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Can you really Blame us?


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OP, just because you spent money on a game, doesn't entitle you to get everything when you want it. If you had bought the game (aka pre-ordered) on July 21st and put in your code right away, you would have gotten in at 6am on the 13th, but since you procrastinated and didn't, you now have to wait. You have ABSOLUTELY ZERO reason to b and m about it, because it is 100% YOUR FAULT that you are in this situation, and not anything to do with anyone else, so please just be quiet.
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The only difference between this and laggy crashing queuing launch, is that the majority of the queue is further away from the venue. It's just like in Theme Park when you hid the queues behind buildings to stop people from seeing them. It's great for people already on the ride, but for those queuing it sucks. The only difference is the queue is days long rather than hours and hidden behind emails.


MMO launches routinely set low caps on initial servers at launch, and then raise them as populations settle and spikes are ironed out. The fact initial servers were listed as 'full' at any point during the first few days proves this because ALL pre-deployed guilds would've had loads of members who hadn't gotten in yet but will still be joining those servers. No new servers will have predeployed guilds on them, so will be inherently emptier than the original servers


The system is great for some people, at the expense of being sucky for others. The latter are pissed off, and it doesn't help for the former to constantly tell them how great things are. Those exact same people would be on here crying blue murder if Bioware suddenly decided 5 days was the limit per individual, and anyone who got in earlier would be kept out of the servers after 5 days to allow the later joiners to experience the same amount of early access.

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Love the flamers this is attracting, that one post, deconstructing my entire OP was pure flaming genius btw.


(that was sarcasm, I know it doesn't translate well in text, thought I'd just say it)


I'm going to completely ignore the flamers and trolls btw please just don't post and/or direct your posts elsewhere. No point giving you satisfaction of the argument you're probably seeking for your own sense of self-worth and superiority.


On Topic however, I am interested on how this Wave scheme is truly in the best interest of people, be it the Players or Bioware. I'm asking this truly out of curiosity and not to be a dick.


Actually I thought the response you're referring to was pretty bloody brilliant.


To answer your original question though. Yes I can blame people for feeling undeserved entitlement.


PS. I thought you were the troll? After all, all your post does is try to stir emotions by defending irrational actions.

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Wait until you turn 16 and have to wait in line at the DMV.


Here, they make an effort so people do not wait in line at the DMV, and there have been several newspaper articles about issues with DMV performance relating to voter registration.


You also mentioned buying groceries. Not sure if you ever noticed--but often time you'll have to wait in a line before you can check out. The people that finished shopping before you and got in line before you get to go first.


And the grocery stores work hard to avoid lines that are too long, because the managers see lines building up, and realize customers WILL walk out instead of waiting.


I know the concept of a line is rough concept for someone as important and self absorbed as yourself--maybe if you get on Twitter and start spewing SR/BW a bunch of hate filled tweets ask those guys asking to move to the front of the line, that will work?


Just as soon as you realize that customer service is important, and people WILL take themselves elsewhere.

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EH, it was more or less the deceptive marketing on BWs part that has made me annoyed...




if they said "might be able to play 5 days early" sure, I wouldn't care(not that I really care much anyhow, since i've got my lest semester worth of finals to worry about) but yeah... poor phrasing.


I know may can be "possibility" but when you are getting permission to do something and are told "you may..." it means it's permissible... and with the way I initially read the aforementioned statement without doing any research into the matter, I assumed, I would play 5 days early for pre-ordering.


But, I guess that was their goal... put that in big gold letters and get the remaining on-the-fencers to preorder and bolster their sales...


still not cool though


just because you cannot read the word "may" properly in context does not mean they have deceptive practices.

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Here, they make an effort so people do not wait in line at the DMV, and there have been several newspaper articles about issues with DMV performance relating to voter registration.




And the grocery stores work hard to avoid lines that are too long, because the managers see lines building up, and realize customers WILL walk out instead of waiting.




Just as soon as you realize that customer service is important, and people WILL take themselves elsewhere.


Guess what so does bioware, but they have 2million plus waiting to get in line.


also once again just want to point to origins notice


Early Game Access will begin on December 13th, 2011, seven days prior to the official launch. Starting December 13, 2011, invitations will be sent throughout the Early Game Access period offering rolling access to the game in the order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code, so be sure to check your email inbox tied to your Star Wars: The Old Republic™ account!


To see if you are eligible to log in to the game for Early Game Access, log in to swtor.com and visit My Account > > Pre-Order.

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Yes I can totally and completely blame you.


We have know for months, not days, not weeks but many many months that it would be a staged early access by the date you put in your pre-order code.


If you didn’t know this, before you purchased it, it is totally and completely your fault


We have expected for months, not days not weeks, but months that staged early access would start dec 15th, not dec 14th not dec 13th, but December 15th.


If you had no idea that staged early access was originally scheduled to start dec 15th and you may, not will, not ought, not we promise and hope to die, but may get early access for up to 5 days then it is totally your fault


Then comes last week, they have given us more time, even those of us that waited until Oct 1st ( for me anyway ) were able to play, not dec 15th, or 16th, or 17th as most of us expected, but on the 14th. And that most people will be in on the 15th instead of later as we expected to.


The only thing people waiting for this can can possibly say with any smidgen of self respect whatsoever is..... Thank you Bioware for exceeding our expectations.



Yes I can totally and completely blame you


Exactly, we weren't promised anything. They weren't saying WE PROMISE DIS HAPEN LOL SRS.

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Yes, they can. It's very easy to blame somebody else for them being flawed over accepting their concerns, because the latter requires a sense of concern, and people don't want that.


Which is odd, because only Bioware is responsible, and they need not feel shame. But I think it's transference.


Armchair Psychology is a morning class for me.




You failed it. :(

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I wouldn't use an EGA game again either. I'm far prefer the free for all fair start for all.


there is no "fair" start. you will never be able to get everyone in at the same time ever. barring login and server queue's,


here's some irrational reasons as well..


people work, should they delay the game until people are out of work to make it "fair"?

other people are in school.. see above?

i bet people are on vacation might as well delay release so they can get in when everyone else does?

people work day and night so we can't release on a weekday

oh **** people work on weekends too cant release then gotta be fair


man being fair will sure delay that release.

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Yeah, you can be blamed for whining and complaining, since you've obviously never been in a popular MMO launch if you think this is a bad idea.


People need to get it through their skull that the EGA hasn't even officially started yet, Bioware could have started getting people in on the 15th and you'd till be whining like a bunch of selfish little girls.


Have fun playing it tomorrow when you're able to quest and kill properly, without a thousand people around you taking everything. Now shut up.

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OP, just because you spent money on a game, doesn't entitle you to get everything when you want it. If you had bought the game (aka pre-ordered) on July 21st and put in your code right away, you would have gotten in at 6am on the 13th, but since you procrastinated and didn't, you now have to wait. You have ABSOLUTELY ZERO reason to b and m about it, because it is 100% YOUR FAULT that you are in this situation, and not anything to do with anyone else, so please just be quiet.


In July I was working a minimum wage job with dwindling hours and barely sc****** by on my rent. Trust me I wouldn't have procrastinated otherwise. Actually that's not procrastination at all. I was broke. lol.

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EH, it was more or less the deceptive marketing on BWs part that has made me annoyed...




if they said "might be able to play 5 days early" sure, I wouldn't care(not that I really care much anyhow, since i've got my lest semester worth of finals to worry about) but yeah... poor phrasing.


I know may can be "possibility" but when you are getting permission to do something and are told "you may..." it means it's permissible... and with the way I initially read the aforementioned statement without doing any research into the matter, I assumed, I would play 5 days early for pre-ordering.


But, I guess that was their goal... put that in big gold letters and get the remaining on-the-fencers to preorder and bolster their sales...


still not cool though




and that would be wrong because it never said "You may play 5 days early" it ALWAYS said "MAY get UP TO 5 days of early access." They also clearly stated quantaties were limited, and "ealry access is dependant upon when you redeem your early access code"

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On Topic however, I am interested on how this Wave scheme is truly in the best interest of people, be it the Players or Bioware. I'm asking this truly out of curiosity and not to be a dick.


The reason they have done this is what someone else pointed out earlier, they are doing it to try their best in balancing out the servers and so far it is working. It's annoying that some aren't in yet (I am, I got in first wave but wish to experience the game with my friends who are still waiting) but their reason is valid one. Look at the server statuses, they seem pretty balanced at the moment and not just 2 incredibly full servers and 50 other empty ones.


Yes, there will be some servers that are more filled than others, this cannot be stopped but at least not everyone is trying to get through the door at once causing abysmal queues and crashing servers.


If the EGA system was not in place the forums would be filled with "can't log in" "in queue for 15 hours" "server crashed, the hell are you doing Bioware?" and then expanding of servers, more servers, dead servers, merging of servers would take place. Would you prefer that in all honesty?

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Everything about your perspective is off. I'll make it real simple for you and there is no need to internalize this. We all have our plights in life.


$60 buys what it buys, period. Your feelings have nothing to do with it and your $60 isn't worth anymore than $60. It may be harder for you to come across $60, but your still not going to have anymore purchasing power or entitlement because it was. Operate on this principle and it may save you from posting silly emotes on forums in the future.

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just because you cannot read the word "may" properly in context does not mean they have deceptive practices.


Oh, no, I think you misunderstood. I read the word "may" just fine. perceiving their intent (not boldly obvious or in anyway available without looking at the forums or a separate article) was the issue. If you choose to correct my lack of "comprehension" perhaps you should check your own first.


It's common business practice. It's like fine print, except they placed it elsewhere to enhance the marketing.


It's fair and totally legal. But it leaves some people with a bad taste in their mouth.


Haven't you ever worked at a retail venue and heard customer complaints about fine print BS?


this is fairly elementary...


I guess it's hard for you to comprehend.


and again, to reiterate, I care more about your lack of comprehension than the fact that i'm not in game. I needed some time off from studying

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The reason they have done this is what someone else pointed out earlier, they are doing it to try their best in balancing out the servers and so far it is working. It's annoying that some aren't in yet (I am, I got in first wave but wish to experience the game with my friends who are still waiting) but their reason is valid one. Look at the server statuses, they seem pretty balanced at the moment and not just 2 incredibly full servers and 50 other empty ones.


Yes, there will be some servers that are more filled than others, this cannot be stopped but at least not everyone is trying to get through the door at once causing abysmal queues and crashing servers.


If the EGA system was not in place the forums would be filled with "can't log in" "in queue for 15 hours" "server crashed, the hell are you doing Bioware?" and then expanding of servers, more servers, dead servers, merging of servers would take place. Would you prefer that in all honesty?


Well, level playing field for everyone if they're all experiencing buggy broken servers right? I mean isn't that more fair? I am jk of course.


Thanks for the info btw, appreciate it, definitely. I do understand that this makes the game much smoother for both parties, but at the same time it feels like it's a customer service nightmare because of it. I guess it's completely unavoidable with technology as it currently is. I mean, if they did "Open the floodgates" we'd still be in a customers service nightmare because they can't fix bugs and server issues fast enough. lol.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't... heh.

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EH, it was more or less the deceptive marketing on BWs part that has made me annoyed...





I know may can be "possibility" but when you are getting permission to do something and are told "you may..." it means it's permissible... and with the way I initially read the aforementioned statement without doing any research into the matter, I assumed, I would play 5 days early for pre-ordering.


so you can't even remember what you typed? you indeed failed to read the word in context.


also it was fine print, it's at the bottom of the order page, you should know by now to read fine print and tos. how hard is this?

also fine print has existed for decades.. i haven't heard anyone complain about it in a very long time... people know its there, it's not the business' fault people are not intelligent enough to read properly.

Edited by asmox
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First I would just like to tell all the people who are calling everyone who posts an angry complaint or remark saying that they will never pre-order anything from BioWare again a *********** whiner to back the hell off.


Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out. I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything. A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


Anyway, please note that I'm not bashing Bioware's EGA scheme per-se. Maybe it's a good way to set up launch for them, who knows. All I'm saying is that personally it's not my cup of tea as a launch procedure and I'll take no part in any future releases that are similarly planned.



Dude, if you're debating whether to order a $60-80 game or buy groceries I think you need to seek counseling. I'm real sorry you didn't get your invite yet, but your rant is borderline, "I'm a kid and don't have real world worries."

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and that would be wrong because it never said "You may play 5 days early" it ALWAYS said "MAY get UP TO 5 days of early access." They also clearly stated quantaties were limited, and "ealry access is dependant upon when you redeem your early access code"


This may or may not be true, however I don't see the little box I originally saw it in to refute or bow out.


However the preorder page still states in bold letters at the top




which proves my point in that it's marketing. Which is my entire point.


it doesn't say until you scroll all the way down and open the little FAQ page pull down about waiting til a later date. so, my original point stands. It's not deception. It's just deceptive marketing, which I guess to be completely honest, is always fairly deceptive in some way.

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So when you people get those Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes mails (assuming they don't go straight in the trash) that say "you may have already won $1,000,000!!" all over them, do you rage and cry once you open them and find out you didn't win?


There is nothing deceptive about may, up to, or could. They even said in those same announcements that EA was based on when you entered your code. There is absolutely nothing deceptive about that statement.


Words mean things...learn what they mean.

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On Topic however, I am interested on how this Wave scheme is truly in the best interest of people, be it the Players or Bioware. I'm asking this truly out of curiosity and not to be a dick.


Good grief they've only explained it a hundred times. I can't wait for everyone to get their invites just so the complaining will stop...well, at least about EGA...

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