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Can you really Blame us?


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Hmmmm I dont remember them saying a thing about staggered early release until sept or Oct


I could be mistaken, but thats the first I remember hearing about it, either way though,


They got ques and they are going to have bigger one so, except for the 100k they let in the first two day the staggered release is a fail sauce

Edited by Atalantia
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Hmmmm I dont remember them saying a thing about staggered early release until sept or Oct


I could be mistaken, but thats the first I remember hearing about it, either way though,


They got ques and they are going to have bigger one so, except for the 100k they let in the first two day the staggered release is a fail sauce


From the email on 7/21, it was and is still on the pre-order page, the Pre-order FAQs, Early Access Page and Early Access FAQs


The order in which you purchase and redeem your Pre-Order Code is the order in which you will gain early access to the game, prior to official launch day.

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Yes we can blame them for being disgruntled, grow up people holy cow. It is a game, and not 100% your gonna get in anyways, it was not a Promise, just a Gift for pre orders.


They have a lot of pre orders so it is slow. This is a fact of life.


If none of you realize this than that is your issue not ours, and i am also waiting as a CE pre order, but have been around long enough to know posting QQs on forums does not help the cause at all whatsoever in any occasion.


Later QQers.

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to OP: pasting a comment i made on another thread for u


u NEVER paid 5$ more for the playing early the +5$ is like a deposit and it will be given back to you in game time (you wont have to pay one month) the preorer service is also alowing u to download the game without having to go to the shop. the service will continue after launch at the same price, so if u buy the preorder now, u are just buying the game as anyone else would be after launch but witha chance to a couple days of early access. you are not paying it more than them. so its not as if you are being robbed of your money if u dont get early access... stop being such a .. square



as for the remaining cost of the product well that is the cost of the product and you would be paying it anyway after the 20th...



also btw i dont know where u do your shopping but u might want to check out ASDA and other supermarket instead of shopping at waitrose or tescos... 80 £ or $ a week in groceries is a lotta money, unless u live in seventh heaven telivision series..

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Hmmmm I dont remember them saying a thing about staggered early release until sept or Oct


I could be mistaken, but thats the first I remember hearing about it, either way though,


They got ques and they are going to have bigger one so, except for the 100k they let in the first two day the staggered release is a fail sauce


Try again. They have been saying that release would be staggered from the very first moment pre-ordering was opened.


The order in which you redeem your Pre-order Code is the order in which you will gain Early Game Access before the game’s official release. So don’t wait and pre-order now!


That line has been on the preorder page from the very start. I saw it no less than three times when I went through the pre-order process the first day. The information was in the pre-order FAQ, and, if I am not mistaken, that same line was even in the email they sent out announcing pre-ordering. Add to the fact that this has been discussed ad nauseum on these forums since pre-ordering started, and you are simply re-writing history by suggesting this was something only announced in October.


Either way, only 100k over the first two days? Yet another re-write of history. At that pace, it would take them approximately 18 days to get the estimated 900,000+ pre-orders from retail stores alone into the game. And given that estimate only includes retail shop pre-orders, not digital or online orders, and even that number is low.


Are there now queues showing up? Sure. What MMO doesn't occassionally have them, especially during a release? Did they warn that there would be some queues especially as they near the end of the staggered release? Yes they did. Bt you know what? I able to play since around 7 AM on the 13th, getting in and out of the game a number of times when I have been on, and I have not once had to wait in a queue.


The only "fail sauce" is your failure to stick to the facts.

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normally I am understanding of other people frustration.


However the vast majority of complaints don't seem to have any validity other than people didn't read or understand the conditions of early access


its really getting old and what I would really like to see is a whiners server where all these folks can go....with its own forum as well.


so really its a big WHATEVER and GET OVER IT to all these guys that can't read.

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Funny thing. I paid for my gift. Those of us that ordered via origin had an early access pre-order fee attached.


Yes we can blame them for being disgruntled, grow up people holy cow. It is a game, and not 100% your gonna get in anyways, it was not a Promise, just a Gift for pre orders.


They have a lot of pre orders so it is slow. This is a fact of life.


If none of you realize this than that is your issue not ours, and i am also waiting as a CE pre order, but have been around long enough to know posting QQs on forums does not help the cause at all whatsoever in any occasion.


Later QQers.

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lol hmm video game or groceries? I cant wait to see what you post and the decisions youll have to make next when you get out of high school and into the real world.


oh and to answer your question: yes I can blame you and everyone else for whining. you people complaining are so fkn unappreciative of Bioware, all these threads are just ridiculous.

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Guy they are a company. Probably not a good idea to idolise a corporation.... They are making money by providing a service. Or that is what it is suppose to be.


lol hmm video game or groceries? I cant wait to see what you post and the decisions youll have to make next when you get out of high school and into the real world.


oh and to answer your question: yes I can blame you and everyone else for whining. you people complaining are so fkn unappreciative of Bioware, all these threads are just ridiculous.

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Been getting a lot of people saying it's people's own fault for not ordering sooner and etc. As I've said before, I didn't choose to not order in July, I would have in a heartbeat. People don't have the extra income to spend on games whenever they feel like it, idk why that is hard to understand.


But pre-order cost £5 from Origin (obviously if you're from the US then you would have paid the US equivalent). And cards are charged upon release.


You didn't have to pay full price.

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ya funny thing is that if you took the time to read a reciept from origins about the 5 dollar charge, line number 5 say and I quote,


"Additional Product Information:Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order Fee


1) Go to http://www.swtor.com/preorder/code


2) Click "Register your pre-order" (You will be prompted to log in or create a Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ account if needed)


3) Enter and Confirm your pre-order code when prompted.


4) Complete Registration.


5) You will be notified by email of your early access time at a later date."


And since the only amount of cash charged to my credit card as of this moment is the 5 dollar pre order charge and number 5 says I will be notified of my Early acces time.


I would say that the 5 dollars I have paid to date is for early access

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When I ordered off origin it was full price. Mind you with an early access pre-order fee attached.

Edit; NM was 5:30 but it was for early access which not getting.


But pre-order cost £5 from Origin (obviously if you're from the US then you would have paid the US equivalent). And cards are charged upon release.


You didn't have to pay full price.

Edited by Gfredx
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Still so much whining on these forums.


People, go outside, move away from your computer for a little bit, go and live your lives, this is after all a game and your lives shouldn't revolve around it LOL.


I am not in the EGA yet, i redeemed in dec and knew (because i actually read the information) that i might not get in on day 5 of the EGA. But lets not forget that day 5 has only just begun, the majority of you are complaining about the EXTRA (did you get that?) EXTRA 2 days that Bioware ever so kindly granted to their player community.


This launch has gone very well as far as i can tell but sadly the minority of stupid morons who either can't read or believe they are gods gift to this world are whining because they aren't in yet.


Get a grip of you life and go do something with it. The game will still be here when you get back.


And yes, i really can blame people like you.... God complex, get over yourself.


Pretty much sums up my feelings too, and you are in the same boat as me, a December pre order who isn't complaining, high five? :p

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It is not always putting things off. After the last star wars game a great deal of people did a wait and see until after beta. Even then I for one did not know when pre-orders opened up. Some people have work, and school, and or family. This time of the year is strange for a ton of people. Vacations, and what not.


Please leave.... "you may play 5 days before launch" You had 4 months to preorder and you procrastinated....
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It is not always putting things off. After the last star wars game a great deal of people did a wait and see until after beta. Even then I for one did not know when pre-orders opened up. Some people have work, and school, and or family. This time of the year is strange for a ton of people. Vacations, and what not.


Maybe you should have been visiting the official website then?

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The reason i posted the reciept is the claim that this was a gift just makes me laugh.


it clear states in the receipt that the 5 dollars they have charged me to date is so I can get invited to early access, sure its a small amount but still weren't no freebie

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