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HM EV Drops columi only?

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I know hm ev drops a few columi pieces but shouldnt they drop some rakata as well? Yes it is on hm and we just killed the first 3 bosses with nothing but columi loot drops. If so why waste time I could run bt for columi bracers. Or is this something new with the patch. Alls im saying is last week they dropped some rakata and this week only columi.
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Hm definitely drops rakata, typically half. We haven't seen an appreciable difference in either quantity or overall quality for the switch to NMM though. We still see t1 in NMM, and no more t3 than in HM. ATM in terms of gearing, 8 man HMs seem to be optimal. 16 mans are still pretty rough, and NMM doesn't give you anything extra. People say you can find more gear/person in 16 mans but this hasn't been my experience. If anything, 16s give less per person.
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We did a HM EV run this tuesday without any rakata from the first 3 bosses aswell. Was extremely poor loot. First boss gave us a mod and a schematic.. We were using masterloot.


Considering the few opportunitys to do these bosses you expect atleast one piece of rakata token.

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We did a HM EV run this tuesday without any rakata from the first 3 bosses aswell. Was extremely poor loot. First boss gave us a mod and a schematic.. We were using masterloot.


Considering the few opportunitys to do these bosses you expect atleast one piece of rakata token.


Try this: do not use masterloot and instead use round robin. Have everyone turn off auto loot and then have the raid leader click open the corpse/chest and click on the items for rolling need/green one by one.


Previously, with masterloot, we had issues where no rakata dropped, no schematics or crafting mats. After using the fix above, we had no such issues anymore. Rakata always dropped for us. although majority of it its sith warrior...

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sorry for the late response but it wasnt on ml. Its 8 man with friends so its win something then pass till someone else wins something. I got a 3rd resonse to the ticket i put asking me what item I purchased so it can be refunded so thats 3 tickets they havent read and gave a generic response to
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There's your problem.




i dont know why i wrote that i meant to say we were not using masterloot



ninja edit: that was in reply to me someone else just had a dead sexy jawa avatar that said that

Edited by Shizzaster
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It's almost as if there's a chance for the actual loot to drop. Our guild runs with master loot 100% of the time and we have seen a lot of Rakata gear but then some times we haven't seen any. Suppose it could be a bug with master loot, but it would be better clarification if anyone is having the same trouble with round robin.:confused:
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i dont know why i wrote that i meant to say we were not using masterloot



ninja edit: that was in reply to me someone else just had a dead sexy jawa avatar that said that


Ahh, you are correct. There were two of you awesome avatar folks.


If you are on masterlooter, it can do that. In your case, I have no clue. I haven;t seen it happen unless masterlooter was on.

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dont put on master looter. rakata gear barely drops when u have ML on. we killed all of karaggas one week with no rakata gear. came back next week with no ML on and got rakata off every boss. since then we have been rolling and getting rakata off of every boss.


ps columi crafted implants are better then rakata imp, when mastercraft with an augment slot. also rakat weapons suck *** compared to t2 weaps.

Edited by ppljuice
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We killed XRR-3 @ Nightmare EV (16-Man) yesterday. You know what he dropped ? Exotech stuff... 4x.


We also killed him (16 Man). Dropped 4x Exotech, 2x Columni, 2x Rakata. Always 2 Schematics and always 4 Alien Cores. Loot seemed "ok" for us.

Cleared Eterity Vault on Wednesday and Palace yesterday. Equal drop for other bosses in both operations. We received Rakata from all bosses (16-Man)


We did not have masterloot on (Round Robin with only master looter clicks on items he wants to be rolled on).

Edited by Widerstand
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We also killed him (16 Man). Dropped 4x Exotech, 2x Columni, 2x Rakata. Always 2 Schematics and always 4 Alien Cores. Loot seemed "ok" for us.

Cleared Eterity Vault on Wednesday and Palace yesterday. Equal drop for other bosses in both operations. We received Rakata from all bosses (16-Man)


We did not have masterloot on (Round Robin with only master looter clicks on items he wants to be rolled on).



We had Masterloot on and he only dropped Exotech 4x and some ****** schematics, nothing else. So it's definately bugged, great. Don't wanna know, how much loot we actually missed due to this freaking bug...

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