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BW... You're getting as bad as CCP


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This 2 hour hotfix has caused more bugs than its worth taking the 2minutes to log back in for crashing maybe once per day.

Im guessing this will mean a 3rd DT later this week to hotfix the hotfix to fix the patch that fixed the patch to fix release.


Bioware you're rapidly approaching CCP's reputation for bad patches that need constant fixing.


I used to be on your side with all these patches, saying hey, its a new game, it takes time, its gotta teethe.


But now, we're almost up to 3 months old, and yes new content is nice. But id much rather you fix most the bugs first, and not the ones nobody cares about like "Players can now use emotes while in a taxi" we spend maybe 2% of our game time in a taxi.


These constant downtimes and bug infested patches are beginning to wear my enjoyment for this game down.


BW you've made a good game, but if this keeps up you're going to start losing subs rapidly. At this point i honestly feel that you're testing all of your patches and fixes half-assedly.


If you fixing the majority of the large problems means you have to delay Legacy or new instances etc. i for one am happy to wait, even though this may mean ill wind up with nothing to do eventually, id rather play the game without the hassle of wondering what is working.


If people disagree they're more than welcome to their opinion, but at the moment i might start writing down all the hours lost to downtimes that are outside of "Standard maintenance / patch night"


And while yes your T&C says that you can take the servers down at any time without notice, so can all your subscribers in 3 months when GW comes out if you haven't fixed your issues by then.

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while writing this post:


The boss in Battle for Illum was untauntable EXCEPT for when he was supposed to be untauntable, as in i could still taunt when Cover was down, hed still hit everyone else, cover goes up he hits me.


My UI still becomes unclickable or able to be used with keyboard although you claimed to fix that around 1.1 forcing me to reload the UI mid combat.


Guard, which worked in PVE prior to 1.1, no longer works - were there notes on this change? it works in PVP. - edit, guard still does threat reduction in pve just not damage.


My ticket and the ticket of other guildys in the 8man EV raid submitted on 25/01/2012 for the loot on the known bug that happens on the 3rd boss in EV, when the southern tower is finished before the north, the chest bugs and items become unlootable is still open.

Edited by Gumbicus
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Hello kid.


Welcome to PC gaming 101 and GAMING of today.



Whether its for your PC or Console, most new games ESPECIALLY MMO's have issues. At least BW attempts to fix them. Can't say the same for other popular titles (Black Ops, MW3, BF2) that sell millions upon millions of copies, getting no service to them for months on end or if at all.


And if anyone wants to mention WoW, it took them 7 years to start using mechanics that seem convenient. YEARS! LFG didn't come about for years!


2 months and the rants compete with games that have been on the market for eons. Good job BW! (no sarcasm)

Edited by Pexxle
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Hi everyone,


As we already have several threads for discussion of the various aspects of this topic, we're closing this thread in the interest of consolidating discussions. We encourage you to join the existing discussions about this topic in the following threads:


*** Ultimate Bug list : Check here for known bugs and possible workarounds ***

More than one regualar downtime a week is a SERIOUS problem...



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