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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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Well..SWTOR for one by the latest sub count. Naturally that may change for better or worse, but the data we have points to positive for this game's future, if we like to play it or not Russ.


You can't evaluate if an mmo failed or not until it reaches lets say ( a reasonable ammount of time) 6 months. I see a grim population count when this one turn 6 months. If it continues to fall drastically as it is.


When i leveled my first char, 15 days after official launching, i could find groups for heroics anywhere. I mean anywhere. Lots of ppl per planet. When i started to level the second, omg, i had difficulties on getting groups even in coruscant sometimes, and nar shaddaa was already a joke. That to me, its more than a sign of decline.


All in all, the optimist band always chant this same hyme, 'OOH we see a bright future" "the game is getting actually more subs than ever". "ohh the servers arent more empty, they just raised the cap per server".


I've literally all of the above before in WAR and Rift, and in the end i was right, they failed miserably and sadly. In todays mmo world, either you try to do something really new and INVEST 80% OF YOUR EFFORTS IN LASTING APPEAL FOR ENDGAME , or you're completely bust in no time. No endgame lasting appeal = graveyard of mmos.

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I think this describes hard core fans of any game though.


Actually, I don't quite hold to that. Hard Core fans of anything aren't necessarily rabid, foaming morons as those described. I've been a hard core fan of Star Wars and Arthur C. Clarke titles for years, but that doesn't mean I hear someone put forth the neatness of anyone else putting out a title and start slamming it like it was an instinctual reaction.


It's called poor impulse control and anti-social behavior.

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In a way Mekrath, but when people start screaming Obscenities? It's too far. ANET damn's these people just as much as any rational person or company would. With as much as GW2 is being looked at, these fan's are going to stand out. Unlike say SWTOR's fanboys who defend defend defend. These irrational people go on the attack, and it looks bad. I haven't seen many cases of fans screaming obscenities at cons.


Yeah, that is out of line. I never played GW1 until recently. I wasn't much interested in GW2 until recently as I thought it looked more like an action RPG than a real MMO but the more I read about it, the more interested I became. Picked up GW1 just last week to kind of check out the world and classes and such though I understand gameplay is GW2 is very different. From my reading though, I noticed a lot of people talking about how good the GW community is in general.

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Mind telling me what the facepalm is for or do you have reading troubles?


Notice how it says over a month. As in people who have actively subscribed. Out of 2 million boxes sold 1.7 million of those people payed for the next month.


What is so difficult to understand?


That is way over even the most generous analyst estimate which was 1.2 million passed the free month.


He doesn't know how to read. He also thinks Denial is a river in Egypt.

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Actually, I don't quite hold to that. Hard Core fans of anything aren't necessarily rabid, foaming morons as those described. I've been a hard core fan of Star Wars and Arthur C. Clarke titles for years, but that doesn't mean I hear someone put forth the neatness of anyone else putting out a title and start slamming it like it was an instinctual reaction.


It's called poor impulse control and anti-social behavior.


Don't get me wrong, when I say Hard Core fans I mean a small, insane subsection of Hard Core fans :)

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Yeah, that is out of line. I never played GW1 until recently. I wasn't much interested in GW2 until recently as I thought it looked more like an action RPG than a real MMO but the more I read about it, the more interested I became. Picked up GW1 just last week to kind of check out the world and classes and such though I understand gameplay is GW2 is very different. From my reading though, I noticed a lot of people talking about how good the GW community is in general.


That's because GW2 fans will be able to let the game speak for itself. SWTOR fans have to come up with excuses and apologize for their game.

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In a way Mekrath, but when people start screaming Obscenities? It's too far. ANET damn's these people just as much as any rational person or company would. With as much as GW2 is being looked at, these fan's are going to stand out. Unlike say SWTOR's fanboys who defend defend defend. These irrational people go on the attack, and it looks bad. I haven't seen many cases of fans screaming obscenities at cons.


Cause keeping things in perspective while liking the game automatically makes a person a fanboy?


I like the game but not blind to its problems that need to be fixed. I also watch the dev tracker see they are fixing things and coming up with new content. I enjoy my experience so far. I also realize the misinformation on this forums is lopsided so therefore I have earned the Title Fanboy? Gotta check my character when I log in to read the codex on that.


Come on man people in this thread that are defending are just defending the facts not making hyperbole. They are also not definitely off topic like yourself. Heck your on a totally different game for your last few posts. Can't find community forums? What about that great GW2 forums you spoke about why aren't posting there?

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They increased server populations after launch. So no the heavy servers now show up as standard!


ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEE? the same ol'... no , brother they didnt do that. The initial boom is due to everyone falling for the hype of a new MMO. After 1 month, when ppl level and reach ilum, they just hit unsub. Ilum is a catastrophe, i think no one who is sane enough would disagree with me on this one. And people like us, who still kept subbed for some time, and would give them the benefit of doubt of magically fixing all ther flaws, gets nothing in the end.

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Yes , you should believe me, im a population checkin maniac. I often log off and check the populations. Don´t believe in marketwatch nor sites that should be promoting gaming... like IGN and gamespot. That is cliche and you should know about that. And i predict that at some point, since EA is in charge of the budget, that they are gonna start lying about numbers. Then you know the last nail has been hammered into its coffin.


Sad story, i loved the game so much until i hit ilum. I just cant keep fooling myself. Can you?


You sold me, your ability to check numbers is more accurate than the metrics that EA uses.


<,rolls eyes>

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You can't evaluate if an mmo failed or not until it reaches lets say ( a reasonable ammount of time) 6 months. I see a grim population count when this one turn 6 months. If it continues to fall drastically as it is.


When i leveled my first char, 15 days after official launching, i could find groups for heroics anywhere. I mean anywhere. Lots of ppl per planet. When i started to level the second, omg, i had difficulties on getting groups even in coruscant sometimes, and nar shaddaa was already a joke. That to me, its more than a sign of decline.


All in all, the optimist band always chant this same hyme, 'OOH we see a bright future" "the game is getting actually more subs than ever". "ohh the servers arent more empty, they just raised the cap per server".


I've literally all of the above before in WAR and Rift, and in the end i was right, they failed miserably and sadly. In todays mmo world, either you try to do something really new and INVEST 80% OF YOUR EFFORTS IN LASTING APPEAL FOR ENDGAME , or you're completely bust in no time. No endgame lasting appeal = graveyard of mmos.


Some of what you're saying is absolutely correct. However, the data I have to work with is for NOW, not six months from now. The data presented, is saying the game has a healthy sub count. Do I wonder where people are when I play? Oh yeah. I'm spending the last 16 days of my Sub helping people with heroics. I'm flying All OVER, and I see maybe 30-60 players on Jung Ma imperial worlds, from Nar Shaddaa to Corellia, even less on Corellia during prime time.


Trust me, I wonder the same things you do, however I simply reserve judgement until I see actual hard evidence that the population is dropping, not that I just feel it is. We have to remain unbiased if we want to make proper judgements. Something you clearly haven't done.


I played WAR and RIFT as well. RIFT recovered, war did not. You're not alone in your observations, you're just presenting them very poorly.

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Let's see those numbers come next month when the REAL truth will come out. People got sucked into subscribing for the first month. So what? What the hell is your point?


Next month is when we find out how this game is REALLY doing.


1 year later... this game is gonna fail next month I promise!, how do you know people just got sucked into resubbing? did you poll all 1.7 million to get this data or are you just making pointless assumptions based off what you think, my guess is pointless assumptions.

Edited by Savish
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That's because GW2 fans will be able to let the game speak for itself. SWTOR fans have to come up with excuses and apologize for their game.


To whom? You? lol you people are ridiculous. If this game flops and GW2 is great as you predict. Why can't I drive to my local gamestop and purchase said holy grail of MMO's? Have them both installed and play that game and you or anyone else will be non the wiser.

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ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEE? the same ol'... no , brother they didnt do that. The initial boom is due to everyone falling for the hype of a new MMO. After 1 month, when ppl level and reach ilum, they just hit unsub. Ilum is a catastrophe, i think no one who is sane enough would disagree with me on this one. And people like us, who still kept subbed for some time, and would give them the benefit of doubt of magically fixing all ther flaws, gets nothing in the end.


Does anyone else get the same sensation I do reading this? It's like listening to AM radio conspiracy talk shows and how 2012 is the end of the world or that one guy on History Channel all the time saying that anything ancient that we can't currently explain how it was built MUST have been built by aliens?



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Cause keeping things in perspective while liking the game automatically makes a person a fanboy?


I like the game but not blind to its problems that need to be fixed. I also watch the dev tracker see they are fixing things and coming up with new content. I enjoy my experience so far. I also realize the misinformation on this forums is lopsided so therefore I have earned the Title Fanboy? Gotta check my character when I log in to read the codex on that.


Come on man people in this thread that are defending are just defending the facts not making hyperbole. They are also not definitely off topic like yourself. Heck your on a totally different game for your last few posts. Can't find community forums? What about that great GW2 forums you spoke about why aren't posting there?


You missed the point Rasheth. The moderate fans - the ones that aren't insane are the ones I'm trying to glorify. For both SWTOR and GW2. The "Fanboys" as they're called here that defend everything that they can, without looking at it from a critical point of view are the ones I'm referring to. A fan is different from a "Fanboy." One is positive, one is negative. I may be off topic in parts of my posts, but I'm responding to what people have to say, as I feel I should respond.


My investment in SWTOR is done, yet still I stay and try to use my time positively. I should have been clearer though when I made these statements. There haven't been many over zealous white knight defenders here, but they are in other threads. It's two sides of the same burned coin in my opinion.

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5 years later I wonder if the same guy is going to be sitting there at his now old and tired computer... fans failing and stacks of beer bottles surrounding him.. tiredly typing another thread on the SWTOR forums.....


"SWTOR is going to fail this next month! I can feel it! I can feel it...."

Edited by Tortoises
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SWTOR can have 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 subscribers and people will still say this game has failed.


WoW, SWTOR, and GW2 are going to be the big dogs out, GW2 not so much though. Enjoy the MTs that game will be heavily based on.

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ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEE? the same ol'... no , brother they didnt do that. The initial boom is due to everyone falling for the hype of a new MMO. After 1 month, when ppl level and reach ilum, they just hit unsub. Ilum is a catastrophe, i think no one who is sane enough would disagree with me on this one. And people like us, who still kept subbed for some time, and would give them the benefit of doubt of magically fixing all ther flaws, gets nothing in the end.


You should copy and past that into a text file, becuase I fully expect to see it posted every month regardless of how good the numbers look...

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I think anyone who is a fan of MMOs and is hoping for SW:TOR to fail is insane. You should be hoping they increase subscriptions even if you, like me, personally unsubscribed. What do you think happens to the future of MMO development when big titles fail? Investors stop investing in them.
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You missed the point Rasheth. The moderate fans - the ones that aren't insane are the ones I'm trying to glorify. For both SWTOR and GW2. The "Fanboys" as they're called here that defend everything that they can, without looking at it from a critical point of view are the ones I'm referring to. A fan is different from a "Fanboy." One is positive, one is negative. I may be off topic in parts of my posts, but I'm responding to what people have to say, as I feel I should respond.


My investment in SWTOR is done, yet still I stay and try to use my time positively. I should have been clearer though when I made these statements. There haven't been many over zealous white knight defenders here, but they are in other threads. It's two sides of the same burned coin in my opinion.


Ok I understand what you were trying to say my apologies.

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Don't get me wrong, when I say Hard Core fans I mean a small, insane subsection of Hard Core fans :)


Yeah, but I felt the use of the term in the discussion tends to blend with the overall meaning of the term...and begged a little light shown on it. Didn't think that's primarily what you meant personally. :)

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To whom? You? lol you people are ridiculous. If this game flops and GW2 is great as you predict. Why can't I drive to my local gamestop and purchase said holy grail of MMO's? Have them both installed and play that game and you or anyone else will be non the wiser.


He's nuts Rasheth, a nutty troll. That's really it. :p


Also, GW2 isn't out yet. You can go buy it in a few months though and give it an honest whack if you want.


Personally I hope SWTOR thrives. There is a lot of room in these genre for improvement, and I think Bioware, and ANET both can bring new stuff to the table, in the future we'll hopefully get some amazing stuff don't you think?


Also, apology accepted. You didn't have to apologize in the 1st place, it was my fault you misunderstood.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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Electronic Arts Inc. EA -2.39% today announced preliminary financial results for its third fiscal




quarter ended December 31, 2011.


I guess you are not familar with after hours trading were it rose $1.10 to $19.54 after the earnings announcement and the current state of SWTOR subscriptions.

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