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Anyone playing both Sith and Jedi stories?


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I don't find it a challenge at all. It seems like the easiest way to play. Light Jedi or Dark Jedi are both easier than trying a Light Sith. I fully intended one of them to be light side and before I knew it, they were both dark faction. Well, the Sith Warrior is more 'Grey' at the moment. My Sith Sorcerer is borderline insane already. And she is only lvl 22.


Really? I find the LS Sith Warrior to be much more easy then the DS Warrior or even LS Jedi. (I just can't stand being predictable.)

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Purely from a well-written, interesting, well-put together storyline, the Sith classes win hands down. The Jedi Knight has a lot of important events that occur, but it's written in such a way as to make it completely uninteresting and boring. I've seen it said and its true, the Jedi Knight story would work for any generic hero.


It leads me to think one of two things: they either wrote the Knight and Consular storylines specifically to be "easy-reader", or they wrote them early on before they really knew what they were doing.


The Imperial storylines overall just flow better, from a purely quality of writing and dialogue perspective (Chapter 1 flows into Chapter 2 flows into Chapter 3). I won't even mention the quality of the cinematics which are so drastically better with the Imperial classes that it's shocking.


It's sad that they seemed to have written the JK and JC to be the two most boring classes in the game. Hopefully they'll get treated a little better in any future class storylines.

Edited by Korusus
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I'm going to down the road but I was wondering if anyone is atm, how would you compare the jedi to sith storylines; which one do you enjoy more?


Actually, they're both ok. The jedi story is boring until you finish the stolen tech lines, though. I enjoyed the last chapetrs of jedi more than sw. To each their own.

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I finished story of my Jedi Knight (main) and Sith Inquisitor and I prefer JK storyline. It's more epic and have a big impact into the whole Galaxy. Also I liked it from the begining to the end, Inquisitor story was boring in the middle (but I think the begining was better then JK). Now I play Trooper, I just finished 2 act - it's good, but I still prefer JK and SI storylines.
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This is why people cant understand the faction imbalance.


Empire stories are much better than republic, save the smuggler. Jedi is so bland and goody goody the only way to get any enjoyment is to always choose the dark option.


Hah hah hah. I've found the smuggler to be the second worst story so far (and the agent the best). Tastes differ, I guess?


To be fair, I've liked different ones on each side. I find trooper a lot better than bounty hunter. Bounty hunter just seems to be going nowhere. It's like, "Oh, I see..I'm supposed to kill *another* person for money. Whatever. Why not just go off and have drinks instead?" I have zero involvement with my character. While with the trooper, I kind of like being the grunt who is probably going to be horribly screwed over by my own government. (That I'm sadly trying to save.)


Meanwhile, JC is a total snoozefest. I haven't played inquisitor, but if it's *worse* than counselor, I'm not going to make it through. (Although being a darkside counselor is rather amusing, and I like the class mechanics.) I'm actually enjoying knight more than warrior, though. Warrior is so psychopathic that it's just kind of silly, while I actually rather like seeing what my darkside knight can get away with, and there are some great NPCs (Watcher One, Lord Prevan, Kira - okay, I still need to get through later chapters).


So it's all over the place for me. I just like some of the stories (and companions) better than others. It's not really Sith vs. Jedi as much as it is one individual story against another.

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I finished a jedi knight, story was really good, and in one of the companion stories you get a cameo from

kaliyo, who spent an afternoon with doc ;)



Sith Inquisitor story is quite good from what i've played (up to dromund kaas dark temple) and sith warrior is also good (got up to nar shaddaa)


Consular story isn't bad, but it did get a bit boring for me after a while (tatooine, the planet where i've given up on several characters)

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I played a JK to 50, JC to 50, a SI up to Alderaan, and a SW just past Drommund Kaas.


I like the JK the best because it feels the most like KOTOR III to me. I have finished the story line and I have not reached Light V, plus she married Doc for fun.


JC is entertaining, bur not near as exciting as the JK.


SI is not bad, but I am playing him as one who tries never to help the empire if he can help it. On Balmorra he killed less than a dozen Balmorrans and Republic citizens. Given his name it is no surprise.


On my SW I stopped playing her after Drommund Kaas because

there was no way to save the prisoner, Darth Baras is an idiot because you get more flies with honey than vinegar. There were 2 beautiful females that could have seduced (talked nicely to him nothing nasty) the intel out of him or one if the SW is male.



Smuggler has the best and funniest story line with the best jokes and one liners in the game.

A here's your sign joke among many many others.

Both the male and female smugglers can be equally funny and can flirt like no tomorrow.

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I am usually a man of the Jedi order, but I must admit it is more interesting to play on the empire after I tried. You must deal with a lot of insane twisted brutal crap and can chose between a span of being the only decent person in the empire or madman.
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I've found that playing the "nice" Sith gets the funnier reactions out of fellow Imperials or even the Republic npcs, whereas with the Dark Side Jedi the Imperials just shrug it off and basically "oh well, it's like dealing with a Sith but by a different name."


That being said I enjoyed playing JC (it was my first character) granted there were some very snoozefest moments but it was still interesting. Trooper I'm almost finished and playing the grunt who goes places is meh but cool.


SI on the other hand I've felt like she was a bit of an idiot (most of my characters are female) and had to be told everything, whereas the JC kind of just did her thing. Both my SI and SW have thus far been more or less neutral alignment which has pretty much screwed me over for relics but from a story perspective I loved the reactions I was getting. I haven't actually played JK but I've seen enough of the story while grouped with a friend to form a bit of an opinion and I suspect my JK will be sort of neutral too.


But Trooper:



you get to fight a rancor.. if you pick certain options on Belsavis. A RANCOR! My friend and I got overly excited about seeing it appear, it was ridiculous how excited we got over this.


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Purely from a well-written, interesting, well-put together storyline, the Sith classes win hands down. The Jedi Knight has a lot of important events that occur, but it's written in such a way as to make it completely uninteresting and boring. I've seen it said and its true, the Jedi Knight story would work for any generic hero.


It leads me to think one of two things: they either wrote the Knight and Consular storylines specifically to be "easy-reader", or they wrote them early on before they really knew what they were doing.


The Imperial storylines overall just flow better, from a purely quality of writing and dialogue perspective (Chapter 1 flows into Chapter 2 flows into Chapter 3). I won't even mention the quality of the cinematics which are so drastically better with the Imperial classes that it's shocking.


It's sad that they seemed to have written the JK and JC to be the two most boring classes in the game. Hopefully they'll get treated a little better in any future class storylines.


After finishing both the JK and SW I have to agree with this, with the knight the story almost never makes your character involved, I enjoyed Tython and Voss the most Story wise because there you actually get to know the NPCs and makes you want to help them rather than just doing so because its the nice thing to do


And to those saying that is just the way a Jedi story is supposed to be, just look at KOTOR1 and 2, I played a goody two shoes on those games too and the story was way more interesting and giving that the SW and Imperial Agent stories are so amazing It is not a problem with the story suffering due to the MMO setting.

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I have finished all four storylines and they are all pretty good.


LS JC: A little boring. The ending was the best, but I never felt like I ever did anything. The JC seems to just be there and never benefit the republic whatsoever. You play more of a diplomat than a Jedi in my opinion.


LS JK: I found this plot quite interesting. The first chapter was pretty boring and repeated until the end. Beginning at the second chapter, the plot takes a turn to make it an amazing class. As a JK I felt very needed, if not essential to the Republic. I felt as if the clock was ticking and if I didn't complete my goal, all will be lost.


DS SW: Like the JK, the first chapter was a bit dull until the end. The second chapter has a lot to do with the overall plot of swtor, yet I felt it was petty. The start of the third chapter made it worth while and (in my eyes) the best plot of them all. I went through the whole story feeling like I was invincible; along with the final scene of the story, I concluded the SW is an absolute bada**.


DS SI: I just finished this class. The whole plot has a theme: you are a slave. I felt like the underdog, which I was, but very powerful. You go through the story wanting to prove to your superiors you are the top Sith. The first chapter is quite different than the second and third as far as your objectives go. This gave the SI an good plot, but left me feeling that I got what I deserve in the end.

Edited by SirImpact
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I am at 44 with both a DS SW and a LS JK, and as far as the stories go, I lean a bit more towards the SW.


There were more twists and turns, the inevitable betrayals plus lots of intrigue and chances to Force Choke the crap out of people. Cause who doesn't like doing that?


The JK story wasn't bad, it just felt expected in a lot of ways. There were surprises, but mostly just "Oh no, we need you to save the galaxy! Again!" And I was like "Right on (sigh)".


Because of my deep fear of playing "squishy" characters, my JC and SI are not as high level. But the SI story seems far and away more interesting. I am struggling to stay interested with my poor JC, the story just seems to limp along.

Just my .02 worth.

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