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Centurion Gear is BAD


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Here's the reason for the QQ about not getting champion items in champion bags. Look how bad Centurion gear is. Having to grind 20+ hours to get an off-piece of Centurion gear is ridiculous.


Centurion Stalker's Handwraps


257 Armor

71 Endurance

73 Willpower

39 Expertise

36 Power

40 Accuracy


Padded Vine-Silk Handwraps - Orange-Item


I made this in a few hours, from dailies.


257 Armor

81 Endurance

98 Willpower

35 Critical

39 Surge



Stat Difference:


-10 Endurance

-25 Willpower

+39 Expertise

+40 Accuracy - Worthless in PvP for most classes

+36 Power

-35 Critical

-39 Surge


100ish Health

1.7% Critical Chance

5% Critical Multiplier


In exchange for:


+3 Damage with Melee and Ranged Attacks

1% less damage taken from players.

+1% damage done to players.

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