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OBIWAN KANOBI is the strongest out of everbody, he defeated ANIKIN. right?


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Anakin was not at full power or versed in dark side technique yet. A fully trained anakin, obi-wan would have been a stain. Obi-wan wouldn't have been able to defeat the emperor, which leads me to this.... Lucas has said that Luke would have eventually been powerful enough to beat the emperor. And that Luke was what Anakin would have been, if not for his turn to dark side and injuries.



Edited by WarheartZero
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Maul beat him when he was a padawan..


well that's why I said TPM Obiwan, but:


Maul was younger than Obiwan, Obiwan survived which allowed him to train more. So if you allow Maul to survive I would think that he would improve exponentially because he had been training longer. And if he beat Obiwan as an Apprentice while fighting his MASTER then I would assume that if Maul succeeded Palpatine (just say palpatine got the flu or something i'm not trying to start another debate) He would progress just the same or better than Obiwan. Which means Maul would be better or equal to Obiwan, you cannot infer that he would be worse. Obiwan never fought more than one Force user at a time in the Movies, but Maul did in the movies and in Shadow Hunter. Also he fought in a small apartment with a bounty hunter who blew the whole room up, and Darth Maul evaded the explosion by cutting through the wall and then the floor in less that an millisecond's time.

Edited by Gantoris_Aym
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