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Who would win Star Wars or Warhammer40k


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I'm not going to pit the entire Empire of man against the Star Wars universe, i'm going to pit them against a small portion...




Because the Empire wouldn't view it as a big enough threat to send everything they have.


The average Librarian has enough psychic power to take down a small army of Sith/Jedi never mind the likes of the more powerful Librarians like Mephiston of the Blood Angels.


A single chapter of Space Marines could wipe out any army that Star Wars could field. They are bread for war and carry weapons designed to bring death wherever they walk.


The clone or droid armies couldn't match the savage attacks of the Flesh Tearers or Space Wolves nor could they bring out tactics that rival the Ultrasmurfs and their strict view on the Codex Astartes.


But that isn't who would be sent.


As soon as the Jedi/Sith force powers were shown, the Inquisition would get involved. If the Inquisition failed to gain ground they would send out their own Astartes.


It would be the Star Wars folks versus the Grey Knights.


I care not how powerful people hail Jedi and Sith, the Grey Knights are bread to fight Deamons and are about as baddass as they come.


Even if the Star Wars lot managed to get in before they were noticed by the Imperium they would still be contending with Necrons, Tyranids (there is still part of a Hive Fleet floating around not to mention worlds that still have Genestealer cults hidden on them), Orks, Tau, Eldar, Dark Eldar and more importantly ... Chaos.


Chaos alone would tear Star Wars a new hole and make sweet sweet love to it while listening to them scream.


But as has already been said, comparing a universe that is designed to be over the top dark and brutal to something like Star Wars is a tad pointless.


In fact, think about it logically. Besides the Inquisition getting involved the Astartes wouldn't.


Star Wars "fighters" would be seen to be beneath them and it would be the Imperial Guard that fights. Most Guard Units have enough firepower to level a planet and the likes of the Cadians, Catachan and Tanith First would tear apart a clone army before it had finished thinking "what a lovely day to have my face blown off".


I think you guys are forgetting the most important factor: THE DEATH STAR!


To Star Wars it's a mega weapon of death. To Warhammer it would be a childs toy.


Bear in mind the Death Star was purely built as a massive weapon capable of destroying planets.


Pretty much any warship in the Warhammer verse has that firepower.


The Inquisition has the Exterminatus command that wipes out a planet and all living things.


Now Necron Pyramids have been known to take out entire fleets alone. Tyranid Hive Fleets are beyond count. Eldar ships are far too fast to target and Imperial Guard and Astartes ships have more firepower than I could wiggle a cat at. Ork ships have no "grace" about them and they fear sod all. All the Death Star is to Orks is a big round target to shoot to peices.

Edited by Gomla
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I think you guys are forgetting the most important factor: THE DEATH STAR!


The Imperium has access to weapons capable of destroying entire solar systems, and some of their ships carry multiple of these weapons.


During one Tyranid invasion, the Imperium won using attrition. They would fight to the last man on a planet and then, when they lost the planet, they'd preform Exterminatus, which is where they destroy the entire planet.


Even small Imperium ships have more destructive capability than the Death Star.

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The Death Star was basically an oversized Exterminatus thing....



You can have multiple craft in the Imperium fleet capable of preforming what the Death Star could do. PLUS it gives you choices of how you want to destroy the world...some things crack the planets surface and causes the core to go nuclear...some thing melt away the atmosphere and theres virus bomb that eats away everything until the world is nothing but a wasteland of sand, WHICH can be terraformed after wards (prime example is Tallarn)


Personally space Star Wars vs 40K, I go with 40K.

Edited by Bobinator
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Chaos in WH40k makes the darkest sith lord look like a pony, rainbow, loving hippie.

In Star Wars Planets aren't destroyed often, it's a rare event. In WH 40k you would be lucky to read one book with out multiple planets or sectors being wiped out. It's a dark brutal view, where Star Wars has a dark undertone to set the scene. It's nothing compared to War Hammer 40k.

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In response to your question about Terra's population, I checked the Warhammer wikia and it says Holy Terra, Warhammer's Coruscant analogue, has a population of around 100 trillion. Can that many people even fit on Earth? :w_eek:




The math isn't that far off, if we take the fact that currently 3% of the land mass of earth is covered in cities, that gives us 1% of the earth currently has cities on it. If we take the sq km of the earth which is roughly 510,900,000 x the population density of Mumbai (currently the highest density on the planet) of 29,650 you end up with 15,148,185,000,000 or about 15 trillion. This is based on current density and doesn't take into account the massive structures on Holy Terra so 100 trillion isn't that high of a number.

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Chaos in WH40k makes the darkest sith lord look like a pony, rainbow, loving hippie.

In Star Wars Planets aren't destroyed often, it's a rare event. In WH 40k you would be lucky to read one book with out multiple planets or sectors being wiped out. It's a dark brutal view, where Star Wars has a dark undertone to set the scene. It's nothing compared to War Hammer 40k.


I've never truly seen Chaos in Warhammer as being evil. It's just Chaos.


Dark Eldar, on the other hand, now THAT is evil.

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I've never truly seen Chaos in Warhammer as being evil. It's just Chaos.


Dark Eldar, on the other hand, now THAT is evil.


They're really not that much different from Slaaneshi cults (and, infact, their Fantasy counterparts are pretty much exactly that - a mix of cults to Khaine [the elven god of war and murder; in 40k, he's a somewhat more benign entity as the main Eldar god of war. I use the term 'benign' here loosely] and Slaanesh). With maybe a little nudge from Grandfather Nurgle and a big smack on the back from Khorne to get the ball rolling (without having any actual devotion to a specific Chaos God, or even Chaos itself).


They have all the hallmarks for it without having gone off the deep end - heavy drug use, sadomasochism, thrillseeking and pleasure hunting. They're actually a fair bit more 'human' about the whole thing then most hardcore/dedicated Slaanesh cults, come to think of it.


Slaanesh freaks me right the heck out.

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I've never truly seen Chaos in Warhammer as being evil. It's just Chaos.


Dark Eldar, on the other hand, now THAT is evil.


They aren't really "evil" so to speak aren't Chaos.


They can be viewed as evil but they see at as being free.


Think about humanity in the 40k lore. Strict rules, governed by an iron fist and any mere slip means the Inquisition will fall on them.


Fear of Xenos, fear of Chaos and fear of each other.


Chaos see themselves as freedom. They can do what they please when they please.


Some of the "fallen" have preached about the feeling of freedom they get when joining Chaos or "giving in" to it. While the purists like a large portion of the Inquisition and most Astartes view that as heresy.


But think about the alternative. If the Inquisition has even the tiniest feeling that you are involved in Chaos worship then you suffer torture, mutilation and either death or mind wiped to be a helot or servitor. Innocence means nothing.


So while the Inquisition are out killing their fellow man, Chaos takes those wanting to be free under it's wing.


Obviously you'd have to be incredibly barmy to want to worship Nurgle but the likes of Khorne and Slaanesh I can see have their plus sides (come on, fighting for fun and a cool motto or giving in to any pleasure you desire) even Tzeench has a good point (master manipulators of fate). But the god of all things plague and all out disgusting .... not for me thankyou.


Now the Dark Eldar. Masters of torture and pleasure through pain.


They do it for fun, because they enjoy it. They don't want to enslave or have followers they want to hurt in the most sadistic way they possibly can.


Those are evil.


Necrons, not evil. They just do what they have done for millions of years. The universe was theirs and they want it back.


Tyranids, not evil. They do it to survive and feed. Mankind and other Xenos have matter they want to ingest and create more bio organisms. They do have cults amongst humans though, much like chaos. Hybrids that pave the way for the arrival of a hive fleet. Usually protected by a herd of pure bred genestealers.


Tau, not evil. They do it for the greater good.


Orks, not evil. They were created to fight from fungus. They were bred for war and that is what they do.


Eldar, not evil. They avoid confrontation where possible even though they are incredible killers.


And yes, indeed I am a Warhammer nerd.

Edited by Gomla
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In point 1, doing so only gives the God Emperor of Mankind a new body and a reason for a crusade. In point 2, the Eldar likely wouldn't stand for having the deck stacked against them again and personally show up to deliver a curb-stomping (via the Webway portal tied to the Golden Throne itself, and likely having to fight through Chaos itself to get there) in person to whoever is stupid enough to attempt it (and why they haven't done so themselves). They're the greatest seers in the 40k universe and have been shown to show up and do things just to alter destiny in their favor.


Although i agree that the Eldar would never let that happen, that´s not how they operate.

An event as important as the death of the emperor will be forseen by the Farseers many years in advance.

And then the Elder will strike down the assassins before they even had the idea of killing the emperor.

"And the rest of the Star Wars universe will wonder why an Eldar fleet annihilated some remote desert planet not knowing that 20 years later the killer of the emperor would have been born there."

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I've never truly seen Chaos in Warhammer as being evil. It's just Chaos.


Dark Eldar, on the other hand, now THAT is evil.


I wasn't saying that the WH 40k is evil, just that it's very dark. That the darkness of a Sith Lord doesn't compare to the darkness in the 40k universe. Although I think it's reasonable to not see the Sith as evil either, they are just aggressive in their desire to survive. I think evil is perception, and is hard to nail down in many cases. We will just go with the flow and characterize someone or something as evil, but usually it's without a full understanding of a situation. We live in a world where those who take survive on that basis alone, many things that are "evil" can be seen as just needed to survive.

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