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1.1.2 just hit the Test Server... see what we gained!


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It's kind of sad though because I just started playing an IA Op due to the story but with all this negative feedback about the nerf, I almost don't even want to play one now for fear that I'll drop days into the class only to find out that they suck in PvP.


/sigh... Why do I read the forums?

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This game is getting more "balanced" by the day. Well, maybe that applies to the most played classes. Im out of here when my subs up.


It's abit of an odd thing. Op would have been my last pick for a class but its all I've played for the last 8 months. But despite what the devs have done and people say I just no longer have the will. I used to be on par with others in my guild when it came to damage in warzones, not so much anymore.


An example of which is myself and an assassin in our static premade used to be on par with each other. A sorc from the same premade would top both of us by a small margain and thats fine. Now I'm consistently lower, and not just by abit, Im talking 50-100k a match lower. I took it upon myself to talk to some of the other top ops on my server to see if it was just just me.


Most had respecced to medic, some rerolled. I kid you not when I say out of all the top tier ops I was one of the last who stayed, I know of one other but he's still deciding on weither to heal or not.


One of the top scoundrels on the rep side lost his spot in his premade.


Im currently undecided on what Im gonna do. I'm trying to make it work but Its not like they're gonna revert anything and I can see them nerfing it more.


I agree hidden strike needed a nerf, jarring too ( I like the change )


They made us more like assassins but the thing is we dont have the out of combat dps they do or the survivabilty of the either. All they managed to do weither they intended to or not is kill the class, in that very few will actually play it.


Dont know if I have it in me to level another toon to 50/ valor 60. But I have started leveling a powertech.


My opinion/ experience

Edited by MasamuneX
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How they buffed Marauder damage? You seriously think that 30% increased critical damage >> 30% increased damage? :D


the talent didnt work properly till now, the patch will fix it... dunno if we should call this a nerf.

Edited by flowqz
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