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Can you really Blame us?


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That is not true. When I purchased the game it said up to five days early. The issue is that anyone in December has a 0% chance of 5 days. Add to that the fact they added 2 extra days for some, and it becomes insulting.

You spent your money to buy a game that starts on the 20th. What's the issue?
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Been getting a lot of people saying it's people's own fault for not ordering sooner and etc. As I've said before, I didn't choose to not order in July, I would have in a heartbeat. People don't have the extra income to spend on games whenever they feel like it, idk why that is hard to understand. :p


Income is your responsibility, so actually, you did make a choice not to buy the game. Saying you don't have the money, who's fault is that?


If your going to say your parents, I would not be surpised.

Edited by Eclio
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So i see it as this way.



we all pay for cars and DMV fees right? so do you get mad at the guy in a Lambo while you drive the 1990 honda civic and demand you get a lambo for paying the same fees?




you guys need to just stop no one cares about how you feel bad about not getting in. you did the pre order knowing so. no you wont get all 7 days when you did the pre order in nov.



you wont get the best seat at the movies when you are late, dont matter if you payed the same price as the guy on the best seat. HE CAME 1ST.!!!!!!!!!!

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Kinda crazy the sense of entitlement roving the forums these days. I preordered on the first day, so I've been able to login but haven't except to reserve my 8 names on 10 servers. Well worth the 150 bucks. I've spent more money than that for more stupid reasons.
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and Bioware stated the rules and guidelines to EGA




Bioware offered preorders back starting 7/21




Bioware also stated that in order to be put in que for EGA, you needed to redeem your preorder access code and that code would determine your eligibility for entry into staggered release.




You see this does not matter dude because there is still a problem. It doesnt if bioware said something because the message did not get out. So you coming in here pointing your finger and telling people to shut up is stupid. Go somewhere else if you can not indulge in intelligent conversation where you think things through. The facts are still the same and it is still a problem. What you mentioned is not a problem and does not need to be fixed so you coming in here just for the simple purpose of trolling on people that are mad just shows me that its pretty sad because you get a kick of this. Pretty much **** and leave if you are not going to help.

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Lets face it this was a bad idea.


you spelled fantastic wrong. It doesn't have a B or a D in it. As anyone with half a brain knows this was a great idea. Instead of sitting near a quest turn in, or a quest mob, or any such thing along with 3 to 4 million people divided by the number of servers there are (because you know that most people that are able to play this weekend WILL be playing and there are easily 3 million preorders) as it would have if the game did not have a staggered early access (that just so happened to be EARLIER than promised). T here will now be HUGE amounts of players that are no longer on that quest or have not made it to that part of the quest sequence then. So I won't have to wait 4 hours IN the game to kill random level 3 mob.


Since July, they have simply said you would have some time in early access. RECENTLY they stated up to 5 days. Anyone that doesn't understand this is simply not thinking.


My thoughts are that there are only a very few people who can't understand that, it's just that it only takes one to start a thread to complain so if you have 50 out of 3 million ... then it can look like a big portion of the populace believes the non sense.

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That is not true. When I purchased the game it said up to five days early. The issue is that anyone in December has a 0% chance of 5 days. Add to that the fact they added 2 extra days for some, and it becomes insulting.


congratz, if you redeemed your pre-order code then you've also been bumped up by 2 days on the EGA list.



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That is not true. When I purchased the game it said up to five days early. The issue is that anyone in December has a 0% chance of 5 days. Add to that the fact they added 2 extra days for some, and it becomes insulting.


You said it yourself it said UP TO 5 days early. If you get in on the 19th they've kept their promise. having to explain this over and over makes me want to /facedesk

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How can you not get your money worth when the early access is a FREE bonus, wich you did not pay for. Im still not in and its not unfair, when i go to the fair i pay the same as those who got there earlier then me and i dont find it unfair they get to spend more time there then me, it was my own choise to not be there from the start. And look at early access as a free ride, ofc there will be a line and ofc someone managed to get ahead of you in the line. Everyone cant be at the front. Just do like the rest of us and wait your turn. You still get to play UP TO 5 days. Up to 5 days is anything from 0-5 so none of us are geting treated unfairly.
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self entitlement dost not work here or in life people. Mommy might say you are special but we all dont.




1st come 1st served.



you come late you get the bad seat not he best.





do you also cry when you dont get as big as cookie when some one hand them out.




you all need to watch a movie called idiocracy its a movie that seems to be coming true with how more silly and dumb everyone acts over a VIDEO GAME AND PIXELS.




I think you don't comprehend the meaning of the phrase self-entitlement. Here's a hint. It does not apply to paying customers. If you go to Burger King and pay for a whopper and after taking your money they decide they don't feel like making one for you for another five hours you are not "self entitled" you are an angry paying customer. The idea of entitlement is the notion that you are entitled to something for nothing( Ie people getting mad they can't play the game when they didn't pay). There is a very big difference and you and several others don't seem to understand.

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That is not true. When I purchased the game it said up to five days early. The issue is that anyone in December has a 0% chance of 5 days. Add to that the fact they added 2 extra days for some, and it becomes insulting.


Ah another person with reading comprehension problems. In the ad it does in fact state "you MAY receive UP TO 5 days early access". No where does it guarantee 5 days. They added two more days in order to get those that pre-ordered late as close to that 5 day mark as possible.

Edited by Prosev
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And you know what makes this even cooler? Now we have a thread set up for people to point fingers and laugh at us. If i don't hold bioware responsible than who? This is their game.


How about yourself and your moronic feelins of entitlement? People are pointing and laughing just like they do at a 4 yr old who's making a spectacle of himself, the behavior is pretty similar too.

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Man, these bioware nut cuppers are some of the worst fanboys I have ever seen. A Bioware employee could have taken a dump on your sandwich, and you guys would gladly be munching on it. Point being-- Things could have, and should have been handled differently.
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You see this does not matter dude because there is still a problem. It doesnt if bioware said something because the message did not get out. So you coming in here pointing your finger and telling people to shut up is stupid. Go somewhere else if you can not indulge in intelligent conversation where you think things through. The facts are still the same and it is still a problem. What you mentioned is not a problem and does not need to be fixed so you coming in here just for the simple purpose of trolling on people that are mad just shows me that its pretty sad because you get a kick of this. Pretty much **** and leave if you are not going to help.


Maybe it didn't get out, but that's your fault and not BW's fault. Failure to read, educate yourself, understand, or otherwise know what the heck is going on is entirely on the player.

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You know Im not entirely sure who are worse.

The people who complain about the wait or express their disapointment


or the people telling them off.


Go ahead flame me because even though I dont really mind the wait I do feel some disapointment about the wait.

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How can you not get your money worth when the early access is a FREE bonus, wich you did not pay for. Im still not in and its not unfair, when i go to the fair i pay the same as those who got there earlier then me and i dont find it unfair they get to spend more time there then me, it was my own choise to not be there from the start. And look at early access as a free ride, ofc there will be a line and ofc someone managed to get ahead of you in the line. Everyone cant be at the front. Just do like the rest of us and wait your turn. You still get to play UP TO 5 days. Up to 5 days is anything from 0-5 so none of us are geting treated unfairly.


I don't know about anyone else but it wasn't free for me. Origin charged 5 dollars as an early access fee.

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you spelled fantastic wrong. It doesn't have a B or a D in it. As anyone with half a brain knows this was a great idea. Instead of sitting near a quest turn in, or a quest mob, or any such thing along with 3 to 4 million people divided by the number of servers there are (because you know that most people that are able to play this weekend WILL be playing and there are easily 3 million preorders) as it would have if the game did not have a staggered early access (that just so happened to be EARLIER than promised). T here will now be HUGE amounts of players that are no longer on that quest or have not made it to that part of the quest sequence then. So I won't have to wait 4 hours IN the game to kill random level 3 mob.


Since July, they have simply said you would have some time in early access. RECENTLY they stated up to 5 days. Anyone that doesn't understand this is simply not thinking.


My thoughts are that there are only a very few people who can't understand that, it's just that it only takes one to start a thread to complain so if you have 50 out of 3 million ... then it can look like a big portion of the populace believes the non sense.


I stopped reading after as everyone knows this was a great idea. That is not a fact. This was a great idea to piss people off maybe.

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You see this does not matter dude because there is still a problem. It doesnt if bioware said something because the message did not get out. So you coming in here pointing your finger and telling people to shut up is stupid. Go somewhere else if you can not indulge in intelligent conversation where you think things through. The facts are still the same and it is still a problem. What you mentioned is not a problem and does not need to be fixed so you coming in here just for the simple purpose of trolling on people that are mad just shows me that its pretty sad because you get a kick of this. Pretty much **** and leave if you are not going to help.


reread your post.


you said the message didn't get out.


It was all over their website. If you signed up for their email newsletter, it also went out on that. If you liked their facebook or twitter pages, it went out on that as well.


I did not once say shut up, but to take responsibility for your ignorance.

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