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So the newly 50's expect to be treated like royalty because?


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Ok so, I run wzs more than 75% of the time im on the game, working on leveling my second toon thru only class quests and warzone. I simply dont understand why people think that the time I put into pvp should not give me an advantage over people who run 3 warzones a day for the daily. If you dont pvp it should be harder for you to get that daily done, not easier.

While I will admit that the experience I get from running warzones may give me an advantage over players that dont, its not enough compensation for the sheer amount of time it takes to grind out lvl 60 valor especially since you cant grind valor past your character level till you hit 50, so I end up with half the warzones i do not even granting me any valor.

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I dont want to do pve, flashpoints are cc fests that seem to never end. Maybe I got spoiled by the pacing of wow from wrath forward, but every flashpoint I have done has bored me to tears. If you like pve good for you but your gear should have 0 effect once you cross that line in Illum or que for a warzone and right now the oposite is true.
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I dont want to do pve, flashpoints are cc fests that seem to never end. Maybe I got spoiled by the pacing of wow from wrath forward, but every flashpoint I have done has bored me to tears. If you like pve good for you but your gear should have 0 effect once you cross that line in Illum or que for a warzone and right now the oposite is true.


Play the game and stop whinning


Wah! i dont like the game i bought!

I dont want to play it! i want my gear grind!

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The problem here was that there was no brackets when the game launch and for almost an entire month. Meaning almost all of the level 50s that are now complaining about new 50s plea for something to level the playing field were the ones that exploited the system back then and ''earned'' their gear the easy way no matter how much ''hard work'' you claim you did to earn it ( which cant be much if you got full set pvp gear in less than a month right?) so stop being a you know what and let people voice their opinions and what needs to be done about level 50 pvp.



If you guys truly love pvp then I would think ( like I do) that you would love more of a challenge meaning more 50s in our range of gear means more competition and more fun.I certainly dont find it fun if I can destroy my enemy in seconds , I want an epic battle that lasts a lot and at the end of it win or lose I even respect the other player .

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Fixed to cater to your agenda.


However, just from glancing at forum threads and the backlash associated with the news that PvP gear might be getting nerfed, I would say your school of thought is the minority unfortunately.


I'd say that it isn't that people in our line of thinking are in the minority. We just aren't the ones being vocal whiners.


Just going to copy my thoughts from another thread.


I'm all for a nerf to expertise on gear. At present, being an entry level player at 50 is PAINFUL going up against all of those players running around in 10%+ Expertise, because it's a massive advantage. Not only that, but if you are a decently geared PvPer, having a bunch of people on your team NOT in PvP gear is massively detrimental and will decrease your chances of winning.


By lowering the amount of expertise you get, being an entry-level player is still difficult - but it's not impossible - to win fights with players in PvP gear until you get your own set, and it makes it more tolerable to stick around and PvP until you get your set, rather than simply having to deal with dying all the time because you don't have the gear to be competitive.


I PvP for the competition, not to stomp ungeared peoples faces in with my superior gear. I'm all for this change.

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I've been 50 for a while but I would still like to ride around in one of those box things that have those poles that are carried by people while I am on a bed inside it eating grapes and having someone fanning me with one of those giant leafs. I always thought that would be kind of great.
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There's no reason why a person can't have 500-750k credits by the time they hit 50. Spending some money on the GTN on level 50 blue+ quality gear for every slot you have would do wonders for many people. I can't tell you how often I see people in WZs with level 42 greens wondering why they can't compete.


500-750k? Really? NOT happening without slicing, pure and simple.


Anyways, sounds like the main thing this whole thing boils down to is people believing any nerf will mean that PvE gear is better for PvP than PvP gear, and really, that's a HUGE assumption to make. ...and a lot of people just wanting to be able to smash the new 50s with minimal effort.

Edited by Kuari
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If you arent willing to make the effort to gear up, you dont deserve anything more than to be smashed in pvp.


Its actually the opposite buddy.


If you're a lvl 50 for 2 years and I'm a lvl 50 for 2 minutes I should be able to smash you. Not because I have better gear than you but, because I'm faster, smarter and better than you.

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Its actually the opposite buddy.


If you're a lvl 50 for 2 years and I'm a lvl 50 for 2 minutes I should be able to smash you. Not because I have better gear than you but, because I'm faster, smarter and better than you.


Hi, you must be new here.


In MMO's people have to work for gear, which gives them the capability to hit harder, and not die as fast. It's kinda just how MMO's go. Maybe you should stick to FPS's where real skill is the only thing that matters.

Edited by Niaoru
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All the casuals are saying pvp should depend on skill not gear. So why are you not using your supposed skill to overcome a 15% (at most) disparity?


they know its not about skill, its about them wanting better gear so they can compete with players who've been PvPing longer.


They're using so many red herrings in this thread, its hard to keep up with them all.

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All the casuals are saying pvp should depend on skill not gear. So why are you not using your supposed skill to overcome a 15% (at most) disparity?


All the casuals huh... yeah, keep making baseless assumptions, no really, it helps your case SO much.


Not to mention 15% isn't quite right actually since its 15% DPS and absorption. 15% against 0% is actually worse to deal with than a 0% 50 was for low levels.


they know its not about skill, its about them wanting better gear so they can compete with players who've been PvPing longer.


They're using so many red herrings in this thread, its hard to keep up with them all.


There is no reason everyone shouldn't have some room to compete. Believing otherwise? Frankly? Is selfish, arrogant and pathetic.

Edited by Kuari
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I don't think that this will fix the problem. It's kind of like a minor league player being called up to the majors. The people in the majors (lvl 50 bracket) have been competing against others who have all been playing their classes longer and who are likely more skilled with them than the level 10-15 folks queing up for minors (10-49).


In general, everyone they are playing against in the lvl 50 bracket are more experienced. They will often lose, gear or no gear. Sure, there are some exceptions but gear alone isn't going to change the fact that the 50 bracket introduces more competition on average.

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I don't think that this will fix the problem. It's kind of like a minor league player being called up to the majors. The people in the majors (lvl 50 bracket) have been competing against others who have all been playing their classes longer and who are likely more skilled with them than the level 10-15 folks queing up for minors (10-49).


In general, everyone they are playing against in the lvl 50 bracket are more experienced. They will often lose, gear or no gear. Sure, there are some exceptions but gear alone isn't going to change the fact that the 50 bracket introduces more competition on average.


You're right, but it does reduce the gap to make it less of a massacre.

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they know its not about skill, its about them wanting better gear so they can compete with players who've been PvPing longer.


They're using so many red herrings in this thread, its hard to keep up with them all.


OK, Sherlock - explain to me in simple words why you need a gear advantage to beat lolnubs.


P.S.: I am getting geared as I don't do much else but what is called 'PvP' in this game. Only 54 valor and in a mix of T1 and T2 but not an ungeared fresh 50 getting stomped - just before you draw the L2P fresh nub card.

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All the casuals huh... yeah, keep making baseless assumptions, no really, it helps your case SO much.


Not to mention 15% isn't quite right actually since its 15% DPS and absorption. 15% against 0% is actually worse to deal with than a 0% 50 was for low levels.




There is no reason everyone shouldn't have some room to compete. Believing otherwise? Frankly? Is selfish, arrogant and pathetic.


Have BW mail you some Tier 3 gear, you won't be happy until you can do as little as possible to compete with people who've played their butts off, anyway

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