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Warzones Solved !!!!


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Here ya go fellas. This is what Bioware should have done long ago to fix the horrific war zones that plague as all with horrible match building, and terrible mechanics. Read through this. It will make sense.


1. get rid of bolstering, it doesn't work


2. allow users to pick which war zones they want qued up so its not random. This will prevent people from leaving war zones they don't like doing.


3. People who que in groups should be placed only with other people in groups. PUG's are not fun when fighting a pre-made. Not everyone can have a 5 man all the time. When que as solo it should only place you with other solo players. It will take only minutes longer to find a match and you wouldn't really notice much difference (this worked wonders for war hammer online)


5. Tier the war zones

a. level 10-20 is tier 1

b. level 20-29 is tier 2

c. level 30-39 is tier 3

d. level 40-49 is tier 4

e. level 50 with 60 valor should be in their own tier

This solves the horrible bolstering system that many of us don't like.


There ya have it folks. I will say this. I cannot take credit for this entirely. Im drawing a lot of this from Warhammer Online. For those of you who played it you know that even though the game eventually died due to end game content, the PvP system was one of the best ever created for an MMO. It worked flawlessly, and catered to everyone. This concept is very easy, and if implimented would cut back on so much QQ'ing and make everyone happier.


Noone likes to spend hours to get 3 wins for a daily quest, for a bag that has a random chance at an item. This system would create more balance overall, and make more of our valuable time productive and fun.


This is not me QQ'ing but is a suggestion so don't rip me apart if you disagree. Thoughts?



Edited by Vewdo
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soooo.. lvl 50's with less than 60 valor, cant pvp? how do we get up to 60 then? considering we're capped at 49, till we hit 50 :(


i wanna play toooooooooo! :rolleyes:


Um really? I meant that if your 60 valor you are only with 60 valor players. Everyone else is together. So your not fighting battlemasters with less than champion gear. I didnt mean you dont pvp LMAO

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I completely agree with OP, no more random wz(hate this alderan bs, its too complicated for my pug teamplayers....), more breakets - I'm fine with it, premades vs premades only IS A MUST.

However when I leave its not due to unliked wz, I like them all, its due to my stupid pugs who cant play all of them well...

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YES I AGREE! We should take this a bit further though to really make the playing ground fair. At 50 there should be seperate brackets for every 50 points of expertise. Example: People who have 200-250 expertise should have one bracket and 251-300 should have another!


Its so simple!


Everyone is equal! The peasants will rejoice!

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Noone likes to spend hours to get 3 wins for a daily quest, for a bag that has a random chance at an item. This system would create more balance overall, and make more of our valuable time productive and fun.



WIth your "system" you'd spend hours just waiting for the WZs to pop.

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WIth your "system" you'd spend hours just waiting for the WZs to pop.



The longest ive waited for a warzone in almost a month has been 5 minutes tops. Ive never waited longer no matter what time of day.


Currently there are people who dont do warzones because of how frustrating they can be. More poeple would do them if the system worked better.

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i agree with most of that proposes but...


There ya have it folks. I will say this. I cannot take credit for this entirely. Im drawing a lot of this from Warhammer Online. For those of you who played it you know that even though the game eventually died due to end game content, the PvP system was one of the best ever created for an MMO. It worked flawlessly, and catered to everyone. This concept is very easy, and if implimented would cut back on so much QQ'ing and make everyone happier.

this made me lough. i played warhammer and no, it for sure was not one of the best pvp created for an mmo. it sounded on paper like ths but it never was, not even close! in fact it was one of the WORST of all mmos that ever went online and i played.



btw. all the above idea are and were already in wow long time before anyone thought about a warhammer online. anyhow, this is offtopic.


the point is, the changes above are needed.

Edited by me_unknown
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haha. its funny how different peoples taste in games are. I loved warhammer and hated Wow. Im so opposite. Oh well. Just funny to see how people precieve things. Glad you agree.


Now we just need someone from bioware to read this, agree, and impliment it hahaha. Goodluck right!

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The longest ive waited for a warzone in almost a month has been 5 minutes tops. Ive never waited longer no matter what time of day.


Currently there are people who dont do warzones because of how frustrating they can be. More poeple would do them if the system worked better.


LOL 5 minutes, now.


Again you cant expect it to be that way with all the brackets and segregation.

WoW tried the premade v premade, didnt work. Queue times were too long even after the 2-3 battle group mergers.


Good intentions, poor research.

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The longest ive waited for a warzone in almost a month has been 5 minutes tops. Ive never waited longer no matter what time of day.


Currently there are people who dont do warzones because of how frustrating they can be. More poeple would do them if the system worked better.


Thats great for you. But you realize that there are other servers that are not as populated and see wz pops with the current system once every hour?

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Choosing your warzone sure that is great.

Creating brackets between 1-50 is a terrible idea. You might have to wait only a few minutes now but on some servers the population is so gimped republic players would have very very long queues (as would imperials for non huttball warzones).

The idea of brackets would be nice but in practice it would not work well, and the truth is bolserting does a decent job as a lowbie i could certainly hurt the higher levels, the lack of talents and higher level skills hurts, but it is not something that will really impede you to the point your not dangerous.

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Choosing your warzone sure that is great.

Creating brackets between 1-50 is a terrible idea. You might have to wait only a few minutes now but on some servers the population is so gimped republic players would have very very long queues (as would imperials for non huttball warzones).

The idea of brackets would be nice but in practice it would not work well, and the truth is bolserting does a decent job as a lowbie i could certainly hurt the higher levels, the lack of talents and higher level skills hurts, but it is not something that will really impede you to the point your not dangerous.


Im glad were getting good feedback on this. However im not just pulling this from thin air. Ive seen this system work before. There are times when que times might be lenghty. However in the grand scheme of things it might help make it better. As it stands im almost guaranteed to join a warzone that has already started, or join one where im loosing huge at half time because my team is comprised of like 3 people vrs 8 republic in full battlemaster.


Plus if you can choose your warzone, then it offers the oppotunity that 1 or 2 warzones would always be full and have people queing making the que pop faster for all people.

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Im glad were getting good feedback on this. However im not just pulling this from thin air. Ive seen this system work before. There are times when que times might be lenghty. However in the grand scheme of things it might help make it better. As it stands im almost guaranteed to join a warzone that has already started, or join one where im loosing huge at half time because my team is comprised of like 3 people vrs 8 republic in full battlemaster.


Plus if you can choose your warzone, then it offers the oppotunity that 1 or 2 warzones would always be full and have people queing making the que pop faster for all people.


Great troll post, got me thrice. The system cant and wont work in this game, server pops are not high enough to sustain it.

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haha. its funny how different peoples taste in games are. I loved warhammer and hated Wow. Im so opposite. Oh well. Just funny to see how people precieve things. Glad you agree.


Now we just need someone from bioware to read this, agree, and impliment it hahaha. Goodluck right!


why is bolstering bad and or how does it not work from 10-49?


the ability differences are different which effects play but not drastically. i get killed by low level players and im talking when im 40 ish.


if anything people at a lower level can have the advantage because from what ive read bolster works best if you have good gear for your lvl so at lower levels it is easier to get lvl appropriate gear and higher wuality gear. so you will have a stat advantage most of the time.


and people are having fun in brackets. there is no reason to get rid of the system.


people who join at lvl 31 will be at a significant dissatvantage to someone at 38-9 and as it is now there is only a small advantage in the way of abilities from lvl 10 players to lvl 49 players.(small probbaly isnt the best word)



the brackets above tho would be a good idea, but you would have about zero matches for someone is is 60-up.


people dont realize that they can just gear up before they go into pvp at lvl 50. instead of just pvping do something else to get purps and then you can supplement with pvp gear or vise versa.


also I don't see why people mind random. they just need to add more warzones.


really they just need to add a quitter debuff then people wouldnt leave even if their team started of with one turret, but ended up winning.

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