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Am I missing something about Accuracy?


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So I see tons of people saying Accuracy is one of our prime stats, and I'm not quite sure why.


Before I start, my spec is as follows: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZbI0rRoZGbbkrMhd.1


Most of my abilities (All of my dots, Explosive prob. Not sure about Cull) aren't white damage, and I think the only abilities I use that use white damage are rifle shot - which I rarely use.


Tech abilities have over 100% accuracy, and right now, in mostly tier 2 pvp (I mainly pvp, but I also do raids so I care about both.. but pvp more), I have 98% accuracy.


Why, exactly, would I want to get rid of that 2~ chance a very small damaging ability (rifle shot) doesn't miss, compared to the massive benefits that Crit will provide, or even power or surge? (although I'm not sure surge is that amazing for my spec given that i do lots of little damages. I value crit more, especially for the energy regen)


Or am I missing something? Does it also effect Cull? Even if it does, I'm still not sure I should value it as highly as I see thrown around here, nevermind it being on nearly EVERY item for tier 3. Or does it offer some benefit that I'm not aware of?



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I'll tell you even more, things like Snipe and basically all Sniper's attacks except for Rifle Shot are considered special attacks for accuracy calculation purposes (yes, even if they do white damage).


Back to your question... For PvP you do not really need accuracy, accuracy is a stat that is usually coming at expense of surge and surge is just plain better for PvP.


For PvE, get accuracy until you cap the whatever amount is necessary, consult DarthHater site for more info.

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I'll tell you even more, things like Snipe and basically all Sniper's attacks except for Rifle Shot are considered special attacks for accuracy calculation purposes (yes, even if they do white damage).


Back to your question... For PvP you do not really need accuracy, accuracy is a stat that is usually coming at expense of surge and surge is just plain better for PvP.


For PvE, get accuracy until you cap the whatever amount is necessary, consult DarthHater site for more info.



I intended to disprove this, but my results are consistent.


No gear but gun.


100 shots in a duel against Merc BH.


94.51% basic accuracy

104.51% special accuracy

Base dodge/parry chance of BH: 5%

Modified for my accuracy over 100% dodge/parry chance: .49%


100 snipe/ambush shots.


0 misses (if basic, odds of that are (0.9451^100) = 0.0035 = 0.35% which is bloody unlikely)

1 dodge (if basic, odds of 0 or 1 dodge are ((.95^99)(.05)*100)+(.95^100) = ~3.7%. Higher chance, but still not great)


I honestly expected to have at least one miss to come in and disprove the prior statement. But it looks like snipe and ambush DO use the special accuracy despite doing white weapon damage.


Edit: man, I have way too much accuracy then...dangit...but hey, more surge!

Edited by Melchiora
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