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0/12/29 - The "What's Heat?" build


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I'm always tanking in PvE and PvP, so I've probably designed a horrible dps build here but this looks like it would be a lot of fun. Essentially I've gone high enough into AP to get the passive heat ventilation skill, but will use the pyrotech stuff for the majority of my damage.


Obviously, the huge drawback here is that 3 points are wasted by putting them into superheated gas and not using combustible gas cylinder. The benefit though, is that you can burn 100% dps forever and never have too much heat built up.


What do you guys think?

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Or you could just stay in the Pyrotech tree for better DPS and heat venting from Flame Burst > CGC > Railshot. Sorry, this build seems like a waste to me.


"Burning" target can be achieved through Incindiery Missile right? It doesn't have to be through CGC?

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I'm not sure the build would be better than a full Pyro build, but if the concept is sound, there's some things I'd change:


You have two points in Energy Rebounder. Why? They're not needed to get to the next tier, and they add no DPS benefit.


I'd take one of those points and grab Retractable Blade. You already have Hot Iron, which boosts RB's damage, and since you'll use HEG, you'll get a bonus to internal damage as well.


I'm not sure Burnout does much for you either. Burnout is only going to affect the IM DoT (and the tech crit). Might be better spent in Rail Loaders.


If I were trying to get the best of both worlds, I'd say you've already got the best of Pyro in the first 18 points. I'd put the rest into AP to grab Charged Gauntlets for more RS crits. You'll also grab free Rocket Punches (reducing heat load further), and you'll buff your RB as well with Serrated Blades.


Here's how I'd do it: http://knotor.com/skills#AgMAFxJCUWpzipGaoaq6yttzgoqRq7rS2wAA


Is it going to beat full Pyro? Probably not. Your heat management will be easier, but I think you give up too much synergy to get it. Flamethrower is currently simming to be a DPS gain when used, so I grabbed Prototype Flamethrower to buff it further, but maybe that's not worth it. Between RB, IM, RP, and FT, you might end up with a heat issue anyway.


I'm not sure that 8 heat/6 seconds is that huge of a gain. You get a very similar gain from the Automated Defenses talent in the cooldown reduction on TSO. It's probably a bit less overall.

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I'm not sure the build would be better than a full Pyro build, but if the concept is sound, there's some things I'd change:


You have two points in Energy Rebounder. Why? They're not needed to get to the next tier, and they add no DPS benefit.


I'd take one of those points and grab Retractable Blade. You already have Hot Iron, which boosts RB's damage, and since you'll use HEG, you'll get a bonus to internal damage as well.


I'm not sure Burnout does much for you either. Burnout is only going to affect the IM DoT (and the tech crit). Might be better spent in Rail Loaders.


If I were trying to get the best of both worlds, I'd say you've already got the best of Pyro in the first 18 points. I'd put the rest into AP to grab Charged Gauntlets for more RS crits. You'll also grab free Rocket Punches (reducing heat load further), and you'll buff your RB as well with Serrated Blades.


Here's how I'd do it: http://knotor.com/skills#AgMAFxJCUWpzipGaoaq6yttzgoqRq7rS2wAA


Is it going to beat full Pyro? Probably not. Your heat management will be easier, but I think you give up too much synergy to get it. Flamethrower is currently simming to be a DPS gain when used, so I grabbed Prototype Flamethrower to buff it further, but maybe that's not worth it. Between RB, IM, RP, and FT, you might end up with a heat issue anyway.


I'm not sure that 8 heat/6 seconds is that huge of a gain. You get a very similar gain from the Automated Defenses talent in the cooldown reduction on TSO. It's probably a bit less overall.


That's really helpful, thanks

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Nah, I think I'll just use Rapid Shots periodically rather than gimp myself using a cylinder that I'm barely specced into.


Wouldn't you rather be able to spam Flame Burst in between RS/RP/UL instead of cycling Rapid Shots? I know min/max will show the build does less DPS, but things don't just stand still and follow a scripted formula in PvP.

Never having to worry about running up heat is a pretty big advantage that shouldn't be overlooked.

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