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Have Cybertech Tank Mods Been Acknowledged?


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Currently I am a level 50 Powertech with cybertech and maxed out UT and Scavenging. I've been able to craft for myself an earpiece and a full set of armor, but I can only make mods for...EVERY CLASS BUT MY OWN.


I know that the lack of tanking mods (mods with +defense/shield/absorb stat) has been put in "known bug" lists, but I was wondering if this has been acknowledged by Bioware or if this is just something the community is assuming a bug that Bioware has knowingly (maliciously?) left in there.


There have been dozens of patches with this being a "known" bug, and it seems a little rediculous that 1/4 of the 4 person party dynamic is screwed over in terms of player-crafting for cybertech.


I couldnt find anything in dev-tracker so I'm assuming the answer is no, but I was wondering if anyone else knew differently.



Edited by Drekos
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A friend has been looking out religiously for any mention of this and has yet to come up with anything.


It's a shame. I haven't hit 400 Cybertech on my alt yet but I get the feeling it's just another half a**ed crew skill thrown together at the last minute. (not that I haven't heard confirmation from many other Cybertechs already)

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*update* I was recently contacted by one of the Customer Service droids for a chat while I was in game. I'm not sure if this was a person or a chat droid, I'm leaning towards the first (although the person would be limited to pre-written company lines to make sure they were polite and didnt give anything away).


Anywho, while my initial conversation was about how my companion is always unsummoned when my taxi lands, they asked "is there anything else?" and I mentioned this forum topic. The basic response was. "Oh, thats interesting, I cant make any promises but watch for future patch notes on the forums." So basically they just acknowledged the fact that I made the claim, not that the problem exists. But it appears they ARE listening to our bug complaints.

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I too have been extremely Unlucky at finding ANY tanking Mods for my Shadow Assassin

All the stats are for Willpower with next to no Endurance for the survivability a Tank needs.


I found a "listing" somewhere on an Aptitude Mod 20B, but No further listing as to if it is crafted, re'd, or from some schematic.


I've asked a few times in General chat on the Fleet Space Station to no avail, just speculation.


Have tried multiple time to re an Aptitude Mod 20A, but ...


Please help!!! lol

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