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OBIWAN KANOBI is the strongest out of everbody, he defeated ANIKIN. right?


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Obi-Wan gets credit for using the terrain to his advantage at the end. But ultimately he didn't defeat Anakin because of superior skill, but luck. If Anakin had attacked head on instead of trying to force leap over Obi-wan, he would have won. Watch the fight. Obi-Wan is fighting a defensive battle against Anakin and losing.


Yoda would have no trouble beating Obi-Wan. Yoda went head to head with Sidious who was a master of every lightsaber form and extremely powerful with the force. Its true Yoda was out matched by Sidious, but this is the most powerful sith lord ever, so the fact that he managed to stay in the fight so long says something.


Lets also not forget about Mace Windu who also had defeated Sidious and would have delivered the killing blow if not for Anakin. This was after Sidious dispatched Windu's escort without any effort.


Then there is Luke who becomes the most powerful Jedi Master of all time after the events of RotJ which includes him being a master swordsman.


Obi-wan was a very talented swordsman, but thats about it. Very good, not great.

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I am assuming you are talking about the animated series.


Which is not G-Canon. G-Canon is only episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.


The series falls into C-Canon. Which according to Lucas and Lee (who keeps all canon in check) falls behind G-Canon.


The way cannon works:


If something from C-Canon contradicts something from G-Canon, it is wrong and the rule will go by what is stated in G-Canon.


Dooku is stronger and bests Obiwan x2 in G-Canon. This is the TOP LORE.




Master Kenobi was the greatest practitioner of Soresu ever and he was arguably the best general of the Clone Wars, but he does not have nearly the same lightsaber skill as Windu or the command of the force of Yoda, as far as I can tell, Vader was dominating the duel on Mustafar for the most part, Kenobi had chances to kill Vader, vice versa, but Vader was simply overall more powerful, Kenobi was one of the top ten greatest duellists ever, but he is nothing like the greatest in the lore, the likes of Sidious, Luke and Caedus, etc... would laugh at him.

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Lets also not forget about Mace Windu who also had defeated Sidious and would have delivered the killing blow if not for Anakin. This was after Sidious dispatched Windu's escort without any effort.


Actually, Lucas has stated himself in the RotS commentary, that Windu defeated Sidious in the duel, but as soon as it became a battle of Sidious' lightning vs Windu's lightsaber prowess, Windu didn't stand a chance, the ONLY way Sidious could have been defeated in that battle, is if Anakin chose the Jedi instead of Padme and helped Windu instead of leaving him to the mercy of Sidious, even then, it would have been very hard to defeat him, even two on one.

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Actually, Lucas has stated himself in the RotS commentary, that Windu defeated Sidious in the duel, but as soon as it became a battle of Sidious' lightning vs Windu's lightsaber prowess, Windu didn't stand a chance, the ONLY way Sidious could have been defeated in that battle, is if Anakin chose the Jedi instead of Padme and helped Windu instead of leaving him to the mercy of Sidious, even then, it would have been very hard to defeat him, even two on one.


Thats interesting. I didn't wasn't aware of that comment from GL, but I can definitely see that.

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Am i the only padawan here that thinks there is nobody that can defeat obiwan.


What characters do you think would have a chance against my lore king(Obiwan)??????






ps .. no snobby rich kid remarks please and lets try not to start too big of a lore battle , happened before.


As much as Obi Wan Kenobi is my favorite character. No, he is not the strongest.

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ok guys you all make very good points none the less, but what you younglings did forget that episode 1,2,3,4,5,6 all left out very important material. If you guys read all the star wars books and alternate lore you would know what im talking about.



ps yes im using lore from episode1,2,3,4,5,6 and the star wars cartoon series aswell.

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ok guys you all make very good points none the less, but what you younglings did forget that episode 1,2,3,4,5,6 all left out very important material. If you guys read all the star wars books and alternate lore you would know what im talking about.



ps yes im using lore from episode1,2,3,4,5,6 and the star wars cartoon series aswell.


I see whats going on here. Since reason has no place, I think I can dig up something that will work for you.


Apparently YOU haven't seen episode 69 where Luke is talking with Yoda and Obi-Wan's force ghost. In that episode Yoda says, "Luke, you and your dad were way better swordsman than Obi-Wan, hell even I was better and I'm 2 feet tall and was 900 when I died."


Obi-wan responds with, "Yeah, Yoda, you're totally right. I was pretty average wasn't I and was getting uber pwnd by Luke's dad. Lets go get a snack."

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ok guys you all make very good points none the less, but what you younglings did forget that episode 1,2,3,4,5,6 all left out very important material. If you guys read all the star wars books and alternate lore you would know what im talking about.



ps yes im using lore from episode1,2,3,4,5,6 and the star wars cartoon series aswell.


You sir are a Troll.


Simply put.


You asked using LORE to prove anyone is better then Obiwan. By the laws of Lore, G-Canon is the current answer.


You can use any book you want, any animated episode you want. If it contradicts the Movies, it is wrong. The movies clearly show Anakin is far superior to Obiwan.


In the words of Obiwan himself, "It's over Anakin, I have the High Ground."


Good luck under your bridge.

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if he was invincible wouldnt it be a bit boring? hes more cunning than anyone else in my eyes but thats it. wouldnt be my favorite jedi if he was invincible. thats one of the reasons i hate post-rotj. luke becomes superman... he was much more likeable as a part-crybaby with daddy issues, part-heroic bådass. like in IV-V-VI Edited by jannickj
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I love Obi-Wan. He's the most awesome Jedi in the whole canon of Star Wars but he ain't the most powerful. I would say Mace Windu is, even more powerful than Yoda I reckon.


I also believe Obi-Wan could have defeated Darth Vader if he wanted to.


This is incorrect. Yoda is the most powerful lightside user ever. That is from Lucas himself.


However Mace was the best Duelist of his time period, far superior then even Yoda and Sidious.


He however was not as attuned with the force like ether of them (the reason in the end he lost to Sidious).


He is even known to partially use the Darkside of the force in his Dueling.


Mace is Canon wise one of the more powerful Jedi as well, definitly superior to Obiwan, but he still was no where close to Yoda's league.

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ok guys you all make very good points none the less, but what you younglings did forget that episode 1,2,3,4,5,6 all left out very important material. If you guys read all the star wars books and alternate lore you would know what im talking about.



ps yes im using lore from episode1,2,3,4,5,6 and the star wars cartoon series aswell.


I can't even take anything this guy or girl says with a name like iloveicarly. You have to be trolling because if you are not then you are just flat out dumb.

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Mace Windu is the strongest


Yoda is the wisest


Windu only died cause he was betrayed by susprise


It is stated by Lucas himself that Windu was doomed the minute Sidious used his force lighting.


You can feel like Windu only lost due to Anakin, but it's not the truth. Canon states Sidious was feigning his weakness to make Windu look evil.


Windu was a pawn the entire time. However, Windu did outright defeat Sidious during the Lightsaber fight, again he was the greatest duelist of his era. But in terms of power within the force and force techniques, he was no where near the level of Yoda or Sidious.


I do not understand how people miss this. According to George Lucas (AKA God of the Star Wars Universe) Yoda is the strongest Lightside user EVER and Sidious is the strongest Darkside user EVER.


This is fact.

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Am i the only padawan here that thinks there is nobody that can defeat obiwan.


What characters do you think would have a chance against my lore king(Obiwan)??????






ps .. no snobby rich kid remarks please and lets try not to start too big of a lore battle , happened before.

Anakin Skywalker (remember he IS the "Chosen One" and that his "midi" count was the highest (by a good margin) one ever recorded in the 5000 year history of the Star Wars galaxy)

Edited by Ghostfaced
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Am i the only padawan here that thinks there is nobody that can defeat obiwan.


What characters do you think would have a chance against my lore king(Obiwan)??????






ps .. no snobby rich kid remarks please and lets try not to start too big of a lore battle , happened before.


For such a fan boy of Obi-Wan you think you'd be able to at least respect him enough to spell his name correctly! lol. And Anakin for that matter. Poor Lucas.


I will agree on the other hand though that Obi-Wan was made out to be quite the bad *****. Especially in Episode 3 and the Clone Wars series.

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I was reading all of the comments and read my star wars traveled guide and quickly noticed that mace windu cant be the strongest because he was a secret sith back in episode 12 does the purple lightsaber ring a bell?


You are wrong, please stop making stuff up.




In the second paragraph, it talks of the Vaapad lightsaber form that Mace Windu himself invented.


"He was the only practitioner of the form who did not fall to the dark side."


Mace Windu was never a sith.


Do you wanna know why Mace Windu has a purple lightsaber? During the filming of the New Trilogy, the actor who plays Mace Windu, Sam Jackson, asked George Lucas if he could have a purple lightsaber. Lucus said yes, and forever the lore of Mace was to have a purple lightsaber.



"I never asked for anything except a purple lightsaber. George said, 'Well, lightsabers are either red or green.' I said, 'Yeah, but I would like a purple one'," Stuff.co.nz quoted Jackson as telling Esquire magazine.



They then changed the canon of the character to include the purple lightsaber.


"Early Star Wars Comics (usually ones released around the time Star Wars: Episode I) depict Mace Windu with a blue blade rather than his traditional purple blade. This is presumably made canon by adding the story of Windu having made a blue lightsaber and alternating the use of the purple one with that one. There is also the story of him engaging in the tradition of Concordance of Fealty, and he is seen in Star Wars: Episode I (the movie) with Plo Koon's lightsaber."




Now please stop with these false statements. If you do not know the lore, why not ask rather then claim something is true, when it is not?

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Luke.. Luke in his prime would be able to take Obiwan while eating a sammich at the same time.



I would have to agree with this.


In Episode III, Obi Wan defeats Anakin (Vader). In Episode IV, Vader (Anakin) defeats Obi Wan, so it is a draw between them. Then, in Episode VI, Luke defeats Vadar and the Emperor. Since Luke beat Vader and Vader had already beat Obi Wan, then by default, Luke is better than Obi Wan.


With all that being said, on any given day, you can win or lose. You may beat me 9 out of 10 times, but today may just be that one time I kick your butt.

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