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More than one regualar downtime a week is a SERIOUS problem...


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I am not sure what the reason is for this apparent total lack of concern for industry standard patching schedules, but it had better end quick or this game is going to lose a lot of subs. That is not a threat, it is just reality.


I think you are missing the point, although it's not the point most of these histrionic cheerleaders or WoW-raging trolls are throwing up.


For them to have to make two emergency patches to two major system patches in the course of a week is indicative of either insufficient testing or insufficient knowledge of subsystems affected by changes elsewhere, or both.


I'm not irritated by the downtime so much, even when it cuts into my playtime (which it does at times). I can understand how others are frustrated , but that's not my worry.


My worry is solely that they are rushing to patch things instead of doing it right the first time. Why? Game is setting on an 85% retention rate, why the rush? The haste?

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I think you are missing the point, although it's not the point most of these histrionic cheerleaders or WoW-raging trolls are throwing up.


For them to have to make two emergency patches to two major system patches in the course of a week is indicative of either insufficient testing or insufficient knowledge of subsystems affected by changes elsewhere, or both.


I'm not irritated by the downtime so much, even when it cuts into my playtime (which it does at times). I can understand how others are frustrated , but that's not my worry.


My worry is solely that they are rushing to patch things instead of doing it right the first time. Why? Game is setting on an 85% retention rate, why the rush? The haste?


I agree with you 100%. I think I mentioned something similar in one of the posts I made in this thread, might have posted that in another thread though.

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First day the maintenance was short, hours shorter than expected.

The next day it was super short.


Add them together, one regular day of maintenance.


Get over yourself.




You guys need to understand that for a game in its first month+, maintenance is super important. Other mmos have been plagued with issues for months after release. BW wants to try and fix things as soon as noted. If you were having this disconnect issue, you would want it fixed.


They fix things during these periods. If they don't do it, that means that there will be lagging issues that you will then complain about.


If it falls in your prime time to play, that sucks. However, most of my days off are on Tuesdays, meaning I always lose time. I don't complain because it is what it is. Deal with it.

Edited by dukehenry
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Imagine how pissed youd be if you were EU (or Aus) and the servers came down 8am til 2pm on a saturday, and 8 hours on a Tues daytime, and Thursdays too while you werent asleep or about to go to sleep. . .


oh . . wait. . .


I honestly wouldn't mind at all if it was 8 am to 2 pm on a Saturday. Those are ideal patching hours actually.


Daytime patching hours don't affect me. I don't play video games during daytime hours. I WORK.

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I don't really get what this thread wants.. Or maybe I'm the only one that is not that affected by the downtimes?


I work Fridays-Tuesdays 9AM-6PM GMT+8. Maintenance happens here at Tuesdays 4PM-10PM. But most of the time, after I get off from work, the servers are... somehow up.


When they announced an emergency maintenance yesterday (2/2/2012), the server was down for only like 2 hours?


Should I complain about that? :confused:

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You're not part of the majority. Sorry, suck it up. EA doesn't really have a choice, the population dictates when servers go down. And i will tell you, I AM GLAD THEY ARE FIXING STUFF NOW AND NOT IN 2 YEARS LIKE STO TRIED TO DO.
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I wish that they didn't need patch to fix patches but I can deal with the advanced warning of the game will be down at this time rather than random service outages which although some servers have had and I acknowledge this has not seemed to be a widespread issue.
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Get a life?


To try and put this as plainly as I can, taking the servers down as often as they have been is completely unacceptable. It is also painting Bioware as completely amateur regarding their understanding of both how MMOs are run and what customers expect.


It is NOT acceptable to take servers down every couple of days to fix minor exploits, performance issues that affect less than a majority of customers, or any other reason besides extreme stability issues which make the game unplayable. Because I can guarantee that most people would rather deal with such issues than not play the game at all.


I realize this is a young game and there will be some growing pains. But I know for a fact a LOT of people are becoming really turned off by this attitude of "OOoooo! We found a bug, let's take the servers down!". I am mad enough as it is and I am on EST. Can you imagine how pissed people in the West Coast are who are getting their service shut down at midnight every couple of days because of relatively insignificant issues?


I am not sure what the reason is for this apparent total lack of concern for industry standard patching schedules, but it had better end quick or this game is going to lose a lot of subs. That is not a threat, it is just reality.


EDIT: If you are going to make some comment about "I am glad the servers are down at least they are fixing the game", save your breath. Every other MMO I have ever played has fixed their games by taking the servers down once a week. And I will add this: I guarantee you wouldn't be singing the same song if they took them down during YOUR prime playing hours.

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You're not part of the majority. Sorry, suck it up. EA doesn't really have a choice, the population dictates when servers go down. And i will tell you, I AM GLAD THEY ARE FIXING STUFF NOW AND NOT IN 2 YEARS LIKE STO TRIED TO DO.



This can't be true. My realm goes down at midnight, when it is at its peak. If the population dicated when it went down, it would down 4 or 5 hours later than it does. And I don't play on some small realm, I play on the LARGEST US realm, The Swiftsure.

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24 pages of mostly ************ and a whole lot of crying and i bet most of you disgruntled MMO n00bs will be subbing for another month....yay


but to actually add something to the conversation, other than disdain, If trion is such a perfect GD, why aren't more playing their product(s)? they may know a better way of handling their servers or they may even be more competent at their jobs as programmers and developers. does it matter to me? not in the slightest, i don't care what another company is doing because i am not playing their game. As soon as BW shows me that they are completely incompetent and destroy the fun factor for me, then i will leave cause at that point, the game wouldn't be worth $1 to me, its lost all its entertainment value.

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This can't be true. My realm goes down at midnight, when it is at its peak. If the population dicated when it went down, it would down 4 or 5 hours later than it does. And I don't play on some small realm, I play on the LARGEST US realm, The Swiftsure.


Sorry but i also play on some huge servers as well, and server population picks up at around 3-4pm central time and drops off around 7-8pm. So no, you're not part of the majority, no matter how many of your little guild buddies like to think they are.

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You're not part of the majority. Sorry, suck it up. EA doesn't really have a choice, the population dictates when servers go down. And i will tell you, I AM GLAD THEY ARE FIXING STUFF NOW AND NOT IN 2 YEARS LIKE STO TRIED TO DO.


This thread has nothing to do with when the patches are done, it is about the fact that there is no reason to patch several times a week when every other MMO does not do this. If you bothered to read the entire thread, you would find that this is not standard even for a new MMO...at least not for the minor fixes they have been applying.


But I know these forums are primarily here for people like you to self justify themselves by (imagining) you are making other people look stupid, so please carry on.

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I'd rather they fix things right the first time, so they don't need to follow up with patches to fix what they broke by fixing something else that was broke.



Then you've never played EVE Online :p


To the OP: be glad they are fixing so much stuff now, instead of waiting with it...

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What's important right now is to squash those bugs. If the patch is fixing things, then there's no need to worry.


Let's try to put it this way. You get stuck on one area. You got stuck on Wednesday. But they only fix this things regularly on a Tuesday. So would you like them to unstuck you only on the scheduled maintenance which is Tuesday or as soon as they get the fix?


They patch the game because they want to fix it. You should worry if no patch is coming at all not the other way around.

Edited by RogueStrife
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had you ever played another MMO at launch, you would realize this game's launch was remarkably smooth, and the uptime in this game is astonishing compared to others (yes even your beloved World of Warcraft) had a catastrophic launch.
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The downtimes are not so bad......if your in the US since it's done overnight. Bioware do not consider EU players who can't play during peak hours, it's been down a couple of times over weekend during the day and that's doesn't go down well.
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Then you've never played EVE Online :p


To the OP: be glad they are fixing so much stuff now, instead of waiting with it...


Except when they implement a new patch that breaks something else.


I'd rather they wait till tuesday mornings like they said they were going to do, refine the patches they make and confirm there are no new mistakes inside of them, instead of rushing out patches as fast as they can.


I'd like content to get fixed, by not for the sake of extra down time and new mistakes being made because they rushed a new patch out to fix something old that they didn't fix, just to bring in something new and broken that they will be patching in the next few days.


I pay for this monthly fee here, I expect to get my months worth of time out of the game. They have a downtime every couple of days lately.

Edited by Evray
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Except when they implement a new patch that breaks something else.


I'd rather they wait till tuesday mornings like they said they were going to do, refine the patches they make and confirm there are no new mistakes inside of them, instead of rushing out patches as fast as they can.


I'd like content to get fixed, by not for the sake of extra down time and new mistakes being made because they rushed a new patch out to fix something old that they didn't fix, just to bring in something new and broken that they will be patching in the next few days.


I pay for this monthly fee here, I expect to get my months worth of time out of the game. They have a downtime every couple of days lately.


Most of us pay a monthly fee for this game, you're not alone there... Be glad we had quite a smooth launch, compared to other games....

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