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finally got a flashpoint going!


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As with any themepark, in order to find a group, several factors need to miraculously meet up.


-the right time

-the right classes

-the right levels

-who want to do the same thing

-who arent jerks

-who know how to play


You can minimize this being in a guild, but game design with the trinity and levels and classes, make it difficult.

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oh, that is easy. After crossserver LFG you will get


ninja looting

leaving group if your item didn't drop from the first boss

just plain old ******s and idiots

rageing kids thinking they are the best players in the world

rushing thru an fp without ever saying a word


indeed, community building at it's best ?


Lol tbh i dont care, i didnt have problems like that in rift or wow why should it be different here ? Its better than doing no flashpoints at all.

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Is the purpose of the OP to complain that it's too hard to find groups, or that Directive 7 was too hard? Because those are somewhat unrelated complaints.


By the way, did you figure out why they were taking so much damage? It was probably the Reflection shield one of the droids gets.


As to an LFG tool, I've got mixed feelings about it, so I'll stay neutral on that for now.

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It's not players, BioWare cited the same reasons and they are correct - it erodes any hope of community building.


When you take the time to put a good group together, you tend to remember those people... slowly, you're running with them often, and before you know it, maybe you even form or join a guild together. And pretty soon, you never have a grouping problem again.


That's how it's supposed to work.


Now, BioWare's world design seems to have mitigated the change of running into people in the open world very often and making friends that way, which was very common in WoW. So it may be tougher here, but a LFD tool is not the way to go.


Bioware need to hire new Psychologist , new code monkeys , new backbone support..

EA need to stop outsourcing and start dealing with the problem .

Cause currently aside from a good concept , everything is outdated !

That is the world , you are trying compete pacify support , with 1920 tools in year 2012


While concept is very very brilliant and nice , the execution and support is mediocre , while mediocre will do , if the budget is short , but with such huge budget mediocre becomes terrible .

Your world is either very pink and thus no problems .. but sadly the product is set for more then your pink world .

So fix that issue or return to single player games EA/Bioware .

Go back to drawing board and hire pyschologist who feed the modern people medication they don´t need .

Then you will know what the current world and market is .

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Gosh, you are wonderful... Can't spell worth a hoot, but you sure are a shining example of why we don't need anything to help group people together. Sounds like all the OP needs is for you to be his friend.



Aw, you've hurt my feelings by pointing out english isn't my main language, too bad you are still in the fleet crying cause you cant find a group.

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I'm quite ready for these side effects. From my experience with WoW's LFG, it's roughly around 20% of all runs. And I have a level 85 toon, that's been leveled exclusively through LFG.



Yeah I was going to say the same thing, about 20% of the run in WoW after the LFG were as he described. Funny thing is the frequency of that stuff didn't increase at all with the LFG. I went from 10 dungeon runs per week with about 2 having those he described before the LFG, to having about 30-40 per weak about 6-8 being as he described. So it would seem that it happens more often, about 1 timer per day, but the actual frequency is same.

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oh, that is easy. After crossserver LFG you will get


ninja looting

leaving group if your item didn't drop from the first boss

just plain old ******s and idiots

rageing kids thinking they are the best players in the world

rushing thru an fp without ever saying a word


indeed, community building at it's best ?


I've had all of these NOW with using the channels to look for groups.


Hilarious that you think these are somehow LFG tool only.

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I have not run D7 yet as a healer, but I have two comments to make that are both totally unhelpful to the point OP is trying to make. Note, I am assuming that as the one who was spamming and who is now complaining, you were the group leader.


1. I almost never spam for groups to run Heroics or FPs with. Why? Because I get people on my Friends list whispering me to ask if I want to come and run instances with them. As the healer and the one who usually has the best clue about the instance we are running, I end up as the leader and I set target markers, instructions, looting rules, etc. The other guys love it, and even though we are not using voice comms I make sure everyone knows what to do so we are fairly well organised, and we rarely wipe.


2. It sounds like your group did not know about the reflection shield mechanic of the boss in D7. In that case, yes... you are going to wipe, because 50% of the time you are basically shooting yourself in the foot. If you just get into the fight and your people mindlessly bash out your rotations without engaging their brains, you will wipe. As the group leader, it is part of your job to be prepared for the instance, to know what is coming. It sounds to me like the biggest issue with this group is that the group leader did not have a clue about how to run the D7 instance.

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After spamming for 2 hours in fleet finally got a group going for directive 7(non heroic)

(Community building is fun aint it?)


I was healing, guildie was dps, we pugged tank and dps


Iv been bashing my head against laptop, and posting on these forums for lack of a good LFD system. All the fanboys defend as to why it would be bad, Heres where it would come in handy.


We were on robot boss, where 3 assasin droids come to kill you, wiped on the boss 2 times, because the melee dps were taking farr too much dmg, even with careful energy management and use of my cd, i went OOM in like 30 secs, with group wiping both times, tank bailed on us............We didnt finish run btw.


(A few subtle things, peak hours, population in fleet was down, to 180, previously it was 250 everyday at the same time, we're on empire on a heavy server btw)


This was the only time iv done a flashpoint since normal black talon @ lvl 10


Only time iv managed to have the paitence to wait and spam for more than an hour to find a group as a healer.


This is why we NEED an efficient, effective LFD system, i hear its in the works on PTR, saw screen shot, would like to hear more about it.





I feel your pain

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Aw, you've hurt my feelings by pointing out english isn't my main language, too bad you are still in the fleet crying cause you cant find a group.




I find groups as needed, but that doesn't negate the fact that someone has a hard time and would like to enjoy the content. A tool to help that, would seem like a good idea, don't you think?


Newsflash, not everyone is the same, not everyone has the same education and understanding of given languages either, agreed?


So, if I was to tell you that in order to learn how to speak and write English you don't need to go to an English class or get a book on learning English, or listen to English speaking people all day long... no, you just need to be born in to an English speaking home with English speaking and writing parents and go to English speaking schools and work for English speaking and writing companies... Wouldn't that be helpful? Probably not!


But that's how I learned it... so that's how you should learn it!! right?


Your experience is not universal, and should not be held up as the ONLY way to do things! Glad it works for you, it doesn't work for the OP and many other people, so let's think of ways where others could enjoy the same game you do, shall we?

Edited by Meldwyn
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Before LFG everything but major cities depopulated in wow.
Fixed that for you. You had the sequence of events backwards.


People were congregating in dalaran before the lfd tool was added. You went there to get the daily heroic (or daily regular), stayed there shouting for a group, someone flew there and summoned everyone, you ran the dungeon and then headed back to dalaran because there wasn't anything else for you to do but sit around in the city and look for dungeons/raids if you weren't actively raiding


the LFD tool actually did quite a bit to fix the situation. After it was added, there was a significant increase in the amount of people out in the world, especially at the various daily quest hubs; the tournament grounds, for example, got busy again, when it had been dead for a quite a while.

Edited by ferroz
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So how exactly would a LFD tool stop you from wiping?
it wouldn't, but he'd be able to get into that group without waiting 2 hours, and then if it fell apart he could just re-queue and get a new tank in a matter of minutes.
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So how exactly would a LFD tool stop you from wiping?


It would not have. But if you just spent 2 hours looking for a group, and you finally got it, wiped and the people drop group, would you really want to spend another 2 hours looking for a group?


At least with an LFD, you can go out and do some missions while you wait for the group to be formed, instead of staying in fleet all day spamming general. Even if it still took 2 hours to get a group with an lfd, and still wiped, at least you got to some missions, leveling up while you waited, instead of standing in fleet doing nothing spamming the general.

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Only time I LFG was at level 10-11 for Black Talon.

Ran all the other flashpoints with people in my guild. Never had trouble finding a group, when asking in guild chat.

Then again, the guild I'm in has approx 250 people in it and runs two to three 16 person operations, with people waiting to sub in.


Good for you, have a cupcake. If only we could all be like you there would be no problems. Unlike those of us with jobs and homes to run and not enough time to wit around for hours trying to get a group, without having to have our asses wiped for us too.

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A LFD tool can only work if people are able to choose their group by their own will. If a computer does the work, you will end up in groups that


- dont work

- consist of rude people

- consist of people that dont have the same goals

- bots & afk players


If BW can design a tool which lets you choose the players, like by ticking some boxes so that you can select the kind of player that you want to meet - then be my guest.


But to copy the fail of wow, is going to ruin the game in the long term.


Wow is about to die as well, the subs are dropping - without the asian market they would not be able to cover these losses behind a 10 mio sub fake.

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Newsflash, not everyone is the same, not everyone has the same education and understanding of given languages either, agreed?


So, if I was to tell you that in order to learn how to speak and write English you don't need to go to an English class or get a book on learning English, or listen to English speaking people all day long... no, you just need to be born in to an English speaking home with English speaking and writing parents and go to English speaking schools and work for English speaking and writing companies... Wouldn't that be helpful? Probably not!


But that's how I learned it... so that's how you should learn it!! right?


Your experience is not universal, and should not be held up as the ONLY way to do things! Glad it works for you, it doesn't work for the OP and many other people, so let's think of ways were others could enjoy the same game you do, shall we?


If we are gonna use analogies, how about, you rather eat a greasy burger in silence with some strangers every day instead of having a good cooked meal with plenty of conversation with friends.


The idea is the same. You get food, altho one will certainly be more enjoyable then the other.


Experiances may vary, i wont deny that, but you cannot build a server community with crossserver stuff. And adding cross server stuff this early in the game will destroy a lot of servercommunities that are slowly building as we speak.


PS. The op doesn't even have to take the initiative, eventually even YOU will be asked for a group if all you do is just sitting in the fleet. (unless you are a whiny ***** in general most of the time.)

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