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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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Will highlight it for you, that 1st qtr report "allows" them to claim beyond the FIRST QTR which is 0ct 1 to DEC 31st of 2011, which is the first qtr of 2012, fiscal year


that report lets them brag early about how well they have done, wait for the hard numbers on the 2nd qtr, 1 jan to mar 31 2012,


if they remain similar to the 1.7 act, they are holding steady, if they have 1.4 active, they have lost, and if they have 1.8 they have increased, see how that works???


wait for the data


and they desperatly cling to their last hope that maybe the game isn't the HUGE SUCCESS, THE GREATEST IN HISTORY OF HUMANKIND

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You do have to remember that your sub does not become inactive after you cancel your sub. It becomes inactive after your paid time has expired.


If there are 1.7 million active subs that does include people who have cancelled and no longer play. Thats why some people are saying you have to wait for the next numbers but if nothing is done and the new numbers come out and its only 1 million or so still active then the game will not recover.


Thats why some of us are on here complaining. We want this game to succeed and last a long time.


Its the people who see 1.7 subs and say success just because thats a large number that are in denial. Its better to fix something before it completely breaks rather than wait for it to break and then figure out how to fix it.


So to everyone that thinks people that are not happy with the game want it to fail, your wrong. If I wanted the game to fail I would just have cancelled and walked away from the game. I dont want it to fail but with the way it is not it most likely will.


This gotta be the funniest and sleaziest "concern troll" EVER

People, we got a winner!

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So when do they log on? do they all log on when the servers are in light status? Wouldnt that change the server status from light to standard or heavy?


Again 1.7 million with 200 servers is 8500 per server on average. I would think it would be safe to say that over 10% play during peek times each day so round that to 1000 per server I dont see it.


At peak time, in EU, we have 4-5 FULL servers (up to 9 during the week end), 5-10 Very heavy and over a dozen Heavy


There you go.

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you just cant, cant, cant accept that the game is fine, people do enjoy it, its future is bright right now?

just cant get away with that, right? you have to bash it into the mud because it irritates you so much - this game didnt live to your expectations?


if he does, then all his life will have no meaning anymore

he failed to kill TOR

how can he live with that????

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Many are not lvl 50 yet 'cause not everyone of the 2 million buyers started the same day.

Many are leveling alts.

MANY are in Warzones at the very moment you're watching the numbers.




What does being level 50 have to do with anything I said?


Do alts not show up on the servers?


If they are in warzones they still would be on the server yes?


So in your comments you said 3 things that didnt have anything to do with answering me. It was just jibberish to act like you had an answer.


All the people you listed above would still be on the servers wouldnt they?

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If these figures are accurate (and they are updated daily) then the game is dying on its arse




Dunno what's more sa:


- that you don't know how to read a chart

- that you ignore for your purpose the server cap raise

- that you are there crying because the game is going to be so succesful that every other game will try to imitate it

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What does being level 50 have to do with anything I said?


Do alts not show up on the servers?


If they are in warzones they still would be on the server yes?


So in your comments you said 3 things that didnt have anything to do with answering me. It was just jibberish to act like you had an answer.


All the people you listed above would still be on the servers wouldnt they?


Yeah, I was a little too hasty to read your post.

I somehow got into my head that you were just watching the amount of people in the Fleet to base your feeling onto.


I do apologize for misreading you.

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If these figures are accurate (and they are updated daily) then the game is dying on its arse




even judging by moojunkies tool (which is unreliable just because we do not know neither server thresholds nor that how Bioware can change them - and they can) we can see that population is stabilized lately and is nowhere near going down fast.

After first patch it was even a noticeable rise of it, which tells me that people are interested in the game and react to changes fast.


you are just a poor creature. 1.7 million active subs, be purged by them.

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What does being level 50 have to do with anything I said?


Do alts not show up on the servers?


If they are in warzones they still would be on the server yes?


So in your comments you said 3 things that didnt have anything to do with answering me. It was just jibberish to act like you had an answer.


All the people you listed above would still be on the servers wouldnt they?


Face it, people don't want to play with you and move to other servers. It's understandable though, from the little you let transpire...

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What does being level 50 have to do with anything I said?


Do alts not show up on the servers?


If they are in warzones they still would be on the server yes?


So in your comments you said 3 things that didnt have anything to do with answering me. It was just jibberish to act like you had an answer.


All the people you listed above would still be on the servers wouldnt they?


Fans going to fan


MMO junkies EU server stats show a STAGGERING decline in play. Not just becasue the Xmas holidays ended, but continuing and ongoing now.


Sure technically I'm still a subscriber - one of the happy 1.7 million. But I'm not playing, and I'm not re-newing. The 1.7 is a totally spurious figuere that includes masses of people still on their free 28 days. (I have recently let my direct debit for three months go through..darn it)



Subs this

boxes shifted that

Origin sales the other.


LOOK AT WHO IS PLAYING NOW. The information is readily available in the link I posted above.

Players online ..You know - the people who will continue to subscribe if they are enjoying it?

Well the number osf those guys week by week is dropping like a stone.


Look at MMO junkies overall stats for EU or USA servers. Hit the graph, see the actual numbers.


Players who are playing the game..today, yesterday, see how it compares to last week, the week before. The numbers are dropping like a stone.



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I'm not assuming... I'm using simple subtraction to get that 300k+ number from the exact information reported today by EA.


The only other answer is that those 300k+ threw the box in the trash/were never able to login/register. I WILL assume that the % of people that tossed the game in the trash or were never able to login once is very, very, very small....


I'm not assuming 500k more will quit. I'm 100% correct in pointing out this segment (500k which seems like a pretty good estimate... feel free to offer another) still has to decide to stay anothe rmonth OR quit.


The only person here that appears to have no credibility is you... who do not appear to understand simple logic.


Whether or not these numbers indicate FAIL, as I said... is up for interpretation... but the numbers are what the numbers are. No amount of fanboy rage changes the numbers or makes them something they aren't.


Your 500K is a complete guess though. The only thing we know from the call is that 'most' of the 1.7m are past their trial period and into their first subscription period.


The current numbers are not up for interpretation as to whether they are fail or success. Currently it is a success and that can't be disputed.


If you want to dispute something, it is whether or not similar numbers can be maintained. As of right now, it is a VERY BIG success.

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Ummm... are you aware, that the data on mmojunkies is taken just from light/standard/heavy etc. statuses on the server statut page? And that BW has increased the caps so that what was previously Heavy load (or even full) is now a Standard? Edited by kokosak
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1) That is based on euro at 1:30 in the morning

2) by those numbers they are stating that a full server has a max pop of 500....


Look at the overall player figures.

As long as the stats are taken the same time every day then the trends will show true.


THE TREND not the specific number


Top left graph - in green "Overall Server Population" for 92 EU servers recorded at the same time each day since the game launched.


See that?


Yup, If the game declines at that rate they'll be turning off the servers by July/August this year.


Then look at US server stats - virtually identical. Steady decline in playing numbers week on week. Steady and BIG decline. 40% down on Xmas week, and 20% down on January 8th (when even the latest schools and work places had re-opened - so we can't blame the decline on people just not being on vacation any more)


If you want to deny it - carry on. But those are the cold hard facts.

Less people playing week on week.

Live with it or live in denial

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Fans going to fan


MMO junkies EU server stats show a STAGGERING decline in play. Not just becasue the Xmas holidays ended, but continuing and ongoing now.


Sure technically I'm still a subscriber - one of the happy 1.7 million. But I'm not playing, and I'm not re-newing. The 1.7 is a totally spurious figuere that includes masses of people still on their free 28 days. (I have recently let my direct debit for three months go through..darn it)



Subs this

boxes shifted that

Origin sales the other.


LOOK AT WHO IS PLAYING NOW. The information is readily available in the link I posted above.

Players online ..You know - the people who will continue to subscribe if they are enjoying it?

Well the number osf those guys week by week is dropping like a stone.


Look at MMO junkies overall stats for EU or USA servers. Hit the graph, see the actual numbers.


Players who are playing the game..today, yesterday, see how it compares to last week, the week before. The numbers are dropping like a stone.




Is there a site that arranges wow that way?

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Look at the overall player figures.

As long as the stats are taken the same time every day then the trends will show true.


THE TREND not the specific number


Top left graph - in green "Overall Server Population" for 92 EU servers recorded at the same time each day since the game launched.


See that?


Yup, If the game declines at that rate they'll be turning off the servers by July/August this year.


Then look at US server stats - virtually identical. Steady decline in playing numbers week on week. Steady and BIG decline. 40% down on Xmas week, and 20% down on January 8th (when even the latest schools and work places had re-opened - so we can't blame the decline on people just not being on vacation any more)


If you want to deny it - carry on. But those are the cold hard facts.

Less people playing week on week.

Live with it or live in denial


i dont get it are you really that thick or what. There is no staggering population decline even judging by mmo junkies, stop misinforming people. They show concurrent load of servers. It is obvious that on launch everyone was trying to log as soon as servers were up, thus high concurrent numbers. in past month there is no real tendency concurrent numbers to decline, even the opposite, after the patch it went up for a bit. Again, everyone, go watch it yourself, just try to understand how these graphs works and why this guy i am talking to cant interpret them correctly.


You say "live in denial" while this is exactly what you are trying to do - the game is amazing, it has a lot of people playing, it will just grow up and prosper for years. Your naysaying wont change anything, only worsen your disappointment when in time you cant deny the facts anymore.


you are on the road to pain and selfesteem loss, dear.

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Look at the overall player figures.

As long as the stats are taken the same time every day then the trends will show true.


THE TREND not the specific number


Top left graph - in green "Overall Server Population" for 92 EU servers recorded at the same time each day since the game launched.


See that?


Yup, If the game declines at that rate they'll be turning off the servers by July/August this year.


Then look at US server stats - virtually identical. Steady decline in playing numbers week on week. Steady and BIG decline. 40% down on Xmas week, and 20% down on January 8th (when even the latest schools and work places had re-opened - so we can't blame the decline on people just not being on vacation any more)


If you want to deny it - carry on. But those are the cold hard facts.

Less people playing week on week.

Live with it or live in denial


No way!! Populations are down from Christmas week?


Gee, I wonder what could account for such an unusual happenstance? I mean people generally have way more free time to game when there is not a major holiday.

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No way!! Populations are down from Christmas week?


Gee, I wonder what could account for such an unusual happenstance? I mean people generally have way more free time to game when there is not a major holiday.


Shooo, you live in denial. dont you dare to argue with enlightenment one.

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Article can be found here, from MCV, a well respected trade magazine/online resource:




I'm chuffed for the guys at BW - well done!


I'm Still enjoying the game! Still logging in every day!


Yes, there's stuff to fix, and stuff to add. But still having a blast!





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