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Proposal for Changes to PvP


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So, I'm pretty sure we can all be agreed on the fact that there is a problem with PvP as it currently stands, although we may not agree on any given solution. However, there are a few common things that I'm pretty sure everyone can agree with:




I) Centurion gear is a bad joke, as implemented. Anyone who isn't completely cursed is going to have a full set of Champion gear FAR before they'd have enough Centurion Comms to purchase a full set of Cent.



Easy solution: Place an item in the PvP Items vendor that sells Centurion Commendations, either using the existing rate of WZ-->Merc of 3:1, or even go so far as to make it 10:1 (meaning 100 WZ comms for 10 Cent comms).



What this would accomplish: New 50's will still get Rofl-stomped for a short while when racking up WZ-->Cent comms, but their talents will directly reflect on how long this takes. Soon, however, they'll be in a full set of Cent gear and therefore won't be quite so easily facerolled.




II) The Notorious "Bag of Fail". Okay, I get the idea behind this, sort of. I disagree with it, but I can wrap my mind around how someone could've thought this would be a good idea. Whoever thought that, though, was plain and simply wrong. If you want to use a bag system, two things need changed.



Easy solution: Champ gear bags require valor rank 40 and contain a variable number of Centurion Commendations (5-10) as well as a chance of containing Champion Commendations (33.33% chance of 30). Set the price for main gear at 30, weapons at 50, and accessories (earpiece, implants, and relics) at 25. Battlemaster bags require Valor Rank 50, contain Champion Commendations (5-10), and have a chance of containing Battlemaster Commendations (33.33% chance of 30). Same pricing as Champ gear.



What this will do: New 50's will need to win 375 Champion Commendations for a full set of Champ gear. This translates to between 38-114 bags, which with a conservative weekly rate of 10 bags becomes only 4-12 weeks. New 50's who get to 50 w/o >Valor Rank 40 will obviously need longer, while those who participate in World PvP in addition to WZ's will get there sooner.


Use this same setup for Battlemaster gear, changing the Weekly to drop Battlemaster bags once the character reaches Valor Rank 50.




III) Bracket issues: We all knew brackets were coming. They seem to be a necessary evil. However, they should never have been based off of character level, but instead by Valor. Also, mixing Pre-made and Random queues has led to massive imbalance due to the level of coordination/group optimization.



Proposed solution: Two queues (Random and Group) each divided into six brackets (Skirmisher through War Hero). Allow players in the Group queue to enter the queue with either a 4-man party or an 8-man ops group (thus eliminating the need for Random queue filler members). Flash a message to all Group Queue members that Group Queue is at their own risk - party members who d/c will not be replaced.


Secondly, implement Warzone PvP across servers within the same time zone (so all East Coast servers queue together, all West Coast are together, and all EU are together).



What this will do: Increased queue times due to the additional brackets will be off-set by the cross-server WZ's. Players will be queueing against players of similar skill level. Level imbalance in the queues will even itself out naturally, as 50's in the lower brackets will rise to higher brackets more quickly than <50's will.






Anyway, these were just my thoughts. Comments?

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