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People of Swtor i beg of you


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People of Swtor... I beg beg beg of you... please take 5 extra seconds to look at a loot drop before you arbitrarily roll need on gear you cant use. For the 5th time in as many days i've lost an item that was a direct upgrade to a class that cannot use it most recently a blaster rifle with cunning on it to a bounty hunter. Without hesitation he rolled need not looking at the stats.It does'nt cost anything extra to take a few seconds to make sure that you can use it before rolling need on it as Bioware has not made them able to be traded as of yet. I am sure there are hundreds of stories just like mine so please please please i beg of you stop being douchebags and blindly rolling need
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For the 5th time in as many days i've lost an item that was a direct upgrade to a class that cannot use it most recently a blaster rifle with cunning on it to a bounty hunter.
As a bounty hunter ... orz.


Why a BH would want a blaster rifle, let alone one with cunning, is beyond me.

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Never had this problem. Just say something if they are stealing drops. If that doesn't work threaten to leave the group. If that doesn't work leave the group. If this is a big huge consistent problem for you (which it shouldnt be) go get in a nice big guild and do stuff with them.
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Here is a work around until BW blocks the ablity to need on stuff you cannot use.


Step 1 Lead groups


Step 2 Set expectations. Tell people that if they click need on something they cannot use they will be kicked.


Step 3 Use the kick button when people loot stuff that is not theirs.


Step 4 Blacklist them.

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