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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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SWTOR can have 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 subscribers and people will still say this game has failed.


WoW, SWTOR, and GW2 are going to be the big dogs out, GW2 not so much though. Enjoy the MTs that game will be heavily based on.


Honestly at this point I see the two heavy hitters have taken up sides in the MMO industry.


They are already squared off in every other major title in the gaming industry.


EA verse Activision.


Battlefield verse Call of Duty


SWTOR verse WoW.


We will have balance, smaller MMO companies are going to have a real problem here because major competitors usually strike a truce on a lot of things to keep the market even.

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He's nuts Rasheth, a nutty troll. That's really it. :p


Also, GW2 isn't out yet. You can go buy it in a few months though and give it an honest whack if you want.


Personally I hope SWTOR thrives. There is a lot of room in these genre for improvement, and I think Bioware, and ANET both can bring new stuff to the table, in the future we'll hopefully get some amazing stuff don't you think?


Also, apology accepted. You didn't have to apologize in the 1st place, it was my fault you misunderstood.


I have looked at videos and such on it. I am following and the brother of my ex-girlfriend actually plays GW1 and loves it. I will probably give it a go for sure.

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ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEE? the same ol'... no , brother they didnt do that. The initial boom is due to everyone falling for the hype of a new MMO. After 1 month, when ppl level and reach ilum, they just hit unsub. Ilum is a catastrophe, i think no one who is sane enough would disagree with me on this one. And people like us, who still kept subbed for some time, and would give them the benefit of doubt of magically fixing all ther flaws, gets nothing in the end.


Maybe you should read page 11 of this document then http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/ERTS/1670728299x0x539144/d895626f-e715-4f00-bd50-31bf095027fd/Q3_Script_-_20_2112_1251pm.pdf

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1 year later... this game is gonna fail next month I promise!, how do you know people just got sucked into resubbing? did you poll all 1.7 million to get this data or are just making pointless assumptions based off what you think, my guess is pointless assumptions.


Its not failing next month. You need to be real. Guess what. I'm not a huge fan of this game. But the simple fact is this. Hardcore raiders, Hardcore Pvpers and sandbox fans are the ones most disappointed. We make up the extreme minority. Our opinions don't matter thats why devs never make a game to cater to us. The casuals are pleased. the numbers speak for themselves. Many casuals haven't even leveled to 50 and seen ilum yet or the raids yet. The people here on this forum screaming are the minority. This game does what it does pretty well.


And what it does do well is provide Star Wars wish fulfillment. SWG failed because it didn't do a good job of providing Star Wars wish fulfillment. The Star Wars IP alone will bring in millions of fans over the years and many a great many will stay because this game does a good job of putting you in the middle of your own little Star Wars saga.


The games launch really isn't that bad. You think this is bad? Look AOC at launch or STO or FF14 THOSE were terribad launches. This is pretty average.


yea your upset. The game is buggy or it doesn't have x feature you want or the pvp sucks or you finished all the raid content already. Whatever the case your the minority. MMOS rarely ever have smooth rollouts. The game will have bugs. The bugs will be fixed. Those of us not served by the game will eventually leave and the rest (the very very large majority) will play for years to come.


BTW I'm going to GW2 when it hits so I'm not some fanboy defending the game.

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You sold me, your ability to check numbers is more accurate than the metrics that EA uses.


<,rolls eyes>


now you're just being silly. I mean that i often log off and check the numbers,and the numbers are grim. IF you wanna keep fooling yourself as to be playing a game that has 7 million logged at the same time, dont do what I do, or you will get frustrated.


EA is a known liar and a thief. The game is from Bioware. Remember that EA commited crimes against DAOC users issuing fees like 20-30 times per month , per card. And didnt even apologize. And then, months later they suddenly started lying about the population when it began to sink. Expect more of that, since they got away with that charging crime. The old motto: "if someone has already been caught lying, there's no reason to believe them anymore", is valid to the not-so-stupid person.

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Austin, Texas – February 1, 2012 – Just six weeks after launching one of the most anticipated videogames of all time, BioWare™, a Label of Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: EA), is continuing to set new standards in online games with Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Already the fastest growing subscription MMO ever, Star Wars: The Old Republic has sold over 2 million copies, with a thriving base of over 1.7 million active subscribers, as gamers around the world have immersed themselves in the story-driven, online Star Wars universe from BioWare and LucasArts.



SWTOR is doing VERY well, the haters are crying. This will be a day long remembered :csw_vader:

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SWTOR can have 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 subscribers and people will still say this game has failed.


WoW, SWTOR, and GW2 are going to be the big dogs out, GW2 not so much though. Enjoy the MTs that game will be heavily based on.


I'm sorry Amksed, ANET has already confirmed the Micro store will only be for cosmetic items, exactly like GW1. Which I heavily support, I LOVE options to look good. Paired with the skins you get for doing difficult things in game, I think it'll be pretty fun.


I see what you're trying to say, and it's factually wrong. Why can't we post the truth? About everything?

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now you're just being silly. I mean that i often log off and check the numbers,and the numbers are grim. IF you wanna keep fooling yourself as to be playing a game that has 7 million logged at the same time, dont do what I do, or you will get frustrated.


Where are you getting your "numbers" and why would it matter whether or not "7 million" other people were playing?

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That's because GW2 fans will be able to let the game speak for itself. SWTOR fans have to come up with excuses and apologize for their game.


This is the reason am not even going to try GW2, with idiots like these , who want to play that game ?


Sorry negative hype already showing a worthless group of fanbase, that sets themself up for a big fail .


Well the good News the subs are higher then they expected and new comers are more then expected , now it is to retain those newcomers to the mmo gerne and keep them .

While the old guard grumpy as they are leave.


Atleast the sub numbers are ok to pacify the investors, and warrant more money to be pumped back into the project , since swtor does have currently the highest retain rate of any mmo released.

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I'm sorry Amksed, ANET has already confirmed the Micro store will only be for cosmetic items, exactly like GW1. Which I heavily support, I LOVE options to look good. Paired with the skins you get for doing difficult things in game, I think it'll be pretty fun.


I see what you're trying to say, and it's factually wrong. Why can't we post the truth? About everything?


I just hope the 'no trinity' thing works for me, as I always play a healer. Other than that I think it looks pretty damn good.

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Personally, I am enjoying the game. I don't really give three sheets to what the investors or the stock says, what I care about is my overall enjoyment.


Does the game still have issues? yes... but overall..... I'd say the game is decent. Needs work (all games do) but overall... it's decent and who gives a whip about how many sold and how many subbed. I'm having fun. That is quite frankly, all I give a sheet about.


Nuff said. Trolls be damned.


Have a nice day. Cupcakes.



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5 years later I wonder if the same guy is going to be sitting there at his now old and tired computer... fans failing and stacks of beer bottles surrounding him.. tiredly typing another thread on the SWTOR forums.....


"SWTOR is going to fail this next month! I can feel it! I can feel it...."


No, what matters is what is happening in six months.


Erm ... well, what I really meant is what matters is what happens in 12 months.


Erm ... well, what I really meant is what matters is what happens in five years ....



The goals will always be moved, so as to avoid an obvious loss. Today, the anti forces lost the opening battle in the war of opinion about this game. And so they are clutching at straws to recover, as this is an opinion war. But, as I said above, you are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts. So ... they are making up their own facts, or tin-foiling the facts that were released today.


This is not normal gameplayer behavior. It is the behavior of paid professionals.

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now you're just being silly. I mean that i often log off and check the numbers,and the numbers are grim. IF you wanna keep fooling yourself as to be playing a game that has 7 million logged at the same time, dont do what I do, or you will get frustrated.



I'm being silly but we should believe you because you are a "number checking maniac"?


Tell me how many subscriptions do you maintain to keep tabs on all the servers?

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Yet the game felt tremendously empty.... I may be forced to call for a lie, again...


Although i would love to believe that my dear SWTOR is doing great, common sense and game region counting and difficulty to find groups when we would easily do, wont support this claim.

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now you're just being silly. I mean that i often log off and check the numbers,and the numbers are grim. IF you wanna keep fooling yourself as to be playing a game that has 7 million logged at the same time, dont do what I do, or you will get frustrated.


EA is a known liar and a thief. The game is from Bioware. Remember that EA commited crimes against DAOC users issuing fees like 20-30 times per month , per card. And didnt even apologize. And then, months later they suddenly started lying about the population when it began to sink. Expect more of that, since they got away with that charging crime. The old motto: "if someone has already been caught lying, there's no reason to believe them anymore", is valid to the not-so-stupid person.


Wow....I mean it's like I'm listening to Alex Jones talk about the game. :p

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Personally, I am enjoying the game. I don't really give three sheets to what the investors or the stock says, what I care about is my overall enjoyment.


Does the game still have issues? yes... but overall..... I'd say the game is decent. Needs work (all games do) but overall... it's decent and who gives a whip about how many sold and how many subbed. I'm having fun. That is quite frankly, all I give a sheet about.


Nuff said. Trolls be damned.


Have a nice day. Cupcakes.





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now you're just being silly. I mean that i often log off and check the numbers,and the numbers are grim. IF you wanna keep fooling yourself as to be playing a game that has 7 million logged at the same time, dont do what I do, or you will get frustrated.


EA is a known liar and a thief. The game is from Bioware. Remember that EA commited crimes against DAOC users issuing fees like 20-30 times per month , per card. And didnt even apologize. And then, months later they suddenly started lying about the population when it began to sink. Expect more of that, since they got away with that charging crime. The old motto: "if someone has already been caught lying, there's no reason to believe them anymore", is valid to the not-so-stupid person.


Here you go smart guy


Electronic Arts enjoyed a holiday season driven by Battlefield 3, FIFA 12, and Star Wars: The Old Republic, but even some strong performances by those titles couldn't help the publisher turn a profit.



Battlefield 3 has sold enough for EA to fund a war. Well, maybe a console war.

EA today released its financial report for the three months ended December 31, calling it "a strong holiday quarter" driven by Battlefield 3, FIFA 12, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Both Battlefield 3 and FIFA 12 have sold through 10 million copies to customers, the publisher said, while The Old Republic has reached sales of 2 million, with an active subscriber base of 1.7 million. Additionally, Madden NFL 12 has sold through "almost" 5 million units.


The company also updated stats on its Origin digital distribution service, which launched in June. In its first seven months of operation, Origin has grown to include 9.3 million registered users and racked up more than $100 million in sales.


All of these helped push EA's total revenue for the quarter to $1.06 billion, up slightly from the $1.05 billion it posted for the same quarter the year before. The company's online business grew significantly, with its digital revenues up more than 40 percent to $274 million. However, those gains were mostly offset by lowered sales in EA's packaged goods publishing and distribution businesses.


Despite the growing sales, EA posted a net loss of $205 million for the quarter. While still in the red, it was at least down from a net loss of $322 million for the same period the year prior.





Guess were this story is posted? Right under the SWTOR story why on earth would they report a net loss but lie about SWTOR just to get over on people? Come on you gotta do better than this troll your failing.


Heck EA boasted that they would beat MW3 and they didn't why didn't they lie about their battlefield sales? Come on think up a good one


Can't wait to see your response to this one lol. Its all in the same report idiot.

Edited by Rasheth
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I'd like it to move out of wow's shadow. It has a bit, with the voice overs and storytelling mechanics. However they've kind of missed a few key marks. It's alright though, future MMO's will hopefully take what Bioware has done with TOR and apply it to their games. While perhaps balancing VO vs Content/Leveling speed a little more. Progress is progress as far as I'm concerned.


While I like all the VO's, I kind of like being able to read a quest text quickly and accept it, if it isn't ultra mission critical such as "Go and visit Scout Tankaret on the hill." I don't need it to be told to me in a three minute cut scene with dialogue choices.


I'll keep my Eye on TOR and see how it's doing while I fiddle with GW2.




With any luck, Bioware will take notes on some of the things they're doing less than ideally now and, in future times, make good on altering things themselves.


For my perspective, I don't think they did it wrong to make the PVE game a raidy-geargrindy experience; it's familiar enough for people to take up without much of a learning curve (which bugs some, but I don't think most) and feel confident in that they 'know how to play' sooner.


I do think they really need to polish that experience, since they've shipped it, and they are going to be pulling a Sisyphean battle to do it, as they have formally picked a fight with WoW.


Sure, from a market perspective, there's no fight at all and none necessary. From a business platform, it's just more market saturation of the delivery model; it's good for both of them in terms of the competition.


Unfortunately for the player, it could easily lead into lockstepping and tandemized development cycles wherein which they wind up limiting eachother by mirroring eachother in terms of the raidgame experience and driving players into some other game that're just plain tired of the whole fiasco.


They've got a big winner on the immersive storytelling angle. It makes me leery, but they've got two very unrelated models welded at the neck to the SWTOR experience, and I'm just not confident at this time that it'll lead to good things in the community.


Those primarily interested in raids, I don't foresee as becoming more interested in and tolerant of lots and lots of immersive story in the content they're primarily here for. I'd foresee them as becoming less and less so over time.


If they become less and less interested in and tolerant of such content, they'll come into natural conflict with those that are here more for that content than anything else, including (and perhaps specifically, often enough) the raidy-geargrindy business.


I think it's going to get ugly and I suspect it's going to lead to volatile division in the community on that and innumerable related fronts.


I can only hope I'm wrong about that. However, I already see things getting more and more common that are falling in perfect line with what I expected would come of such initially.


There are more and more people dictating terms for PUG groups as being 'spacebar or you're booted'.


There are more and more people (myself included) that are rejecting wholesale the notion of having to farm hardmodes and FP's (like a hardcore raidgamer would be much more inclined to do as par for the course) in order to craft the better end of anything.


There are an increasing number of people, strictly in my sphere of awareness (rendering all of this purely anecdotal, of course) that are going "Let me know when this game figures out what it's trying to be and do." and wandering off to do other things, but not cancelling their subs just yet, or making a big fuss about it until they see more.


I think it's going to be a pretty big problem. I also think that the intention of merging everyone's interests is naive, and has no good future in the longterm as far as avoiding the creation of volatile divisions in the playerbase goes.



Again, I could be wrong. Then again, a lot of experience in dealing with and marketing to people tells me that if I'm wrong, it's not by much, and I've been too many times unfortunately correct about things just like this to be able to feel confident or hopeful that I'm just being worrisome, or that I should put on my tinfoil hat.


I'd really like to know if Bioware is aware of such things, or if they have a different, better positioned and more hopeful view to take on it.


As it is, I don't know that they do. Yet again, my personal and professional experiences alike make it too unreasonable for me to believe that amateurish mistakes just don't get made by big businesses. They happen in every industry with which I'm familiar; horrible, horrible oversights sometimes, often hinging on completely wrong or grossly inaccurate assumptions made about the consumers in question.



Still, this industry is fairly alien territory for me. I work with health care networks, hospitals, clinics, hospices, care centers and, most specifically, administrative and marketing interests thereof.


I won't pretend I'm a guru of what's gonna happen here. But I'm still cringing and prepared to dual wield my epic cringe-face if good ol' human nature as I understand it just keeps on applying here too as it does in so many other ways and places.


Again, I'll hope I'm wrong and keep a good and reasonable bearing in the meantime, but things I called verbatim before I was even done with my beta experience (limited though it was) are unfolding like foregone conclusions before my eyes left, right and center.


I wish it weren't so. It isn't necessarily going to be so, as I could just be slapping myself upside the head with confirmation bias and misperception.


I hope that's the case, or the longterm future of SWTOR is going to be a probably rather successful one financially, but a more toxic community experience than much of anything even WoW's managed to date.


/94 cents

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No, what matters is what is happening in six months.


Erm ... well, what I really meant is what matters is what happens in 12 months.


Erm ... well, what I really meant is what matters is what happens in five years ....



The goals will always be moved, so as to avoid an obvious loss. Today, the anti forces lost the opening battle in the war of opinion about this game. And so they are clutching at straws to recover, as this is an opinion war. But, as I said above, you are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts. So ... they are making up their own facts, or tin-foiling the facts that were released today.


This is not normal gameplayer behavior. It is the behavior of paid professionals.


Shhh they will call you crazy if you suggest something so insane and out of this dimension such as people being paid to paint a negative picture on competition!

Edited by Tortoises
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Yet the game felt tremendously empty.... I may be forced to call for a lie, again...


Although i would love to believe that my dear SWTOR is doing great, common sense and game region counting and difficulty to find groups when we would easily do, wont support this claim.


But just 3 days ago, I was able to find groups to do every heroic on Nar Shadda on one of my alts in a matter of minutes. So you theory does not hold water.

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This is the reason am not even going to try GW2, with idiots like these , who want to play that game ?


Sorry negative hype already showing a worthless group of fanbase, that sets themself up for a big fail .


Well the good News the subs are higher then they expected and new comers are more then expected , now it is to retain those newcomers to the mmo gerne and keep them .

While the old guard grumpy as they are leave.


Atleast the sub numbers are ok to pacify the investors, and warrant more money to be pumped back into the project , since swtor does have currently the highest retain rate of any mmo released.


Well that's a pretty understandable outlook Drake, but don't let a few bad apples spoil what might be a great experience. I didn't when I used to read the SWTOR forums before launch, it was TERRIBLE. I enjoyed my time in SWTOR but, it's just not gonna keep me.


That kind of thing happens in every MMO.

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This is the reason am not even going to try GW2, with idiots like these , who want to play that game ?


Sorry negative hype already showing a worthless group of fanbase, that sets themself up for a big fail .


Well the good News the subs are higher then they expected and new comers are more then expected , now it is to retain those newcomers to the mmo gerne and keep them .

While the old guard grumpy as they are leave.


Atleast the sub numbers are ok to pacify the investors, and warrant more money to be pumped back into the project , since swtor does have currently the highest retain rate of any mmo released.


Awww we're not all bad. I'm looking forward to GW2 more so then SWTOR but I know that SWTOR will do fine.

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lol that was funny. Do you listen to AJ?


Only when I really need a good laugh. :D That schmuck has flipped stories and facts and points-of-discussion so many times he should be a verbal act in the Cirque du Soleil.

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Yet the game felt tremendously empty.... I may be forced to call for a lie, again...


Although i would love to believe that my dear SWTOR is doing great, common sense and game region counting and difficulty to find groups when we would easily do, wont support this claim.


I'm not saying some of the servers don't FEEL empty I'm proving that the server logs on the website won't reflect what they were from launch as you previously indicated. Therefore most of them won't say HEAVY anymore they will only say standard.

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