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The Illogic of current lvl 50 PvPers


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- Level 50 PvP's, some opponents are weakly geared and easily beaten, while others strongly geared like them and provide a challenging fight.

- No threads are created on this forum when they face the strongly geared players which give challenging fights.


Patch 1.1.2:

- Level 50s hear that the weakly geared players will become moderately geared players instead.

- They create tons of threads whining about it.


The "logic phail":

- These whiners already face equally geared level 50s. Patch 1.1.2 doesn't change this fact. It also doesn't change the fact that all 50s will eventually gear up anyway.


QQ moar, 50s.

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The trouble with things and stuff is that we really don't know anything about how stuff will werk. I think that talking about things and stuff is a waste of time at this point. What we should really be doing is grinding but we can't because we're all at werk.


In summation we should just wait to see what things and stuff do and THEN come back to the forums to talk about things... and stuff.

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