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finally got a flashpoint going!


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Simple if people leave , atleast others come in , and atleast somebody will be hardcore enough to insult the people , for shaping up !


Sorry if you cannot see that solution , then you cannot understand the concept of MMO .

Sorry MMO are not meant to be played with just a small group of same minded people.


How much people wish that , this is not NWN with private servers .

This is a MMO with big bunch of people , and a infrastructure and resources needed to support those people .


And currently people demand a working LFG tool , cause this is a casual game !

Or bioware want to change it back into a HARDCORE game .


Fine for you if you do not need a LFG tool , terrific even .

But plenty other need it , and it showing in game with whisper I get every day of new 50 .

Anyway all those same things already happening , without a LFG .


Ninja looters , rude people , trolls and annoying ego maniacs .

Who blaim everything on others but themself .


I think you really dont play MMO´s for a long enough time, to really "understand" the issue here.


Ofc there are kids etc. right now at Tor, but they wont get anywhere as they get blacklisted sooner or later.


MMO´s have their own community at every server thats also the reason why wow has so many problems today. On my server at vanilla we had the MS-OS rule, other servers never had these. But also the skull - sheep / blue - sheep example fits well here. In my first LFD run I tagged the mob that should be sheep blue, but the mage didnt understand it as on his server it was different.


IF BW does stick to their concept, then there will soon be servers which are the home for all the different kind of player types of MMO´s.

There will be server with hardcore folks like mine was at vanilla, we had the best pvp players there for instance. Every good pvp player will then move there.


But there will also be servers where casuals like to play, others that might have many young people, others with swedish or russian people and so on.


This is the concept of MMO´s for about 20 years now, people always had the choice when it came to grouping. Just Blizzard tried to change that concept by adding a tool that now mixes all these different players, the outcome we know...


MMO´s live and die by the people who play it, everyone should have his spot thats how it always was - nobody should be forced to play with people he/ she doesnt like or might not feel good with. This isnt a job dude, this is a hobby - maybe something you forget.


As a Casual I want the choice and not another game where people freak out all the time, when someone doesnt do 40k dps or doesnt wanne rush etc. If I wanted to play like that I would go to a hardcore server.

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...The tool they have announced is server based...


I have absolutly no quarrel with that. As long as we dont have to worry about cross server queing i cant see any harm. It's once you start going cross server that **** starts to happen.


Either way, if some people need help grouping, why not give them that option? It hurts you not in the least! Does it? It sounds like your community is already set, so how could it destroy your community? It won't, cause it can't.


I dont mind having a serverbased LFG/LFD tool, cause you will get to know new ppl that can increase the size of your community, but once you go cross server **** will hit the fan, cause you wont have to bear the repercussions of behaving as an douchebag.


It's not cause the first 20 (orso) 50's of a server got together to do things that they are considered a complete server community, more then half of the players haven't made it to 50 yet. If you start by removing that new influx the server community will die a swift and silent death.


LFG will damage community? I don't know what you talking about, seriously.


There is a difference between friends, guild communities and server communities, but seeing you only know 2 of the 3 you wouldn't know what some of us are talking about indeed.

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LFD/G tool or not, there is no point in running HM flashpoints other than for the lolore.


You can pvp and get gear waaaay faster.


A run of the mill pug in greens can't finish them due to harsh mechanics, bugs, and strict enrage timers


You can pug normal EV and be half brain dead and get columni from at least 4 of the bosses. (takes less time than a flashpoint)


I mean, honestly, they are just a waste of time other than just to do them.


Yes it's content, but they made them pretty much irrelevant.

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Gosh, you are wonderful... Can't spell worth a hoot, but you sure are a shining example of why we don't need anything to help group people together. Sounds like all the OP needs is for you to be his friend.


Well he just happens to be right.

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/who 50

/tell <random needed class> heya, how would you like to join us in defending the galaxy from whatever evil that is threathening it. We are looking for <role> to do <flashpoint>



do this about 10 times and you got a group, but no, you are supprised nobody is responding to /1 LFG !!! WHERE IS EVERYBODY ! NEED HALP !


I did this on a very low population server and atm i am in a new guild clearing hm flashpoints faster then you clear the orignial ones and my friendslist is full with ppl i group with on a regular basis.


I did this on a server were max 50's population on the republic side is about 20-30 (prime time on the whole server) Hell i even managed to get enough ppl together to kill the world boss in belsavis about 10 times in a row (need 8 good geared, but we usually did it with allmost every republic 50 of the server online) and yes, that is community building, cause on our server allmost everybody knows everybody by now (except for the new influx of 50's)


Community building is not sitting on your arse waiting for tyhe community comes to you. Try to keep that in mind.




I have 0 problem doing FP if I want to do them. Getting *competent" players is another thing, but filling a group with players is not difficult.


People with 0 social ability are a bane to MMO, they wonder why no one wants to group with them and are the first to /ignore and rage on general.


Looking for a tank?

/who vanguard

/who guardian

/who shadow


Looking for healer?

/who sage

/who commando

/who scoundrel


Ask them if they are tank/healers and want to run something in 10 mins, if they say thanks but I am DPS, ask them if they would like to dps. If they do, you filled 1 dps spot.


The mentality of instant-gratification is never a good thing in MMO. Faceless groupmates is not what makes you comeback to the game day after day.

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Well he just happens to be right.


It works for him, and that is wonderful... but the same solution doesn't work for everyone, for a variety of reasons!


People people people...


Why deny a useful tool to gamers who need help with something that others don't need help with.


That's like saying, "I can do math in my head so NO ONE should ever need a calculator. Its a crutch and destroys your ability to think." Am I right? Maybe for me I am, but not for everyone!

Edited by Meldwyn
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In another thread someone posted pics of various populations on fleet and planets on his Stardard pop server during the primetime hours, 9pm on a Saturday. There were 20 people in fleet, and about 20 people on each of the planets, from Balmorra to Alderan on Empire side.


I have no way of knowing if someone is going to be bad till I actually start to group up with them and actually play with them. Most people don't even talk other then 1 word sentences.

Also, I would say about 20% of the groups I had in WoW were bad, 80% were good.


Anyways, grats for being on a very well populated server, cause what it boils down to is that you are on a really good populated server and that is the only reason why you do not have a hard time and why you can actually pick and choose who goes into your group. Other people may get a reply to their lfg message once every 15 or 30 minutes.


I can not know every server at Tor, thats absolutely correct :)


Mine has a medium or normal population, it was heavy at release but now its only normal. It could be that you guys over there got empty server´s, there it will be harder ofc. as the player pool is smaller and people might cluster more at guilds. But it also has the advantage, that you know people faster as they are few.


I was at such a server in vanilla with my alt, I didnt had more "friends" but those I got were a bit closer, if you know what I mean.


But if you now get a server only tool, do you really think it would help you? You would need a server transfer or xrealm tool I guess if there is really nobody playing. Did you also try the "LFG chat channel" Maybe create one if its not there yet, mine server got one it been used a lot and it is planet and world wide so you can talk to everyone.


While this would help you with your groups, the experience might not be perfect. I envy you for the 80% good groups, I always have bad luck there. I play as tank and mostly end up in groups that had wipes or the typicall "gogogo" attitude, my healer friend gets kicked a lot - because he doesnt heal dps that stood in fire ^^ ya not so much fun :) and as tank you feel helpless then, and now Blizz also added a 30 min deserter, so that I cant leave such groups anymore....


All I am asking for about such a tool is the choice. If there is somekind of filter, rating system etc. so that I can pick "relaxing run with casuals" when I come from work, then it would be a great tool. But aslong it works like with wow, I just cant support it. I hope that this is atleast understandable :p

Edited by RachelAnne
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If we are gonna use analogies, how about, you rather eat a greasy burger in silence with some strangers every day instead of having a good cooked meal with plenty of conversation with friends.


The idea is the same. You get food, altho one will certainly be more enjoyable then the other.

there are some problems with your analogy.


More correct would be something "would you rather eat a burger in a new place that may or may not be any good with some strangers who may or may not be interested in getting to know you every day instead of having a good cooked meal with plenty of conversation with friends."


Now, I'd generally prefer the latter, but you can wind up with some unexpectedly good burgers doing the former, and you can run into nice folks that you'll be friends with for a long time. I'd say that the former is definitely something that's worth the risk; it's how I wound up getting a burger in Johnny's filling station.



Experiances may vary, i wont deny that, but you cannot build a server community with crossserver stuff.
You can build a game or battlegroup community... the server limitation is just an arbitrary one. Edited by ferroz
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This game NEEDS a XLFD tool, its a must have eventually. Sooner or later when leveling its going to be impossible to get a FP party. Or when lvl 50s are raid geared its going to be impossible to find HM FP parties.


If a xlfd tool isnt added in the next month or 2, this game will die and force people to quit.

I am sure the anti LFD people will love that, after all they will be playing a empty game.

Edited by Averran
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It works for him, and that is wonderful... but the same solution doesn't work for everyone, for a variety of reasons!


People people people...


Why deny a useful tool to gamers who need help with something that others don't need help with.


That's like saying, "I can do math in my head so NO ONE should ever need a calculator. Its a crutch and destroys your ability to think." Am I right? Maybe for me I am, but not for everyone!


Don't use the word can't when you mean won't or don't want to.


You have the ability to do it just the same...some people do not want to be bothered by actually "actively" taking some effort to search for a group.


Everyone has access to the /w function.


Everyone SHOULD know what classes they need.


Send some tells instead of spamming general chat.

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I think you really dont play MMO´s for a long enough time, to really "understand" the issue here.


Ofc there are kids etc. right now at Tor, but they wont get anywhere as they get blacklisted sooner or later.


MMO´s have their own community at every server thats also the reason why wow has so many problems today. On my server at vanilla we had the MS-OS rule, other servers never had these. But also the skull - sheep / blue - sheep example fits well here. In my first LFD run I tagged the mob that should be sheep blue, but the mage didnt understand it as on his server it was different.


IF BW does stick to their concept, then there will soon be servers which are the home for all the different kind of player types of MMO´s.

There will be server with hardcore folks like mine was at vanilla, we had the best pvp players there for instance. Every good pvp player will then move there.


But there will also be servers where casuals like to play, others that might have many young people, others with swedish or russian people and so on.


This is the concept of MMO´s for about 20 years now, people always had the choice when it came to grouping. Just Blizzard tried to change that concept by adding a tool that now mixes all these different players, the outcome we know...


MMO´s live and die by the people who play it, everyone should have his spot thats how it always was - nobody should be forced to play with people he/ she doesnt like or might not feel good with. This isnt a job dude, this is a hobby - maybe something you forget.


As a Casual I want the choice and not another game where people freak out all the time, when someone doesnt do 40k dps or doesnt wanne rush etc. If I wanted to play like that I would go to a hardcore server.


PARDON me you are the exact reason as stated that is outdated .

MONEY Talks in this world , and as company want to have profit , they need to think profit.

And what is best for the greater of the community , not a minority that think game should be played there way .


So now i know who to blaim for all those buggy beta problems people like you .

Who don´t really test stuff but still living in the stone age of ideals .


When you want a small MMO community you go play LOTRO EVE COX .

This is SWTOR we are talking about !! , want to compete with WOW .


You are not CASUAL you are extreme hardcore , just hardcore who cannot stand others to be beter then you , face it woman , you are facing a next gen of gamers .

Who have beter reflexes smarter thinking pattern , can think outside the box .

But sadly lacking in manners , and using false pretense of casuality , doesn´t help .


So do not play the CASUAL card , cause you are not casual , you are just a failed hardcore.


That is why Bioware need to hire next gen of psychologist , who understand these things.

And start improving the product , not based on a old gen , who strives for envy greed and cannot admit defeat .


Modern gamers are different , and it is up to EA /BIOWARE to adapt .

sorry people like you , the gaming days are over , this is our last MMO .

And also a last chance to adapt .

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It works for him, and that is wonderful... but the same solution doesn't work for everyone, for a variety of reasons!


People people people...


Why deny a useful tool to gamers who need help with something that others don't need help with.


That's like saying, "I can do math in my head so NO ONE should ever need a calculator. Its a crutch and destroys your ability to think." Am I right? Maybe for me I am, but not for everyone!


I've been bringing up that argument in every LFG-thread I've seen so far.


Don't even bother. You can be as rational and constructive as you want. They won't listen.

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i have been trying to look for fp since like a month ago. i got 2 50 and still i have not been to any lvl 50 fp because no grps are form at lvl 50 at all. this situation reminds me of another mmorpg game i play b4 end up it is free to play. pls just get a lfg tool up is irritating to reach 50 and no ppl to do fp with.
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My real question is: since they said that they are working on one, but it's a bit more detailed because they want to include ALL the group content (ie heroic 4 missions, heroic 2 missions), and not just FP's, what's the gripe?


Ok, it's not here NOA!!, I get that. But they've acknowledged they are going to roll one out and are working on it. So is this a "Work faster!!" thread? Or is it a "I'm gone till you get one!" thread? Or or what? What's the actual motivation behind this?


We don't know the details on whether it's cross server toool, or not, but we know it's being worked on. So again, what's the point of the thread? To start up another thread to argue for/against it? To show that pugs no matter what can wipe? I don't understand why this needed it's own thread.

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It really makes you wonder why some people choose to play MMO's when they admit they do not have the time nor the want to interact with others.


There really are a lot of good RPG's out there if you are more into the Single player game.


Not saying that the LFG idea is bad, I am still on the fence. Just making a comment on seeing some of the posts in this thread.


I wonder how many of those people will be the same ones screaming that they are bored and have nothing to do?


They are skipping one of the major points of the MMO...Playing with others. ;)

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I've been bringing up that argument in every LFG-thread I've seen so far.


Don't even bother. You can be as rational and constructive as you want. They won't listen.


But but but... surely this rational argument will get through this time, right? Maybe an example from real life? Maybe just a plea to be reasonable? That not all experiences are the same? That having a tool in a game for some folks, doesn't mean they have to use it if they don't want to. Maybe if they understand that taking multiple steps to accomplish the same thing I can do in one step, doesn't make them better than everyone else...


Surely something will get through! No??


/sigh... ugh!

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My real question is: since they said that they are working on one, but it's a bit more detailed because they want to include ALL the group content (ie heroic 4 missions, heroic 2 missions), and not just FP's, what's the gripe?


Ok, it's not here NOA!!, I get that. But they've acknowledged they are going to roll one out and are working on it. So is this a "Work faster!!" thread? Or is it a "I'm gone till you get one!" thread? Or or what? What's the actual motivation behind this?


We don't know the details on whether it's cross server toool, or not, but we know it's being worked on. So again, what's the point of the thread? To start up another thread to argue for/against it? To show that pugs no matter what can wipe? I don't understand why this needed it's own thread.


Were just talking. Not causing any problems. Just sitting here passing a little time. Well keep our voices down.


sssshhhhh, everybody, keep it down, he's going to call the cops if we keep waking him up.

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Gonna be a real funny bit of business moving on into the future without some great tools for expediting the elsewise ponderous and time-consuming business of relying on spamming General in fleet for anything and everything.


You missed the entire point. When you play with friends and with a guild, you're never looking for a group. I haven't searched chat for a group in probably 5 years.

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It really makes you wonder why some people choose to play MMO's when they admit they do not have the time nor the want to interact with others.


There really are a lot of good RPG's out there if you are more into the Single player game.


Not saying that the LFG idea is bad, I am still on the fence. Just making a comment on seeing some of the posts in this thread.


I wonder how many of those people will be the same ones screaming that they are bored and have nothing to do?


They are skipping one of the major points of the MMO...Playing with others. ;)


But doesn't a tool that groups people together help them "play with others" and experience the content of this game? o.0


Well, doesn't it?

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PARDON me you are the exact reason as stated that is outdated .

MONEY Talks in this world , and as company want to have profit , they need to think profit.

And what is best for the greater of the community , not a minority that think game should be played there way .


So now i know who to blaim for all those buggy beta problems people like you .

Who don´t really test stuff but still living in the stone age of ideals .


When you want a small MMO community you go play LOTRO EVE COX .

This is SWTOR we are talking about !! , want to compete with WOW .


You are not CASUAL you are extreme hardcore , just hardcore who cannot stand others to be beter then you , face it woman , you are facing a next gen of gamers .

Who have beter reflexes smarter thinking pattern , can think outside the box .

But sadly lacking in manners , and using false pretense of casuality , doesn´t help .


So do not play the CASUAL card , cause you are not casual , you are just a failed hardcore.


That is why Bioware need to hire next gen of psychologist , who understand these things.

And start improving the product , not based on a old gen , who strives for envy greed and cannot admit defeat .


Modern gamers are different , and it is up to EA /BIOWARE to adapt .

sorry people like you , the gaming days are over , this is our last MMO .

And also a last chance to adapt .


Many insults but yet no content in your post ;)


I am a casual more than anyone most likely who is posting here. But yes I do know the hardcore side well enough from TBC and vanilla pvp.


Because of this I do know very well that both groups dont get along very well as the intrest´s are completely different. And this are only 2 kind of players an MMO has. There are many more groups and by mixing all these, the game experience for everyone does suffer.

I also dont understand how I can fail, if I dont have any trouble at Tor but maybe this is something you can explain me someday.


It is not bad to be a casual, young player, elitist or professionell - whats bad is having mixed groups.


I dont understand why you dont want to see that problem. Are you just afraid that the group you are in is too small, so that you will be left out with a tool that offers somekind of filter? Well I can take that fear from you, there will always be elitist´s, young ones, professionels or casuals so dont worry.

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Agree totally, it is far to difficult to find people, especially since we dont have a global channel or anything. You can only reach out to people on the fleet and its maybe 150 - 250 people there at any given time on a heavy server. I mean that is not alot of people to get a group together considering 25 % are doing pvp and 25 % are not able to do lvl 50 flashpoint. That means there is about 50 - 100 people that can do it, but then you have the people that only want to do a specific flashpoint, the lack of tanks etc and it just becomes a nightmare to get a group going.


And the argument that you need to make friends/use guild to do flashpoints is just silly. You should be able to do pugs and reach out to anyone who is interested in doing flashpoints. People who are leveling alts because they cant find groups etc. How does a global channel ruin community, it will just get more people together and playing.



We need a global channel for looking for group. ASAP please!

Edited by Icecrypt
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