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But but but... surely this rational argument will get through this time, right? Maybe an example from real life? Maybe just a plea to be reasonable? That not all experiences are the same? That having a tool in a game for some folks, doesn't mean they have to use it if they don't want to. Maybe if they understand that taking multiple steps to accomplish the same thing I can do in one step, doesn't make them better than everyone else...


Surely something will get through! No??


/sigh... ugh!


I think you are just stubborn :D, no offence.


You can not have such a tool and say it has no impact. At wow the tool is necessary to equip your char fast. There is no instance lock but extra loot when you are using it. Those that dont use it, have gear issues and lack points.


Also the whole content has been downgraded to fit the tool groups (even tho they still wipe a lot). So if you have a guild and would just ignore the ability to run 24/7 dungeons or of gaining bonus rewards, the content that you actually want to do is dead and too easy.


Ever tried a dungeon at wow lately? You can almost solo it, so ya the LFD tool is now almost obsolete if it didnt had the boni ;)


So they gave people a tool that made the dungeons so easy, that you can now solo or 2 men them. Ya ofc it has no impact on the game ;)

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Were just talking. Not causing any problems. Just sitting here passing a little time. Well keep our voices down.


sssshhhhh, everybody, keep it down, he's going to call the cops if we keep waking him up.


So no point really? Just another redundant thread started to QQ either way with no real bearing on what's actually occurring in development? Got it.

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So no point really? Just another redundant thread started to QQ either way with no real bearing on what's actually occurring in development? Got it.


No, we really are just discussing the pros and cons of LFG. Just a few ideas and a couple points of view. Nothing youd find in a University Classroom or anything but harmless and civil.

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So no point really? Just another redundant thread started to QQ either way with no real bearing on what's actually occurring in development? Got it.


Every thread is like that, otherwise there'd be no discussion.


Plus, many many casual fans who just got into the game aren't following development like we are... they have no idea what has been said.

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Agree totally, it is far to difficult to find people, especially since we dont have a global channel or anything.


Your server most likely has a global LFG chat channel.


To enter that channel just type


/4 (on my client it is channel 4, might be different at your server)


If there is no LFG channel, just create one and make a post at the server forum about it.


/create LFG



Makes your life much easier but takes a few days until people know about it. As you can see people here at the forum dont know this either - many still think they must sit at the fleet to find people. ;)

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Many insults but yet no content in your post ;)


I am a casual more than anyone most likely who is posting here. But yes I do know the hardcore side well enough from TBC and vanilla pvp.


Because of this I do know very well that both groups dont get along very well as the intrest´s are completely different. And this are only 2 kind of players an MMO has. There are many more groups and by mixing all these, the game experience for everyone does suffer.

I also dont understand how I can fail, if I dont have any trouble at Tor but maybe this is something you can explain me someday.


It is not bad to be a casual, young player, elitist or professionell - whats bad is having mixed groups.


I dont understand why you dont want to see that problem. Are you just afraid that the group you are in is too small, so that you will be left out with a tool that offers somekind of filter? Well I can take that fear from you, there will always be elitist´s, young ones, professionels or casuals so dont worry.


No insult , just realistic facts , that people are no longer realistic , is there problem not mine , and again you want to mark yourself as casual ..


But again you are not casual , casual gamers are those who log in couple hours log off , come back a couple days later , log in and you want them to SCREAM LFG for there hours ?


Seriously stop stigma casuals , cause you are not that kind of person .

I have no problems in finding a group for HM , but I do have a problem that I have to invest time in making a group .

I am paying to play the game , not work ... and the concept of paying money to work .

Already is old to me , cause done wow . now I am paying to have entertainement .


If the entertainment requires me standing around looking trough /WHO list and 50 .

And asking 50 for a certain mix and match , and also checking there gear .

I do not find that entertaining , especially since I want to play CASUALY .


Sorry maybe if you open your eyes one day , you might find out you are wrong .

But again another fact , you would never admit that to yourself .


Now no where in my posts have I insulted you other then the word FAILED .

But then again am a realistic , sorry that is how I see things .

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But again you are not casual , casual gamers are those who log in couple hours log off , come back a couple days later , log in and you want them to SCREAM LFG for there hours ?


Why spam? You can target your research, a direct whisper has much more impact than a general announcement.

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