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I am not a Troll: Reverse Bolster Gear Pigs


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If you dislike inequality, you shouldn't be playing mmorpgs. It is inherent to all MMO's, trying to be better than those around you, that is.


I suggest Pac-Man, or Ms. Pac-Man, as to suggest otherwise might upset your delicate entitlement-minded, politically correct sensibilities. I, of course, wouldn't suggest that Pac-Man is superior in any way to Ms. Pac-Man through my act of ommision.


I for one, welcome our new politically-correct MMO overlords.

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you didn't read my responses...I don't want your crap, this is no share the wealth argument.


Wrong. I read them.


You don't think it is "fair" that people who worked for it have something that you don't.


That, to me, says a lot about a person.

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If you dislike inequality, you shouldn't be playing mmorpgs. It is inherent to all MMO's, trying to be better than those around you, that is.


I suggest Pac-Man, or Ms. Pac-Man, as to suggest otherwise might upset your delicate entitlement-minded, politically correct sensibilities. I, of course, wouldn't suggest that Pac-Man is superior in any way to Ms. Pac-Man through my act of ommision.


I for one, welcome our new politically-correct MMO overlords.


^^^^ THIS


Play a different game. Every MMO requires some gearing up to play and compete. If you don't like this, don't play.


Don't have good enough PVE gear? You won't down bosses in HEroic BT.


Don't have good enough PVP gear? You won't kill players that are geared.


It's that simple, now shut up.

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I played the game.


I got to 50.


I run WZs.


I do my dailies and weeklies.


I've never stood around and let someone kill me without a fight.


I'm currently rank 54 with mostly champion gear.


Whatever I've gotten in the game I've worked for.


Tell me, why would it be fair to revert me down to your level just because you didn't participate as much as I did?


This is the same as saying "you worked for 20 years and make $90,000.00 a year. I have yet to work a full day and have all of $12.00 in my pocket, but I don't think you deserve to have more than me."


Suck it up and work for it, rookie.


im like valor rank 20 or 30 something and i have gotten one peace of pvp gear from bags.

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The problem is that MMO players are fixated on progressing their characters. It's one of those things that defines MMOs as MMOs. The incentive for grinding out warzones or suffering through bad Ilum PvP is to get more points to buy more gear to have a bigger advantage on the battlefield.


If you take that away? Folks are going to get bored really quickly. Let's face it, if you're really looking for competitive PvP action, MMOs aren't the best place for it.


Wouldn't the solution be to make those Warzones and Ilum fun? Give me enjoyable PvP and let me unlock titles, achievements, new looks for my character, etc. I'll take that over "earning" full BM gear. I don't see it happening right now since no studio wants to break away from the WoW mold. I can't blame them with the risk they put into these games (aka the huge budget) but I do wish someone would focus more on the incentive being that we had fun rather than we got gear so we can kill people better so we can get gear so we can kill people better, etc. That's the reason raiding never appealed to me.

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MMOs are about inequality and the carrot-on-the-stick mentality. If I am not allowed to gain a competitive advantage over someone by playing more effectively, efficiently and with more demonstrated skill over a extended period of time, I have no interest in playing. Gear is within the reach of anyone who is willing to to what it takes to achieve it. We shouldn't have to cater to the lowest common denominator because some people don't think it is fair and aren't willing to pay their dues.


You want something for nothing. It is pretty simple. My advice is to avoid MMOs if that is what you really believe, as the entire mmo culture is the antithesis of entitlement-driven.

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Besides just the fun of playing....I dunno for you, but for me, it's about becoming better, not just putting in the time.



Trying out Builds that focus on Power vs Crit, alacrity vs surge, etc,etc.


utilizing veteran spacial awareness, strategy based on opponent, etc


Aluminum bat vs wood bat...is not a true contest


Then no true contest exists, anywhere, ever, by your definition. Because even when both batters have different skill levels, one might be stronger to compensate due to the time they spent in the gym. People work to gain an advantage no matter what the contest. Try it some time, you might enjoy it.

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Wouldn't the solution be to make those Warzones and Ilum fun? Give me enjoyable PvP and let me unlock titles, achievements, new looks for my character, etc. I'll take that over "earning" full BM gear. I don't see it happening right now since no studio wants to break away from the WoW mold. I can't blame them with the risk they put into these games (aka the huge budget) but I do wish someone would focus more on the incentive being that we had fun rather than we got gear so we can kill people better so we can get gear so we can kill people better, etc. That's the reason raiding never appealed to me.


There is a reason why subscription-based MMOs are driven by incentivizing people with rewards that improve their characters in measurable ways. The game genre in itself is and always has been driven by incentivization. If you don't understand why this is, we can't have much of a conversation, suffice it to say that "fun" doesn't drive people to buy and maintain subscriptions for the long term.

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^^^^ THIS


Play a different game. Every MMO requires some gearing up to play and compete.


I actually liked Guild Wars style of PvP, where challenges were build related and not Gear Related.


Sure I spent 250 ectos to craft some Chaos gloves so my hands were really cool looking....but that didn't help me versus others.


you have 150+ skills and you only get to choose 8 to bring with you into any instance...to create your build.


Strategy, experiences in playing, knowledge of the game, build creativity....to me MUCH more rewarding of a PvP experience than pick an AC...then grind


Rift PvP I liked better in that I could switch builds during lulls in battles...switch from a pure team DPS build, to a 1vs1 build, to a Support (buffer)build to a Healer......I just had to be out of combat......which I consider a hybrid of GWs and this....but still had its PvP Gear Grind issue.

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I know the OP is just trolling, but come on for real? Why would anyone even try to PVP if there was no gear? Why not just make a game where we all get the same classes and gear and fight over and over. Why would anyone go try to down heroic mode PVE bosses? For the fun of it? Sure, but you want gear too.




Actually, Call of Duty has gotten so big because they added a progression system.

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I'm not saying give me your Mats, money, schematics, Bike...or any other aesthetics...those are yours.....just if we play competitively against each other.....your gear should not be a deciding factor. Your Build versus my Build, your strategy vs my strategy, your play vs my play......is that really scary to you and people who are gear pigs?


I'm not scared to fight you at all. I think if you're going to complain about gear progression you're probably not very good.

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