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Shuttle? Orbital Station? Airlock? Class Airlock? WHY?!


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try playing the IA story quest and youll be like ***; especially if you re playing id like me for the 2nd time....


alright get to drooomund kaas (no direct taxi connection between 2 taxi routes) which means you need about 8-10 minutes to get there, talk to you quest npc in the Headquarter IA....

he sends you to another planet... so move back to the orbital station, which takes you another 5-10 minutes....

then you get into your ship and go to the destination, do you quest and what do you have to do next, RIGHT get back to your HQ in droomund kaas... for a 2 second talk with the quest npc...

then it sends you right back to another space station.... guess whats your next step?

RIGHT get back to droomund kaas...



that is content streching at its finest

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While there may be some reason to take issue with the number of steps it takes to go from one planet to another, or from the fleet to a planet, the example that was given of travelling TO the republic fleet is really not a good one.


Everyone has an Emergency Fleet Pass that will take them to the fleet instantly once per day. As well, every planet (as far as I have seen) has at least one Flashpoint Shuttle that is next to both a Quick Travel Point and a Taxi Station that will take you directly to the fleet.


The fleet is the easiest place to get to in the game.


Judging by your post, you clearly don't play the game much since you aren't level 50 yet. If you played a lot, you would realize that fleet pass you're only able to use once every 18 hours is basically worthless.

So you probably only play the game a few hours a day, hence making your opinion rather insensitive to people who play more often than you. It IS an issue, regardless if you think it isn't because of the lack of time you play and your need to travel arises less than once every 18 hours.

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try playing the IA story quest and youll be like ***; especially if you re playing id like me for the 2nd time....


alright get to drooomund kaas (no direct taxi connection between 2 taxi routes) which means you need about 8-10 minutes to get there, talk to you quest npc in the Headquarter IA....

he sends you to another planet... so move back to the orbital station, which takes you another 5-10 minutes....

then you get into your ship and go to the destination, do you quest and what do you have to do next, RIGHT get back to your HQ in droomund kaas... for a 2 second talk with the quest npc...

then it sends you right back to another space station.... guess whats your next step?

RIGHT get back to droomund kaas...



that is content streching at its finest





That's another example of bad game design, there's no real reason why they 2 speeder networks can't be linked, but they aren't.


At least in that case the 2nd speeder flight is very short (shorter than most loading screens for most people) and you don't have to do it all the time.


But still, it is daft.

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Cause BW sux and has no idea about MMO gaming.


For all the complaints about and problems I have with ToR, I'm going to have to say that I don't agree that BioWare "sux."


Yes, I think ToR is a horrible, badly-designed, unpolished mess. I think it's truly a shame that it doesn't contain a tenth of the potential it has. And yes, I blame BioWare for that.


But I think it's more a case that they bit off more than they could chew. They make fantastic games. Heck, I still play Neverwinter Nights.


But they decided to make their first MMO. That's not easy to begin with. Then they chose the biggest Space Fantasy IP out there to be that first MMO. That's a really bad idea.


They should've come up with their own thing. Obviously, Neverwinter is out of the question because it's being developed by another studio (who, surprisingly, made "Star Trek Online" and failed miserably at any modicum of success (which is why Perfect World Entertainment (shudder) now owns STO, and why STO is F2P and Pay-to-Win, now).


They don't "sux." They just chose too big, too much, too soon.


ToR may "sux," but BioWare doesn't (except for the customer service, which does, indeed, suck harder than an EF5 tornado).

Edited by Stelakh
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I don't see how "immersion" is helped by identical orbital stations--it powerfully reminds me of the corners the dev team had to cut to make such a massive game work, which is the opposite of immersion!


Forcing the player to bask the beautiful work your design team did is misguided--this isn't even that, so it's borderline indefensible.


I definitely feel like a chump running through the process for brief class quests (like one conversation back on Dromund Kaas or something.)


A "quick-travel to ship" option would probably be simple/make everyone happy.

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Is this a new and interesting topic, or just the one that's most popular to whine about this week? I forget.


Nah, the one that's most popular to whine about this week is the one where people go in and complain about people who complain.


It's over in the Hypocrites forum.

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Nah, the one that's most popular to whine about this week is the one where people go in and complain about people who complain.


It's over in the Hypocrites forum.

People who complain about anti-whiners really bug me.
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Things I like about the travel system.


You have a ship eventually and it 'docks' at your various planets. So I'm not clicking a button to 'teleport' to the next location. To me this is sorta nice.


You have mounts, and a rather robust "taxi" system.


Thins I despise about the travel system and how to fix them.


I have to "load" 5 times to get from one planet to another assuming they have a hanger and not an orbital station. Once to get into my hanger, once to get into my ship, once to get 'to' the new planet, once to get out of my ship, and once to leave my hanger at the new location. If there's an orbital station it makes it even worse, I believe it adds 1 or 2 loads.


Solution: I understand seeing your ship for the first time is supposed to be super awesome special cool and you don't want the ships just 'sitting out' for people to see so they don't have that moment spoiled. Here's the fix: After the second planet (the one you get your ship from) remove the 'hangers' as independant zones. Make it so at the space there are four rooms that are a part of the actual hanger/space station zone so you can run directly to your ship from the planet/space station. That removes the elevator load on both ends which will help a lot. I'd prefer it if you just put one of these 'hangers' that are part of the actual planet/space station zones on every planet.


I hate loading screens in general are so 2000. You can do better than this. Many modern MMOs have minimal loading times because they use active loading where they break up the world into 'zones' but you never experience an abrupt "break" in experience by having to stare at a loading screen. Look into this tech and strongly consider trying to add it to your game in a major update. I'll re-download the entire client to get rid of the majority of the loading screens if you update it.


No flying mounts. I get it, it's easier to design a world with walls than it is to design one without. WoW figured this out a little late but they have finally fixed it so this isn't a big deal. As for all the arguments about "Flying mounts ruin world pvp!" There isn't any world PVP. I've leveled a few characters up and outside of Ilum it doesn't exist I'v ehad maybe 4 fights outside of ilum/wzs. The game needs flying mounts. Having to 10 minutes around a wall in a game set in a universe full of spaceships and lazers is rediculous. I should be able to hope on a specialized speeder and fly. Hell, give it a fuel tank. I'll pay to fill it up with freakin gas just get rid of the tedious running.


Despite everything, the world feels small. Making travel easier doens't make the world feel smaller, getting rid of all the "breaks" in game play does. If I can, of my own accord travel from one planet to the other without a loading screen or with minimal loading screens it will make the galaxy feel much larger. Being able to 'free fly' your spaceship between planets would be HUGE and not terribly outside the bounds of the games existing engine.

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Goal: Get to Republic Fleet.


1. Find Shuttle

2. Chose Orbital Station

3. Wait for the loading screen to complete

4. Run through Orbital Station (1~ minute of running)

5. Click Elevator, Chose Airlock

6. Wait for scenery change (10 seconds)

7. Run to Class Airlock Room (1~ minute of running)

8. Enter Space Ship

9. Wait for loading (20~ seconds)

10. Run up to the Galaxy Map inside your ship. (5-10 seconds)

11. Click Fleet

12. Wait for scenery change

13. Run down to ship exit, click door.

14. Wait for loading screen (1-2 minutes depending on performance)

15. Arrive at Fleet

16. Do your business.


16 Steps? Really necessary? This whole process takes like 10-15 minutes or even more, depending whether or not you're close to a shuttle, assuming you even know where the closest one is.

Get your **** together. We don't like _pointless_ traveling like this. This is NOT our idea of fun.



your doing it wrong.


take about 5 min to cross the galaxy.


Fleet pass, 30 seconds.

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your doing it wrong.


take about 5 min to cross the galaxy.


Fleet pass, 30 seconds.


yes but it has an 18 hour cooldown



this especially sucks when you don't yet have a speeder or have the slow one and are on the other side of a massive planet



fleetpass should have 5 minute cooldown as should quick travel. Making us schlep is no good.

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yes but it has an 18 hour cooldown. this especially sucks when you don't yet have a speeder or have the slow one and are on the other side of a massive planet

If it is on cooldown, take Quick Travel or a Taxi to the Flashpoint shuttle and use that.


fleetpass should have 5 minute cooldown as should quick travel. Making us schlep is no good.
One change I would like to see is have the Quick Travel cooldown reset when you change planets. So if you use Quick Travel to get to the spaceport, you can use it again immediately once you are at the fleet (to get to the other ships) or on your new planet.
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your doing it wrong.


take about 5 min to cross the galaxy.


Fleet pass, 30 seconds.


Gah, I'm tired with you people.


First off. There's no way to get from one planet to another in less than 5 minutes UNLESS you are standing next to a Shuttle Transport.


Even if you take the Fleet Pass:

1. Run through the huge *** hangar (without mount, mind you)

2. Take the elevator

3. Scenery change & black screen (5-10 seconds)

4. Run across the Fleet to get to your ships hangar.

5. Take the elevator

6. Scenery change & black screen (5-10 seconds)

7. Run across to your ship & click it

8. Scenery change

9. Run to Galaxy Map, chose destination, click

10. Scenery change & black screen (5-10 seconds)

11. Click Door to Exit

12. GARGANTUAN loading screen (time) for about 1-4 minutes depending on performance.


Yeah, please upload a video in which you perform the above in less than 30 seconds, Mr. ********

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First off. There's no way to get from one planet to another in less than 5 minutes UNLESS you are standing next to a Shuttle Transport.
I agree that it takes too long to go between planets.


However, the OP was complaining that it takes to long to get to the Republic Fleet.

Goal: Get to Republic Fleet.

The Republic Fleet is easy to get to (unless you are Imperial). It is everywhere else that is not. EDIT: unless someone has a better reason than "I don't know where it is" as to why the Flashpoint Shuttles don't serve their purpose perfectly.

Edited by sjmc
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No matter which planet and types of airlocks etc, the time spent from leaving your ship to the first quest hub is the same. And its not 15 minutes. I recommend you get a watch before you make claims like that.


The only options were to be instant zone in at the quest hub, which is silly, or longer hallways rather than airlocks/shuttle/elevator.


Tldr...a lot of steps but not a lot of time

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Hell I'll break it down even more minutely.

I used to grumble to myself on my sniper in the orbital stations, why is my hangar the furthest one out? The Bounty Hunters is closer. those few steps stack up.

Everytime I was in the orbital station I thought of Jet Li in the expendables

I need more pay because I work harder. My legs are shorter so I need to take more steps.

I felt that way everytime I would pass another classes hangar or Story Phase.


Also I learned about the poor mans Fleet Pass. Join a pvp match, idle in the beginning, get hit with deserter and get kicked to the fleet.

Edited by Thelgow
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I agree that it takes too long to go between planets.


However, the OP was complaining that it takes to long to get to the Republic Fleet.


The Republic Fleet is easy to get to (unless you are Imperial). It is everywhere else that is not. EDIT: unless someone has a better reason than "I don't know where it is" as to why the Flashpoint Shuttles don't serve their purpose perfectly.


Okay. I am the OP, and I know what I wrote.


I was referring to this guy:


your doing it wrong.


take about 5 min to cross the galaxy.


Fleet pass, 30 seconds.


Who claimed it took less than 30 seconds.

Assuming across the galaxy means travelling from Planet A to Planet Z - across.

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Okay. I am the OP, and I know what I wrote.


I was referring to this guy:




Who claimed it took less than 30 seconds.

Assuming across the galaxy means travelling from Planet A to Planet Z - across.



"across the galaxy" I think it's pretty self explanatory. Sorry if I confused you.

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Well I for one have a vision of why they have added so many steps.


I think about the future of the game.


It might be possible that they will allow us to customize our sub stations/hangers in the future and possibly give us more ships to choose.


Imagine if you can fly to the sub-station and find that you have paid to have a trainer or crafting station or vendor.


Now some would argue this would take away from the community, but it sure would be convenient.

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