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Can you really Blame us?


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First I would just like to tell all the people who are calling everyone who posts an angry complaint or remark saying that they will never pre-order anything from BioWare again a *********** whiner to back the hell off.


Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out. I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything. A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


Anyway, please note that I'm not bashing Bioware's EGA scheme per-se. Maybe it's a good way to set up launch for them, who knows. All I'm saying is that personally it's not my cup of tea as a launch procedure and I'll take no part in any future releases that are similarly planned.


- Edit -


Been getting a lot of people saying it's people's own fault for not ordering sooner and etc. As I've said before, I didn't choose to not order in July, I would have in a heartbeat. People don't have the extra income to spend on games whenever they feel like it, idk why that is hard to understand. Like I said in a previous post, I was barely getting my rent money together in July because of a huge loss in the amount of hours for employees at that specific time at my place of work. I was also recovering from a break-up that forced me to move to a new place that I now had to pay for on my own.


to quote Adam Jensen; "I never asked for this."



Edited by ExileV
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See, I'd understand your complaint, and the others, IF it was the 20th, and you had to say...wait 10hours in a queue to log in. Or if the game kept crashing to desktop. Or if you didn't GET the game on the 20th, despite having pre-ordered. I really would understand those complaints.


But as I said in another post, this is like complain about not winning millions after buying a lotto ticket, becasue you were promised a CHANCE of winning. Also, there are still 5 days before the 20th. If you get in ANYTIME between now, and then, they will have satisfied their "promise" of EGA.

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See, I'd understand your complaint, and the others, IF it was the 20th, and you had to say...wait 10hours in a queue to log in. Or if the game kept crashing to desktop. Or if you didn't GET the game on the 20th, despite having pre-ordered. I really would understand those complaints.


But as I said in another post, this is like complain about not winning millions after buying a lotto ticket, becasue you were promised a CHANCE of winning. Also, there are still 5 days before the 20th. If you get in ANYTIME between now, and then, they will have satisfied their "promise" of EGA.


I completely understand all of that, but at the same time I just can't shake the feeling of annoyance. Like, trust me, I want to not be pissed in any way and be happy to get even some Early Access, but at the same time, I feel that they are treating people unfairly and it just gets under my skin. Justify things as much as you want, I can't not feel this way and honestly getting angry about something I paid money for is, to me, a very poor way to spend money.

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Can you really blame people for being disgruntled?


Yes, quite easily.


Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money.


And? I can do the same, just because I don't throw a ***** fit doesn't mean that I don't understand the value of money.

So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


Well, if they whining, then they are, in fact, whiners.

I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out.


Awesome, that puts me closer to the front of the line in the future.


I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything.


Here's an idea... GO DO SOMETHING ELSE. If you're bored because you're sitting there watching your email, that's your own fault.


A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


You were warned ahead of time that they weren't going to give specifics.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


The game hasn't even officially been released to retail stores yet. You'll get fun and entertainment, once you start playing.


Anyway, please note that I'm not bashing Bioware's EGA scheme per-se.


Umm... that's exactly what you're doing.


Maybe it's a good way to set up launch for them, who knows.


Obviously, it's working quite well so far.


All I'm saying is that personally it's not my cup of tea


Actually I believe you said that you were bored, annoyed, and blaming Bioware for it.

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Yeah. Basically today's my last day of Uni before new years and if I don't get my early access today, then I will really be pissed off.

I was just a little annoyed so far, but this will be pushing it.



I don't give a damn about the queues or a bit crowded area. I'll quickly get to level 10 anyway!

Why the hell am I supposed to wait like this?!


AAAAA! I wish I could meet the genious that came up with this stupid idea.

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You're absolutely right. They should've let everyone in at once, overloaded the servers so they crashed, that way everyone could have come on here and moaned about that instead. There's alot of people who predicted that and they've missed out on their 'told you so' moment which is quite frankly unacceptable. Edited by Zenkutsu
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You're absolutely right. They should've let everyone in at once, overloaded the servers so they crashed, that way everyone could have come on here and moaned about that instead. There's alot of people who predicted that and they've missed out on their 'told you so' moment which is quite frankly unacceptable.



They'll have to do that on the 20th anyway.


This isn't actually avoiding any of that, it's just delaying it, if it is going to happen.

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Still so much whining on these forums.


People, go outside, move away from your computer for a little bit, go and live your lives, this is after all a game and your lives shouldn't revolve around it LOL.


I am not in the EGA yet, i redeemed in dec and knew (because i actually read the information) that i might not get in on day 5 of the EGA. But lets not forget that day 5 has only just begun, the majority of you are complaining about the EXTRA (did you get that?) EXTRA 2 days that Bioware ever so kindly granted to their player community.


This launch has gone very well as far as i can tell but sadly the minority of stupid morons who either can't read or believe they are gods gift to this world are whining because they aren't in yet.


Get a grip of you life and go do something with it. The game will still be here when you get back.


And yes, i really can blame people like you.... God complex, get over yourself.

Edited by Nyek
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yeah, im not in either. but for me it isnt really a big deal. i got to play on one of the beta weekends while alot of my friends and co-workers got to play everyday since beta started. am i upset? no. because i understand why. to me it makes perfect sense to use waves for EGA. hell i know when my email comes, i dont want to be waiting 6 hours to log in. also how many people preordered? if everyone got to play at the same time, login server would crash inside of 1 hour. after that noone could play until everything was sorted out. so go d something else while you wait. read a book, play some other games or something, and just remember they said UP to 5 days before. that doesnt mean you will be playing for 5 days, just that you have that chance. so just relax
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Love the flamers this is attracting, that one post, deconstructing my entire OP was pure flaming genius btw.


(that was sarcasm, I know it doesn't translate well in text, thought I'd just say it)


I'm going to completely ignore the flamers and trolls btw please just don't post and/or direct your posts elsewhere. No point giving you satisfaction of the argument you're probably seeking for your own sense of self-worth and superiority.


On Topic however, I am interested on how this Wave scheme is truly in the best interest of people, be it the Players or Bioware. I'm asking this truly out of curiosity and not to be a dick.

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First I would just like to tell all the people who are calling everyone who posts an angry complaint or remark saying that they will never pre-order anything from BioWare again a *********** whiner to back the hell off.


Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out. I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything. A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


Anyway, please note that I'm not bashing Bioware's EGA scheme per-se. Maybe it's a good way to set up launch for them, who knows. All I'm saying is that personally it's not my cup of tea as a launch procedure and I'll take no part in any future releases that are similarly planned.


your annoyed becuase you nought something with conditions attached to it? were did it say you were promised 7 days or 5 days. seriously where. Why do they owe you more then the 30days you paid for

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Can you really blame people for being disgruntled?


Yes, they can. It's very easy to blame somebody else for them being flawed over accepting their concerns, because the latter requires a sense of concern, and people don't want that.


Which is odd, because only Bioware is responsible, and they need not feel shame. But I think it's transference.


Armchair Psychology is a morning class for me.

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Funny thing tho, I find it amusing that its always those who already got in that jumps in on whine posts telling the other unlucky ones to shove their critics down with a glass of good old wait and that they dont deserve to be in the game for various reasons.

Shouldnt you be playing?

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Wait until you turn 16 and have to wait in line at the DMV. You also mentioned buying groceries. Not sure if you ever noticed--but often time you'll have to wait in a line before you can check out. The people that finished shopping before you and got in line before you get to go first. I know the concept of a line is rough concept for someone as important and self absorbed as yourself--maybe if you get on Twitter and start spewing SR/BW a bunch of hate filled tweets asking to move to the front of the line, that will work? Edited by Zhit
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First I would just like to tell all the people who are calling everyone who posts an angry complaint or remark saying that they will never pre-order anything from BioWare again a *********** whiner to back the hell off.


Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out. I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything. A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


Anyway, please note that I'm not bashing Bioware's EGA scheme per-se. Maybe it's a good way to set up launch for them, who knows. All I'm saying is that personally it's not my cup of tea as a launch procedure and I'll take no part in any future releases that are similarly planned.



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by what I have been reading, looks like all the pre-orders will be in game by tomorrow....4 days before the 20th. IF this happens they will deliver on their promise of UP TO 5 days early. No one has anything to complain about IF this happens by tomorrow. All the people complaining about people getting in the game before other people, who cares, within days everyone will be the same lvl. In the grand scheme of things, this game is going to be live for years to come, does a couple of days behind really matter?
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Yes I can totally and completely blame you.


We have know for months, not days, not weeks but many many months that it would be a staged early access by the date you put in your pre-order code.


If you didn’t know this, before you purchased it, it is totally and completely your fault


We have expected for months, not days not weeks, but months that staged early access would start dec 15th, not dec 14th not dec 13th, but December 15th.


If you had no idea that staged early access was originally scheduled to start dec 15th and you may, not will, not ought, not we promise and hope to die, but may get early access for up to 5 days then it is totally your fault


Then comes last week, they have given us more time, even those of us that waited until Oct 1st ( for me anyway ) were able to play, not dec 15th, or 16th, or 17th as most of us expected, but on the 14th. And that most people will be in on the 15th instead of later as we expected to.


The only thing people waiting for this can can possibly say with any smidgen of self respect whatsoever is..... Thank you Bioware for exceeding our expectations.



Yes I can totally and completely blame you

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Customers who redeem their Pre-Order Code at the Code Redemption Center prior to launch will be able to pre-load the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Client before the official Game launch. Pre-loading the Game does not grant you access to the Game. Pre-Ordering the Game only allows you access to the Early Game Access period and your Color Crystal. Early Game Access may be up to 7 days. The length of your Early Game Access depends on the date and order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code.


i think it is you who failed to read.

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EH, it was more or less the deceptive marketing on BWs part that has made me annoyed...




if they said "might be able to play 5 days early" sure, I wouldn't care(not that I really care much anyhow, since i've got my lest semester worth of finals to worry about) but yeah... poor phrasing.


I know may can be "possibility" but when you are getting permission to do something and are told "you may..." it means it's permissible... and with the way I initially read the aforementioned statement without doing any research into the matter, I assumed, I would play 5 days early for pre-ordering.


But, I guess that was their goal... put that in big gold letters and get the remaining on-the-fencers to preorder and bolster their sales...


still not cool though

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Wait until you turn 16 and have to wait in line at the DMV. You also mentioned buying groceries. Not sure if you ever noticed--but often time you'll have to wait in a line before you can check out. The people that finished shopping before you and got in line before you get to go first. I know the concept of a line is rough concept for someone as important and self absorbed as yourself--maybe if you get on Twitter and start spewing SR/BW a bunch of hate filled tweets ask those guys asking to move to the front of the line, that will work?


I approve this message

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