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OBIWAN KANOBI is the strongest out of everbody, he defeated ANIKIN. right?


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how could you guys think such a thing darth vador is supposed to be the strongest .... remember luke?? but obiwan beat him, yoda and obiwan wouldnt even fight... episode 34


By your own criteria, Episode VI: Luke also beat Vader. Both left him alive. Thus, at best, you have to consider Luke as Obi Wan's equal.

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It is stated by Lucas himself that Windu was doomed the minute Sidious used his force lighting.


You can feel like Windu only lost due to Anakin, but it's not the truth. Canon states Sidious was feigning his weakness to make Windu look evil.


Windu was a pawn the entire time. However, Windu did outright defeat Sidious during the Lightsaber fight, again he was the greatest duelist of his era. But in terms of power within the force and force techniques, he was no where near the level of Yoda or Sidious.


I do not understand how people miss this. According to George Lucas (AKA God of the Star Wars Universe) Yoda is the strongest Lightside user EVER and Sidious is the strongest Darkside user EVER.


This is fact.


Where in the actual scene do you get the impression Windu lost right when Sidius used his lightning?

Don't try to appeal to Lucas as if his word is ultimate truth. In literary theory, you need evidence within the text to back up your claims.

So please, provide some actual evidence from the text (in this case the text is the movie) where Windu would have lost anyway even if Anakin wasn't there.


By bringing up Lucas, you are merely stating his own opinion. But others may disagree with his opinion if his is not rooted in the text. So cool, Lucas thinks Windu would have died anyway. So what? We disagree.

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Where in the actual scene do you get the impression Windu lost right when Sidius used his lightning?

Don't try to appeal to Lucas as if his word is ultimate truth. In literary theory, you need evidence within the text to back up your claims.

So please, provide some actual evidence from the text (in this case the text is the movie) where Windu would have lost anyway even if Anakin wasn't there.


By bringing up Lucas, you are merely stating his own opinion. But others may disagree with his opinion if his is not rooted in the text. So cool, Lucas thinks Windu would have died anyway. So what? We disagree.


It's true. The novel depicts Windu of losing his grip on his saber. Just as he was about to lose his grip. Sidious feigned weakness. If Anakin didn't step in. He'd have lost the saber and died. Sidious isn't as skilled as Windu in a saber battle but he is more powerful than him.

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Anakin's weakness vs Obi-Wan was overconfidence. He just got done slaughtering a bunch of kids and politicians and thought he was all-powerful. He thought he could do more than he could and got chopped up into little Vader-bits because of it.
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Where in the actual scene do you get the impression Windu lost right when Sidius used his lightning?

Don't try to appeal to Lucas as if his word is ultimate truth. In literary theory, you need evidence within the text to back up your claims.

So please, provide some actual evidence from the text (in this case the text is the movie) where Windu would have lost anyway even if Anakin wasn't there.


By bringing up Lucas, you are merely stating his own opinion. But others may disagree with his opinion if his is not rooted in the text. So cool, Lucas thinks Windu would have died anyway. So what? We disagree.


Only what Lucas thinks matters. If GL says Windu was losing his grip then he was losing his grip regardless of what any text says anywhere or even how it may have looked in the movie. Sorry but that's how it works in Star Wars.

Edited by Bronze_Elemental
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Don't forget that Mace Windu literally wiped the floor with Palpatine until Anakin showed up in RoTS. Something that Yoda couldn't do when he fought the Emperor 1v1. Yoda basically crawled away like a little gerbil through a electrical shaft.


However, I'm not all familiar with the novels. :confused:

Edited by brangel
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Well no not at all... Obiwan couldn't match anikians swordplay in fact he won do to a really bad mistake on anikians part, anikian thought in his arragance he could move quick enough to counter he misjudged! that said...


Sidious was FAR more powerful then even vader could have hoped to be, your confusing power/skill with a sneak attack toss down a 10 mile shaft into a reactor core =P that doesn't make him more powerful then sidious WHICH killed him in the same stroke.


Additionally! Vader eventually kills obiwan in episode 4 some could claim he died on purpose but i believe was more that he knew was no way he could defeat vader straight up(remember vader killed COUNTLESS jedi after revenge of the sith on his own).


So that ranks Vader above obiwan, on top of this you have yoda who was clearly bested by sidious straight up, and he was WAY stronger then obiwan, and if you consider that windu basically got cheap shotted by anikian.... which btw he knew something bad was going to happen he miss read the shatter points he assumed sidious was the threat but was really anikian. Mace was also way way way more powerful then obiwan even at his prime do to being able to see shatter points(i dont think obiwan ever gained this ability i know luke did at some point).


So basically no obiwan was fairly medicore in terms of jedi masters ability, even at his prime he proved to be far less powerful then vader.


in a recap...






every jedi master on council

Obiwan kenobi


Kenobi i never felt was partiularly gifted in any one area, he just happend to be in right place at right time. Also remember that anikian was not at height of his power in revenge of the sith so kenobi faced a jedi who was both rushed to title of knight against the councils wishes, and probably not as skilled as most believe him to be. Was only AFTER sidious trained him in the darkside that anikian reached a pinnacle of power and became the ****** known as vader.


thats how i see it anyway.


Don't forget that Mace Windu literally wiped the floor with Palpatine until Anakin showed up in RoTS. Something that Yoda couldn't do when he fought the Emperor 1v1. Yoda basically crawled away like a little gerbil through a electrical shaft.


However, I'm not all familiar with the novels. :confused:


and pretty sure sidious allowed that to happen on purpose... whole point of that situation was to draw anikian into action and complete his fall to the darkside.


Edit: also yoda's aragance defeated him...go watch that fight again...real close had he walked into that room with intent of killing sidious, none of that would have played out, he allowed his high and mighty attitude to get better of him, and his snotty remarks make it clear that he completely underestimated sidious and is WHY he lost! i believe firmly had yoda walked into that office guns blazing sidious would have been hard pressed to compete with him. Also the fact that yoda basically lost his will to fight after that as well... sidious didnt just BEAT yoda! he crushed his will... and destroyed him entirely!

Edited by Lokai
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To start of im not a troll. Everybody seems to think that when you try to get the community to work together and share common interest and common faults between each other. None the less i was up all night researching all of the lore that they didn't include in the movies series. Obiwan under stood the force when the first imperial strike was lunched against the jedi in episode 9( as everybody should already know) but little did I know and also others is that the jedi code was destine for Anikin and Luke. Edited by iloveicarly
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To start of im not a troll. Everybody seems to think that when you try to get the community to work together and share common interest and common faults between each other. None the less i was up all night researching all of the lore that they didn't include in the movies series. Obiwan under stood the force when the first imperial strike was lunched against the sith in episode 9( as everybody should already know) but little did I know and also others is that the jedi code was destine for Anikin and Luke.



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Omg im talking about the lore they didn't include in the movies because there was no way to film all the lore ( it would be a 9 hour movie). As both arguments remain both debatable ill quickly state that alternate lore is from the whole trilogy including the books!!!!!!!!
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