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Can you really Blame us?


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The thing is that it never was clear anywhere when u preordered the game that u might not get in on early access, the fact that they call it early access from the 15th makes it sound that all will get access the 15th who preordered, not that they would start with waves of invites before the 15th, the reason why people is so pissed is because we feel tricked.


I for a fact preordered the 12th of december, I wouldnt have preordered if it stood clear and easy to read almost like a warning that "You might get early access" now instead I've spent almost 80$ on a preorder I might not even be able to use, 80$ that I actually really dont have to spend on a game, the reason why i preordered was because I believed I would get early access, now instead I'm hungry as *********** hell cuz I dont have any money until the 20th when I get my salary..


The fact is I've played almost every MMORPG been playing early access and betas on so many games, but this is the first I've actually been tricked with words into buying something I might not get a chance to use... I'm not angry but I dont like the feeling of giving away money just because Bioware wasnt clear about how the Early access would work, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels exactly like this and can agree on that it wasnt clear that we might get the early access, I'm sure we all believed we would get the early access on the 15th not 17th,18th or 19th or not even at all..


Bioware plz, the republic and empire needs us, and we need them, I feel a great disturbance in the force, a lot of pain and suffering from gamers decieved by the capitalistic darkside..


If you're not ignorant in the ways of earning money, there is no excuse for ignorance in the ways of spending money.

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The thing is that it never was clear anywhere when u preordered the game that u might not get in on early access, the fact that they call it early access from the 15th makes it sound that all will get access the 15th who preordered, not that they would start with waves of invites before the 15th, the reason why people is so pissed is because we feel tricked.


I for a fact preordered the 12th of december, I wouldnt have preordered if it stood clear and easy to read almost like a warning that "You might get early access" now instead I've spent almost 80$ on a preorder I might not even be able to use, 80$ that I actually really dont have to spend on a game, the reason why i preordered was because I believed I would get early access, now instead I'm hungry as *********** hell cuz I dont have any money until the 20th when I get my salary..


The fact is I've played almost every MMORPG been playing early access and betas on so many games, but this is the first I've actually been tricked with words into buying something I might not get a chance to use... I'm not angry but I dont like the feeling of giving away money just because Bioware wasnt clear about how the Early access would work, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels exactly like this and can agree on that it wasnt clear that we might get the early access, I'm sure we all believed we would get the early access on the 15th not 17th,18th or 19th or not even at all..


Bioware plz, the republic and empire needs us, and we need them, I feel a great disturbance in the force, a lot of pain and suffering from gamers decieved by the capitalistic darkside..


I agree with you. Your post was very informative and contributive to my personal feelings and thoughts. I hope they don't delete your post and warn you for not being a "postiive" post contributor.

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Telling people you're reporting them is trolling, because you know that it's going to rile them up. Just report and move on without saying anything.


If people would stop breaking the rules when posting, they wouldn't have to worry about being reported. Don't use profanity, even if it's masked with stars. Being rude is subjective, so don't be too rude and you won't be moderated. Simple.

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I agree with you. Your post was very informative and contributive to my personal feelings and thoughts. I hope they don't delete your post and warn you for not being a "postiive" post contributor.


Well I'm not trying to whine or be negative I'm just stating the fact that this is what most people feel, if this wasnt the case and it would just be my own stupidity to believe I would get early access on the 15th then I wouldnt say anything.


I'm sure that Bioware is doing all they can to get most of us preorderites in to the game, but that doesnt change the fact that most of us feel decieved & tricked into preordering the game.. I didnt preorder so I could get a statue or a big *** box and lots of extra content, I preordered because I believed I would be able to play the game before release..


Anyway I wish you all the best of luck and hope you will all get early access, I still love bioware and I'm sure they will learn from this..

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I'm in, my dad is in, but my brother and sister are not. And they are just fine waiting for their turn. They are actually pretty disappointed with all the self-entitled people here...


I happen to have paid for my copy, no entitlement to it.

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Well I'm not trying to whine or be negative I'm just stating the fact that this is what most people feel, if this wasnt the case and it would just be my own stupidity to believe I would get early access on the 15th then I wouldnt say anything.


I'm sure that Bioware is doing all they can to get most of us preorderites in to the game, but that doesnt change the fact that most of us feel decieved & tricked into preordering the game.. I didnt preorder so I could get a statue or a big box and lots of extra content, I preordered because I believed I would be able to play the game before release..


Anyway I wish you all the best of luck and hope you will all get early access, I still love bioware and I'm sure they will learn from this..


Yes, people feel cheated, deceived, screwed over, lied to, tricked, etc etc etc etc. Everyone understands that.


The dividing point is that those people WERE NOT cheated, deceived, screwed over, lied to, or tricked. They were told straight up from the beginning what was going to happen. Failure to read, pay attention, listen, or understand is the player's fault only.

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dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money.


If you spent grocery money on a video game instead you've got bigger problems then being able to get in the game early.

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#1) trying to persuade someone gripped by emotion with facts DOES NOT WORK, it's a light form of hysteria, you need to let them work it out yourself if you cannot be there in person to help convince them that everything will be okay


#2) I've learned that you can't trust anything told to you by any company, unless it's a small business that really needs your patronage, thus is honest and wants you to return.


#3) How do those queues taste now?



#4) and now we get a grace period after them rushing retailers out has harmed some people's plans, congratulations BW, you did it all for the right reasons, but you shouldn't have changed the original plans at all.

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Yes, people feel cheated, deceived, screwed over, lied to, tricked, etc etc etc etc. Everyone understands that.


The dividing point is that those people WERE NOT cheated, deceived, screwed over, lied to, or tricked. They were told straight up from the beginning what was going to happen. Failure to read, pay attention, listen, or understand is the player's fault only.


Yeah I guess most of us can't read.. anyway I won't whine, just saying that if it was so clear, then how come so many say it wasnt so clear?


I can admit its my fault for not reading everything from point A to point B.. Still doesnt change that it says "5 days early access" until u actually started ordering it and pressed the button, If it would say "Get up to 5 days early access" from the beginning I wouldnt say anything.. and still it should've been "Get up to a week early access" since some got invites before the 15th which was set as the early access date..

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#1) trying to persuade someone gripped by emotion with facts DOES NOT WORK, it's a light form of hysteria, you need to let them work it out yourself if you cannot be there in person to help convince them that everything will be okay


#2) I've learned that you can't trust anything told to you by any company, unless it's a small business that really needs your patronage, thus is honest and wants you to return.


#3) How do those queues taste now?



#4) and now we get a grace period after them rushing retailers out has harmed some people's plans, congratulations BW, you did it all for the right reasons, but you shouldn't have changed the original plans at all.




2. I've learned that people misinterpret what companies say, get offended based on misinterpreted information, then go into a light form of hysteria and you'll never be able to change their minds that they misunderstood, they'll live out their lives thinking that they've been wrong, when really they just didn't read right.


3. Queues?


4. Complain that they aren't doing anything then complain when they do do something. The developer isn't the problem, you are.

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3. Queues? I hear there are in game queues to getting onto the world servers.


4. Complain that they aren't doing anything then complain when they do do something. The developer isn't the problem, you are.



Actually I'm not the problem they said no grace, which prompted people to panic, which prompted them to urge the retailers to up the shipments by a week. Which caught me off guard as I don't get paid until the weekend, amazon couldn't charge my debit card I use for gaming as it has no money in it, thus no pre order, and now they reinstate it.


So no, I'm not the problem, they should have stuck with grace period and just shortened it instead of changing their minds, causing emotional hysteria, and a knee jerk response to it, then change it back.


I'm not complaining, I am simply stating that in MY OPINION had they eliminated all the steps between "Grace period" and "reinstating grace period" and just went "We're shortening grace period to two days now", there'd be less issues.


I now owe my damn bank a $33.00 overdraft fee that I had no idea was coming, in fact I didn't get my amazon email until TODAY, right before they charged my account. Now I gotta spend the morning tomorrow getting my bank to reverse/nullify that fee.


I did not cause that problem, everything that happened was out of my control.

I did not scream and cry about getting my copy on the 20th, I expected that, I planned around that, and got blindsided. You'd be pissed too if you were -$33.00 suddenly.

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2. I've learned that people misinterpret what companies say, get offended based on misinterpreted information, then go into a light form of hysteria and you'll never be able to change their minds that they misunderstood, they'll live out their lives thinking that they've been wrong, when really they just didn't read right.


3. Queues?


4. Complain that they aren't doing anything then complain when they do do something. The developer isn't the problem, you are.


2. I feel sorry for you if you listen too much to companies. You should rather look at what they do rather than what they say.


For example; BW say launch day is the 20th. Obvious fact to the person not blinded by their naiveness, is that launch day was the 13th. Reality > words.

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The problem here is the way tha they did it looking at the servers they did not do it based on U.S. or E.U. they just did it in order so E.U. Servers are full and U.S. Servers are all standard. If they truely did the invites in waves they would take into account each area's population and look at the servers.. They are going to do one more wave because most E.U. Servers are full but look at the U.S. Servers
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I now owe my damn bank a $33.00 overdraft fee that I had no idea was coming, in fact I didn't get my amazon email until TODAY, right before they charged my account. Now I gotta spend the morning tomorrow getting my bank to reverse/nullify that fee.


I did not cause that problem, everything that happened was out of my control.

I did not scream and cry about getting my copy on the 20th, I expected that, I planned around that, and got blindsided. You'd be pissed too if you were -$33.00 suddenly.


When you buy a pre-order game, it (Amazon, Best Buy, Steam, EVERYTHING) tells you that you won't be charged until it's available. Amazon in particular says it will charge you when your order is dispatched. Plus, this is common sense. Plus, this is common practice.


It's your fault for not realizing this any of the three different ways I mentioned. As soon as I got the email about the release date, I knew my card was going to be charged in mid-December. Every email about the game reminded me that my card was going to be charged. The game is released on the 20th, but Amazon says you're charged when the order is dispatched. You chose your shipping so you know when it was going to be sent, you know for a fact that things take a few days to ship, so you should know that your card is going to be charged before the 20th.


It's your fault for keeping such a low amount of cash in your checking account. If you're having trouble keeping $60 in your checking account and you're buying a $60+ game, you probably have some seriously screwed up priorities in life.


You caused the problem. You were informed that the charge would come when the order is dispatched and you were informed multiple times that the game was coming available. You knew exactly how much money was in your bank account. Any failure here is your fault. Any blindsiding is your fault. Waiting for an email to find out when you're being charged is your fault.

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Yes, quite easily.




And? I can do the same, just because I don't throw a ***** fit doesn't mean that I don't understand the value of money.



Well, if they whining, then they are, in fact, whiners.



Awesome, that puts me closer to the front of the line in the future.




Here's an idea... GO DO SOMETHING ELSE. If you're bored because you're sitting there watching your email, that's your own fault.




You were warned ahead of time that they weren't going to give specifics.




The game hasn't even officially been released to retail stores yet. You'll get fun and entertainment, once you start playing.




Umm... that's exactly what you're doing.




Obviously, it's working quite well so far.




Actually I believe you said that you were bored, annoyed, and blaming Bioware for it.


All my love are belong to you.

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The problem here is the way tha they did it looking at the servers they did not do it based on U.S. or E.U. they just did it in order so E.U. Servers are full and U.S. Servers are all standard. If they truely did the invites in waves they would take into account each area's population and look at the servers.. They are going to do one more wave because most E.U. Servers are full but look at the U.S. Servers


Aren't the US people at work and whatever atm? cba to check what time it's over there but that would explain things.

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2. I feel sorry for you if you listen too much to companies. You should rather look at what they do rather than what they say.


For example; BW say launch day is the 20th. Obvious fact to the person not blinded by their naiveness, is that launch day was the 13th. Reality > words.


No launch is indeed the 20th, early game access, not to be confused with the actual launch, was on the 13th, two completely different things.

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ha ha lame... who cares im glad we are getting early access at all. If it really broke you to drop the money on this game, then why buy it. Go buy your groceries lol weak


I see you do not know how much prescription medicine costs, let alone for two children and an adult, and having to deal with sudden hospital bills immediately after.


Must be nice to live in a world with no responsibilities.

I'm a man, I took care of what needed to be taken care of first.

It just so happened it wiped out what I had been saving, including my pre order money.

But hey, Sith happens, try not to troll so much next time.

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Can you really blame people for being disgruntled?


Absolutfinglutely yes. I blame them. I blame you. I hold you in contempt. You do not deserve emotions you are feeling right now for the following two reasons:


1) You did not sign up expecting to get in on the 13th. At best you signed up to get in on the 15th, which you probably will. You are not pissed because you aren't getting in when you're expected. You're pissed because your a spoilt brat.


2) There are TONS of reasons why people will be able to play earlier than others that you are completely ignoring. First and foremost, some people have JOBS. Oddly enough, if you had one of those you wouldn't have such a tough time scrounging up $60.

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When you buy a pre-order game, it (Amazon, Best Buy, Steam, EVERYTHING) tells you that you won't be charged until it's available. Amazon in particular says it will charge you when your order is dispatched. Plus, this is common sense. Plus, this is common practice.


It's your fault for not realizing this any of the three different ways I mentioned. As soon as I got the email about the release date, I knew my card was going to be charged in mid-December. Every email about the game reminded me that my card was going to be charged. The game is released on the 20th, but Amazon says you're charged when the order is dispatched. You chose your shipping so you know when it was going to be sent, you know for a fact that things take a few days to ship, so you should know that your card is going to be charged before the 20th.


It's your fault for keeping such a low amount of cash in your checking account. If you're having trouble keeping $60 in your checking account and you're buying a $60+ game, you probably have some seriously screwed up priorities in life.


You caused the problem. You were informed that the charge would come when the order is dispatched and you were informed multiple times that the game was coming available. You knew exactly how much money was in your bank account. Any failure here is your fault. Any blindsiding is your fault. Waiting for an email to find out when you're being charged is your fault.


I see you read NONE of that and just went off on a rant, I'll clarify so you don't make yourself look like an ***. Try to pay attention and use your powers of comprehension this time alright?


The expected charge date was DECEMBER 19th.

I chose shipping for the 20th, to be charged the day before.

I got an email STATING this was the case.

It got changed to DECEMBER 16th and I got charged before I got the email that state such.


I don't see anywhere in there where I read it was changed, that I changed it, and I made the decision, do you? You know the next time you want to go off on someone for being caught in the middle of a massive screw up such as what has gone down, you might want to actually read what they post, it'd save you a lot of effort.


Luckily I can iron it out with my bank, but I'm still not happy.

It's my fault for taking care of my family first over a video game, yes I admit that, I'm a bad bad father and husband for caring for my children and my wife and paying the hospital bills. Someone spank me or put me in jail.

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