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Now i was wondering if i am going to get more crit and suge


What kinda mods are u guys useing


Dó you go for the , Low end and high crit/surge or dó you take the mods out and repalce them,

With same end and Low crit and High surge .



Will still yet don't have a guide or a post what People's are useing for mods . And thats a qustions i like to know about , What you are doing to Youre champ/bm gear t1-2-3 pve gear...



I Think it Can help alot og marauders out there ...



Sorry spelling ...

Edited by Aztian
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Now i was wondering if i am going to get more crit and suge


What kinda mods are u guys useing


Dó you go for the , Low end and high crit/surge or dó you take the mods out and repalce them,

With same end and Low crit and High surge .



Will still yet don't have a guide or a post what People's are useing for mods . And thats a qustions i like to know about , What you are doing to Youre champ/bm gear t1-2-3 pve gear...



I Think it Can help alot og marauders out there ...



Sorry spelling ...


Surge to 300 after that switch so power or crit.

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Why cap at 300 for Surge? I've been tinkering with my Biochem Op and have been noticing some strange numbers, such as a move hitting for 580-600 hitting for 1000 on a 94% Crit Multiplier...Tad strange, but these numbers are showing up everywhere, not with just one move, or with just PvP. In PvE, I've also noticed these incorrect number projections; Numbers are off by at least 20% from the multiplier, which leads me to believe there is a Cap to Crit Multiplier :(
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