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Commandos are a pvp joke


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the issue is more about there ease of dps than the total numbers, as a gunslinger I have to operate around 5-6 skills minimum to maintain the equivalent dps of them spamming there single ability, i agree that should this be changed other abilities for the merc need to be adjusted to provide them with a more advanced rotation.



As a Merc, I use minimum 14 abilities in PvP, around 10 of them being damage abilities. If you leave me alone to attack you, rotation is 5-6 abilities for optimal DPS. Same as every other class. Claiming "I have to operate around 5-6 skills minimum to maintain the equivalent dps of them spamming their single ability" is rubbish, unless yours is the only client with a combat log parser or you have terrible gear. It is also unrealistic, because if you let a glass cannon spam you without taking offensive/defensive action you deserve to die.



Most of you complaing about GS/TM have no idea how the class is played, or the synergies involved.

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No interrupts.

No way to runaway.

Fullauto broken.

Mortar Bolley broken.

Degauss broken.

Combat shield broken.

Ultrabright green glow (please focus me).


Before telling me l2p, if you get killed by a commando 1v1 please... l2p


l2p noob. What we need is a skill which makes the enemies slower, as a healer everyone can escape from me.

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Commandos are FAR from broken, in fact, i think they need to be toned down. They have CC, DPS, AND can self heal while in combat, not mention wearing heavy armor. When I PVP, all I see on Republic teams are commandos because if you have three of them on one republic team they can pretty much obliterate any class.


That's the case for all classes.

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I originally played a Guardian in PvP at first, so it was kinda hard doing PvP as a ranged class. But....once I got to 20 (Grav round/troll round) I was just demolishing everything.

Then 40 came around, Demo round. 3 shots of Grav Round = 5 stacks of vortex. Demo round + 5 stacks of Vortex = 25% more damage plus 35% armor piercing PLUS 2 more Grav rounds = 5 stacks of the High Impact Bolt buff = 30% more damage for High Impact Bolt.

Commandos are amazing, maybe OP, but still amazing.

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No interrupts.

No way to runaway.

Fullauto broken.

Mortar Bolley broken.

Degauss broken.

Combat shield broken.

Ultrabright green glow (please focus me).


Before telling me l2p, if you get killed by a commando 1v1 please... l2p


you can non stop kite someone.... is this even a serious post

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I know you trolling, but let me entertain you anyway...


No interrupts. L2P dude, concussion charge? stock strike? full auto?

No way to runaway. Why would you want to? Cowards could always try freeze with cryo, tech override then stun with concussion and run to mommy

Fullauto broken. Works well and guess what, it INTERRUPTS!

Mortar Volley broken. Works well and great aoe in both PVP/PVE

Degauss broken. Works well and life saver in PVP!

Combat shield broken. see above

Ultrabright green glow (please focus me). you prefer pink? or yellow to match the colour of your belly?


I'm Battlemaster 63 Valor and I have no problems with 1v1. Throw in another Commando (2x grav round baby!) or healer and I'm an unstoppable killing machine!


I love you

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All of you who say commando is bad then roll a new class maybe it is not your play style go into any warzone a good commando will always be top 2 or 3 in dps.


And we do wear heavy armor and have 2 knockback skills. Also you can heal yourself and not just stand there and hit 1 button over and over. If you can't live as a commando forget rolling another dps class. Go sage and aoe heal the whole warzone.


Commando has some bugs which they are working on but on my server besides a few smugglers and a siental here and there commandos own top of dps charts.

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No interrupts.

No way to runaway.

Fullauto broken.

Mortar Bolley broken.

Degauss broken.

Combat shield broken.

Ultrabright green glow (please focus me).


Before telling me l2p, if you get killed by a commando 1v1 please... l2p



You're incorrect. This post is a joke....

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When 9 talents all buff one skill, or that one skill complements or activates those talents, then it's more than likely that it will be used to get the stacks it provides. Charged barrier, Charged Barrel, and Gravity Vortex all stack up to 5 times. One makes you survive, One amps up High Impact Shot, One reduces the target's armor AND amps up Demolition Round. The grav round gets ammo reduced and pushback reduced by two other talents and activates Curtain of Fire.


When literally half of the boxes you spec into by the time you hit 40 all contribute towards one skill, chances are, it's going to be a skill that we are going to spam/use a lot of.


I don't see why unlimited Force Lightning/Tele Throw, an instant cast large AOE, instant cast 10 second root, and Force Run-like-hell is any better or worse. I don't see why a level 40 operative/scoundrel can pop out of stealth and perma-stun you and kill you easily within that window. I don't get why it's okay to half a marauder/sentinel debuff heals and throw up an invinca-shield.


Need I go on? Every class has its own thing going for it, any Commando that knows how to play uses roughly twenty of their skills.


Full auto on curtain of fire slows the target and hits for 25% more (activated by grav round), Charged bolt gets it damaged increased by 30% (increased per grav round shot), Charged barrier increases damage reduction by 10% (increased per shot of grav round), Demolition round gets it damage increased by 25% (increased per shot of grav round).


You use reactive shield, adrenaline rush, and recharge cells (for kolto recharge if you spec'd into it) to decrease your damage and restore health. Concussive round and Cryo grenade to push back melee players and to freeze runners/interrupt force sprint, Explosive round to finish people off, Impact bolt to finish people off/high damage, stock strike to push people back, plasma to AOE dot (works wonders on people trying to cap on voidstar and alderaan), sticky grenade for even more damage......The list continues.

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When 9 talents all buff one skill, or that one skill complements or activates those talents, then it's more than likely that it will be used to get the stacks it provides. Charged barrier, Charged Barrel, and Gravity Vortex all stack up to 5 times. One makes you survive, One amps up High Impact Shot, One reduces the target's armor AND amps up Demolition Round. The grav round gets ammo reduced and pushback reduced by two other talents and activates Curtain of Fire.


When literally half of the boxes you spec into by the time you hit 40 all contribute towards one skill, chances are, it's going to be a skill that we are going to spam/use a lot of.


I don't see why unlimited Force Lightning/Tele Throw, an instant cast large AOE, instant cast 10 second root, and Force Run-like-hell is any better or worse. I don't see why a level 40 operative/scoundrel can pop out of stealth and perma-stun you and kill you easily within that window. I don't get why it's okay to half a marauder/sentinel debuff heals and throw up an invinca-shield.


Need I go on? Every class has its own thing going for it, any Commando that knows how to play uses roughly twenty of their skills.


Full auto on curtain of fire slows the target and hits for 25% more (activated by grav round), Charged bolt gets it damaged increased by 30% (increased per grav round shot), Charged barrier increases damage reduction by 10% (increased per shot of grav round), Demolition round gets it damage increased by 25% (increased per shot of grav round).


You use reactive shield, adrenaline rush, and recharge cells (for kolto recharge if you spec'd into it) to decrease your damage and restore health. Concussive round and Cryo grenade to push back melee players and to freeze runners/interrupt force sprint, Explosive round to finish people off, Impact bolt to finish people off/high damage, stock strike to push people back, plasma to AOE dot (works wonders on people trying to cap on voidstar and alderaan), sticky grenade for even more damage......The list continues.



Yeah - an answer for any type attack PLUS heavy armour, heals and absurd DPS too. Oh wait, that's right, they even get an ability that makes them immune to knockbacks and interrupts.


It's a bloody joke - and people defending the class with 'L2P' just sound like people who don't want their class nerfed, all the while knowing that it is hideously overpowered.


Personally, I'd advise rolling up an imperial class, find a pvp where you are facing a couple of commandos with a sage buddy all keeping everyone alive, and just see what's it like from the other side of the fence before your 'L2P' comments.


I played a commando - in fact they are so cheap I gave up. It gives absolutely no satisfaction to play, the pvp is effortless. I know when I do win against such a combination - I feel like I've actually done something useful.

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I actually prefer playing my commando in pvp more than any of my other chars (Sniper, jugger, sage)


I can interupt fine with stockstrike and cryo grenade and can do some serious damage.

I really dont think rapidfire is broken at all, with curtain of fire specced its very handy.

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No interrupts.

No way to runaway.

Fullauto broken.

Mortar Bolley broken.

Degauss broken.

Combat shield broken.

Ultrabright green glow (please focus me).


Before telling me l2p, if you get killed by a commando 1v1 please... l2p


You're joking right? I get my face smashed off by good commandos. Guardian 14/27 defense /vigi. I'm fairly tough and do decent damage, but a well played commando just embarrases me. It's rather amusing really.

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While I don't agree that commando is useless I will say 1 thing. All the re-tards that say something along the lines of "I am a battlemaster and Commando is fine" are so stupid and dumb it is unbelievable. You are fighting mostly people in cent or champ gear what do you expect. I guess low IQ is a common factor among battlemasters. Come on are you really that dumb.
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While I don't agree that commando is useless I will say 1 thing. All the re-tards that say something along the lines of "I am a battlemaster and Commando is fine" are so stupid and dumb it is unbelievable. You are fighting mostly people in cent or champ gear what do you expect. I guess low IQ is a common factor among battlemasters. Come on are you really that dumb.



I am a battlemaster sentinel/gunslinger for over a month, i realize how **** the spec everybody is trying hard to play is. I am right now levelling one comando and see if they are comparable to my vanguard with the shared tree, if not, screw it.




- Armor type means little in this game.

- Low utility. (No shields, no interrupts, low CC, **** heals oppossed to sorcs).

- Low mobility.

- It also loose way more dps than any class when jumped, making them utterly useless. That's why people should focus the comando, even if there's a healer on a 2vs2, focus the comando, he can't do **** if you keep interrupting him.

- For the comando yeah, some abilities work really badly.

- Worst 1vs1 (that shouldn't matter, but people who get killed by a gunnery comando, should feel ashamed).

Edited by Keldaur
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