting/story/etc).

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They purchased an existing game engine and allocated it to the SW IP to it. So, extracting Star Wars from the Hero Engine (in it's current form), would you still play this game?


Sorry, to begin with, IDK what the hell is HERO is/ was.... and, like I've mentioned a gazzillion time, it'd be tweaked differently to suit, 'that game's content'


A game engine is just a game engine, it has nothing to do with the content. Sure, it affects how the content is being presented. But now, you're saying if you'd to strip out the star wars content; wouldn't that just left the game engine with nothing -- where's the game, play what 'this game'?


What could've been a better and plausible question would be, if this game is in a UE3/Gamebryo (Fallout III) game engine system, would it be better?


IMHO, they picked to use HERO engine is the wrong choice (in terms of high-quality output), but perhaps it's the least resourceful required to fit it as a "mmo", where they need the game to be able to fit into almost/ lowest requirement specs as possible.

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No way would i play this game if it was not SW, i would be willing to bet this game will be free to play by december because it is not even a true MMO, there is nothing massive about the game, its just one long roller coaster ride. Epic fail BW!!!!! Edited by offem
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Good question and No I wouldn't be.

I would play any good MMO and bonus points for being sci-fi/futuristic themed.. but unfortunately is isn't a real MMO to me, it's a single player RPG with many multiplayer elements.

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I would totally play this game even if it wasn't Star Wars. I love the story. You could find replacements for the Star Wars elements and most of the story elements would still be great. I'm obviously in the minority here. This being a Star Wars game and a Bioware game caught my attention, but the gameplay itself is what keeps me interested.
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Honestly... the original question is redundant (not trying to insult you OP, just stating the facts).


A lot of people followed the game initially BECAUSE it was a Star Wars game. Some began following it because it is a Bioware RPG. Still, others started following it because it was a new MMO.


Would I play the game if it wasn't Star Wars? There is no way to really answer - because you don't specify what it would be if not a Star Wars game. Unless you are asking if this game, with all Star Wars removed, would still be worth playing? In that case, you might as well ask someone to take all the cheese out of a cheese based dish and ask if it is still tasty. Taking out the central component of anything is going to seriously hinder its flavor.


That said, if you are asking if I would play it if it were not a Star Wars game, but was still a story-driven game, my answer would be yes.


Story is the biggest reason why I follow this game (the fact that it is Star Wars is a delightful bonus). It is why I haven't entertained for more than a few seconds re-downloading the WoW client (I removed it from my computer before SWTOR released). I am enjoying seeing the evolution of my character in SWTOR; I knew nothing of how my character would react in WoW because I was never given a chance at meaningful reaction within the narrative.


I guess it all depends on your own tastes. But if it was still a story-driven game? Yes, I would still play it. Considering Bioware is the developer, It's possible I might even enjoy it more, considering the wealth of IP they could draw from in their own repertoire (a ME MMO? A Jade Empire MMO? Oh hell yes.).

Edited by Jaramukhti
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A game engine is just a game engine, it has nothing to do with the content. Sure, it affects how the content is being presented.


Lets pause for a moment. If the subject matter presented in this MMO was something other than Star Wars, would you play the game? You're doing a very good job of dancing around that question, and I admire your tenacity for whatever reason.


IMHO, they picked to use HERO engine is the wrong choice (in terms of high-quality output), but perhaps it's the least resourceful required to fit it as a "mmo", where they need the game to be able to fit into almost/ lowest requirement specs as possible.

That is a convincing argument- I'm sure you're right.

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Honestly... the original question is redundant (not trying to insult you OP, just stating the facts).


A lot of people followed the game initially BECAUSE it was a Star Wars game. Some began following it because it is a Bioware RPG. Still, others started following it because it was a new MMO.


Would I play the game if it wasn't Star Wars? There is no way to really answer - because you don't specify what it would be if not a Star Wars game. Unless you are asking if this game, with all Star Wars removed, would still be worth playing? In that case, you might as well ask someone to take all the cheese out of a cheese based dish and ask if it is still tasty. Taking out the central component of anything is going to seriously hinder its flavor.


That said, if you are asking if I would play it if it were not a Star Wars game, but was still a story-driven game, my answer would be yes.


Story is the biggest reason why I follow this game (the fact that it is Star Wars is a delightful bonus). It is why I haven't entertained for more than a few seconds re-downloading the WoW client (I removed it from my computer before SWTOR released). I am enjoying seeing the evolution of my character in SWTOR; I knew nothing of how my character would react in WoW because I was never given a chance at meaningful reaction within the narrative.


I guess it all depends on your own tastes. But if it was still a story-driven game? Yes, I would still play it. Considering Bioware is the developer, It's possible I might even enjoy it more, considering the wealth of IP they could draw from in their own repertoire (a ME MMO? A Jade Empire MMO? Oh hell yes.).


I'm redundant. That is a very honest answer. Personally, I wouldn't have purchased this MMO if it didn't have the Star Wars brand. I played a bit in beta, which was immediately reminiscent of WoW or WAR; stale. Meh.


However, were this game released as Mass Effect for instance, I would give it a chance.

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I wouldn't. In the end the thing that I enjoy most about SWTOR, is the SW. Without ths Star Wars story line this game would be a weak WoW clone.


I'm interested to hear your thoughts and opinions.


Much as I enjoy the game, I have to admit that its being SW is a big part of its charm.


However, it's hard to say whether I'd enjoy it if it wasn't SW.


If it was a similar BW puppet show in the ME universe, then I'd probably play it.


If it was a similar BW puppet show in some other s-f universe, then yeah I'd probably play it.


So there's your answer: any other MMO I can get some of the other MMO features a bit better, but what I get in this MMO that I can't get in any other is the puppet show - and not only that, but a puppet show WHILE GROUPED.


So yes, I think I would play a game like this with any good s-f or fantasy lore that suited me.


However, having said that, I don't know how long my enjoyment will hold out if something else comes out that tickles my fancy more. For BW, their next competitor as far as I'm concerned is TSW for the more sandboxy immersion-loving crowd, and/or some casuals, and GW2 for the more hardcore PvE/PvP crowd.


But if I play either of those two games, I'll probably miss the puppet show :)

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I'm redundant. That is a very honest answer. Personally, I wouldn't have purchased this MMO if it didn't have the Star Wars brand. I played a bit in beta, which was immediately reminiscent of WoW or WAR; stale. Meh.


However, were this game released as Mass Effect for instance, I would give it a chance.


You aren't the least bit redundant - who am I to pass out labels to anyone?lol I was just making my honest observation of the question.:)


I'm just saying, the original question is a little flawed because it doesn't specify what this game would be if not a Star Wars MMO.


Most of the complaints I have for this game right now are aesthetic complaints. You might even call them superficial. Things like certain convenience features missing that I am used to in other games. Those features may - and most likely will - eventually come to SWTOR -- but I'm a human, which means I am inherently selfish. I want them NOW. However, my momma taught me patience is a virtue worth cultivating. I am willing and able to wait for said features to arrive. But that is just me.


As a former 5 year player of WoW, I don't see too many similarities. Maybe I just viewed WoW differently than (some) others. I see similar low pop zones while leveling (anyone who tells you mid level zones are always hopping in WoW is lying through their teeth), the fight mechanics are similar (though WoW, with years to refine them, are smoother), and both can be soloed (I could go from 1-to-85 without ever seeing a single person in WoW outside of the few I saw in LFG runs). But the story progression feels drastically different from WoW to SWTOR.


I don't remember having a character personality in WoW. I remember racial stories, important NPC stories, but never did I learn how MY character felt about anything. I feel that sense of knowing who my character is in SWTOR, which is probably why I am still subbed, and may re-sub in March (depending on how I see the state of things).


Features are convenient, but story is important to me as a gamer. It was the one essential element missing from World of Warcraft (not a lack of narrative, but a severe lack of narrative in which my character was anything more than a passenger).


In all honesty, story was why I came to SWTOR in the first place; it's why I am interested at all in GW2 (they are trying to apply Bioware-style story principles to their game); it is also why I will probably never return to WoW.

Edited by Jaramukhti
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If it wasn't Star Wars, but was still sci-fi with ships/blasters/armor, and if it was still as popular with 1.7 million subscribers, I'd be here. I enjoy TOR regardless of the Star Wars setting.


With that said, there are of course a ton of things I can't stand. If it wasn't Star Wars, it wouldn't be my primary MMO, but it would be one of a couple I'd shuffle around with my play time.

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Honestly, if this was a Mass Effect MMO, I would have bought it just like I did for it being Star Wars. However I judge an MMO by much more than it's IP. WOTLK kept me because I loved the story of Arthas/Gameplay was good and I have a long standing relationship with the Undead in MMO's. :)


I've unsubbed from SWTOR for the simple fact that, if it wasn't Star Wars or Mass Effect? It wouldn't have even held me a month the way the game plays and is made beyond the primary story arc.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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I'd actually prefer if this game was Warhammer 40k, personally.


Khornate Chain Axe > Lightsaber.


Bolter > Blaster


Orkz > Everything


You may still get the chance to play 40K MMO. THQ released a statement that the game is still planned for a 2014 release.

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Its the fact that its Star Wars thats holding me on till the end of March.


No better looking textures available for my present day PC (thousands of others have PCs newer than 2 years also im sure) by March, as much as i dont want to go back to pixies, elves etc , ill probably be checking out GW2.

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Pretty much this.


I am still enjoying swinging a lightsaber, but the MMO part of this game (system designs, interface, quality of life things) is severely lacking.


Almost the opposite of Rift, where I found that the interface, designs of systems and the like was really well done at launch, but the world itself was boring (setting/story/etc).


Full agreement.

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That's why I am playing this game instead of one of the other cookie-cutter bragfest why-is-my-sword-larger-than-a-bus rail-scale games. I also like the continuing story, mounts that are not horses, or cats, or weird talking bears...that, that thing on Alderan, it's it's creepy weird but I wouldn't want one. Whether it's magic, the Force, Psychic energy, or what not, I enjoy thoat side of gaming over guns...I like dual pistols and swords sometimes, but not to where I am stock labelled Tank of DPS. [sigh]. I just want something different from everything else, and Star Wars has that...difference, for me. :D
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You may still get the chance to play 40K MMO. THQ released a statement that the game is still planned for a 2014 release.


I am very worried about THQ's future, unfortunately. They're about to lose NASDAQ listing status because their shares have dropped below 1$


I'm hoping that THQ shrinks down to being a primary vehicle for Relic and Vigil games, I think they could survive on Relic and Vigil's back.


My other dream would be THQ falls and then Relic themselves decide to buy and publish the 40k MMO with Vigil.


Either way though, the death of THQ could lead to Relic falling under EA or Actiblizzard and I don't see either being good, but I'll take EA over Actiblizzard.

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