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What do you like about SWTOR?


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Please post one thing you like about the game. Feel free to explain why.


Also post a suggestion that could improve the game constructively. Any posts that are here to troll or just complain will be flagged as off topic and I urge all other posters to not reply to them.


I will go first.


Love the fact I can queue for PvP from just about anywhere and still play the game while I wait for it to pop.


I would suggest trying for a similar system for Flashpoints.

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I - Like - The -

Gaggle of pets that follow me

Their dreams and their problems they tell to me

And I can persuade them to sell my crap

And then have them make stuff when they get back

And after a long time of being close

I might even get one to take off her clothes

If not it won't matter because we're friends

They fight by my side till the bitter end

And I could go on but suffice it to saaaaaaaay

It's a safe bet that I love my PETS!

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I - Like - The -

Gaggle of pets that follow me

Their dreams and their problems they tell to me

And I can persuade them to sell my crap

And then have them make stuff when they get back

And after a long time of being close

I might even get one to take off her clothes

If not it won't matter because we're friends

They fight by my side till the bitter end

And I could go on but suffice it to saaaaaaaay

It's a safe bet that I love my PETS!


Is it creepy that I imagined that being chanted by cheerleaders? Lol

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Probably the questing but I have to admit the dialogue choices I usually respond with are terrible and sometimes don't even make sense.


I really can't think of anything else maybe the flashpoints but at higher levels they lost what I liked about the lower level ones like Hammer Station and Athiss and that was finding shortcuts or using broken droids with your crew skills.

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I like the fact that a healer build can actually level solo in game with their companion while in other MMOs, it's not an option.


You typically have to level your healer in other MMOs with a DPS build and respect at end game, but in TOR, you can level them the way you want too without having to learn to heal at end-game.

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I like the fact that it isn't sword and sorcery. Don't get me wrong, I like sword and sorcery games/mmos, but this is different. maybe not MASSIVELY different ( as we still have 'force power which is a bit magic-y) but different ENOUGH.

I like the races (although i wish there were more - like torutuga) and the classes so far.

I like having to THINK a bit instead of just mashing buttons during gameplay (although I may be very familiar with other MMO games and thus find it easier to anticipate).

Ther are plenty of things I DON'T like too, but that doesn't really impact my enjoyment too much right now.

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I like being able to send my monkey to sell my grey items.


I would like to see macros enabled. Also easier auction house functionality. I cheated and added two suggestions.



Overall, i'm loving this game. Finally something new that doesn't suck or look too familiar. Room for improvement but worth $15 in my opinion.

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Love the story line and the combat ...the fact that it's pretty easy to build your character; you don't have to have the perfect build or perfect rotation. I also enjoy the PVP and crafting.


So far Bioware has done an excellent job and I can't wait to see what's next.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I like the story-lines and the memorable characters. I really do feel like it's MY story.


One thing I'd like to see added in or explored in a future content update is the possibility of switching factions through an elaborate quest chain or even a further refined Advanced Class that is obtained through an optional quest chain.


For instance, FFXI had those quest chains where you had to get some pretty tough to find items to get the ability to multi-class, and then you had the quest chains to unlock the advanced classes of Samurai and Paladin. Those were great times and it really gave me a sense of accomplishment that I have found lacking in some of the newer MMOs on the market.


Heck the quest chain to get the Magenta crystal is a perfect example of what they could do.

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Love the story and how it's actually possible to actually play a full Star Wars game as something other than a "Space Samurai" for a change. Love how each class gets it's own unique quest line.


I think the grouping needs to be improved, as I'm being forced to skip a lot of content. I don't think I was able to do a single group mission on either Balmorra or Hoth due to low server population, and I had to skip a few other ones as well. But I feel like I'm piling on with all the trolls on these forums just for bringing it up, because there's already about 9,000 threads dedicated to it in here.

Edited by MCesca
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Ashara, because:


I love her voice

I love her look

I love her crazy jedi/sith mind (Kinda like the Anakin of the 3rd movie, but with a much better look)

I love her dps (she out dps me even if i have a much better gear O_o)

I love her name

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Please post one thing you like about the game. Feel free to explain why.


Also post a suggestion that could improve the game constructively. Any posts that are here to troll or just complain will be flagged as off topic and I urge all other posters to not reply to them.


I will go first.


Love the fact I can queue for PvP from just about anywhere and still play the game while I wait for it to pop.


I would suggest trying for a similar system for Flashpoints.


Do you love that when you try and World pvp someone who is Que'd for a WZ that they can jsut accept the Que int he middle of a fight and disappear before you kill them?


This game is broken.

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Some great stuff overall here people keep it up.


I am going to cheat since other people did and also say I love how my Gunslinger works in PvP. Has just enough tools to stay competitive when jumped by melee but not too kany that it seems they have no chance to kill me. Now if I could only kill this one BH on my server that ***** me whenever I see her in warfronts....

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Some great stuff overall here people keep it up.


I am going to cheat since other people did and also say I love how my Gunslinger works in PvP. Has just enough tools to stay competitive when jumped by melee but not too kany that it seems they have no chance to kill me. Now if I could only kill this one BH on my server that ***** me whenever I see her in warfronts....


Sic a Vanguard on her.


Victory is assured.

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