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RS not firing?


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I wish there was some empirical proof to bring you but 2 things I must ask the community


1 - carbonize, right? Some are mentioning (including me) that its busted but have we confirmed it?


2 - the big one - does anyone ever suffer a rail shot that won't fire even though the target has a dot? Even 2 dots? I've seen it happen before, but in the heat of a WZ i just blew it off as user error and popped another IM. However I just had a duel in the WZ. I know for a fact he had both dots ticking away, I had to fire 2 additional IMs before RS would work.



I thought I was just nuts, or perhaps the dot was purged somehow but after that duel, im not longer certain. Has anyone else experienced this?

Edited by Sowwy
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