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Companions: Too restricted. Not enough between story.


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Companions. We know them and we love them. They save our behinds and we can make them wear silly dancer outfits. But...


Note: This does reveal Spoilers in the terms of named Companions, and several of the explanations of this subject are based on Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight companions point of view. If you havent seen the companion's on Jedi Knight/Sith Warriors and don't want it ruined stop reading now. for a good bit of them are labled for futher explanation.


For those to lazy to read the story I put detailing why I feel this way I made a short term list here.



Would like to see:

Companions immune to color crystal Alignment Restrictions


Companions that are Jedi/Sith able to wear Jedi/Sith class restricted clothing we can craft etc. vise versa to other classes.


More In-fighting/Interaction between Companions like on the Original Kotor/Kotor2. (Jedi Knight) Sith on a Jedi Starship and no trouble stirs up socialy with the other companions to open discussion fighting? /sigh


Jedi Knight Companion Lord Scourge IMMUNE to the faction restricted graphics we see on items so we can have more Sith Items to put on him instead of Jedi.





Companions are TOO restricted when it comes to what we want them able to do, or wear or evolve personalities with other companions.






Companions are very nice a lot of nice story. But what about Life on the ship? I was kinda dissapointed that there were not companion story quests/cutscenes of companions fighting eachother on the ship, or Asking questions about the player. Like what happened a lot for the mix matched bunch that flew on the Ebon Hawk.


Edit: Besides love intrests of course where ya got one chick fighting the other chick for ya etc etc.


Itemization: Companions are limited to gear or items that are class restricted or Alignment restricted. Some companions are similar to classes. Jedi, Sith, Trooper etc. but cannot wear class restricted armor representing what they are.

In-Depth Explanation:

Kira(Jedi Knight Companion) She is a Jedi Knight, Force user like other companions. like Jaesa(Sith Warrior) But. They cannot be distinguished enough to be able to wear Jedi/Sith restricted clothing.


Explanation part 2 Alignments:

To be more precise. Color Crystals. It is dissapoinint for my Light side Jedi Knight to not be able to put a new higher level Red Color Crystal in Lord Scourge's Lightsaber. and vise versa to my Sith, Jaesa or pretty much anyone dark side have only 1 color cystal to the darkside. (Personally, I would love to have my Companions rock Blue/Green color blaster weapons you don't see those very much).


What I believe many of use would like to see:

Companions should be able wear class restricted gear that is to their base orientation. Kira, Jaesa, Scourge etc. Force user companions should be able to wear the Jedi/Sith restricted clothing as many are very unique and decent looking moddable gear for your companions. I want to refer to this to similar companions that are like Troopers, Bounty Hunters etc.



Focus on the Jedi Knight companion Lord Scourge.


Players Factions see items diffrently on same side items like craftables etc. Republic see Clone Wars style helms and Brown Robes while Empire see Jango Fett Helms and armor plated black robes.


Because of this Scourge's outfit choice is extremely limited It took an entire patch to make his starting gear not turn into Jedi Robes because of this segregation of item graphics. I wish to see Scourge to be immune to the cross faction orientation and whatever he wears that has a empire side only graphic set to it. and viewable on him via item preview.

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