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PVP Targetting Question


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Tried PVP for the first time the other night and overall think i did ok for first attempt - 3 to 7 medals, mid-table and wasnt last! Maybe was my PC but it seemed to be really hard to target enemies. Ive read that mouse clicking targets isnt ideal and tab didnt seem to work for me, so my question is how do you target in PVP? Is there an easy way to target nearest enemy or anything!?


Im thinking i just dont have the skills or the speed yet cos ive been PVE since the start. I dont even use keybinds, maybe will just get easier in time and i will find a method that works for me.

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targetting is really tough. in this game i found you need to bind that "Target nearest enemy" function (i use q). If you're guarding people a lot, also find a good button for "Target nearest friendly". it changed my game.


also, your right click activates whatevers in the first slot (1). I put grapple there so if i have to grapple someone real fast i just right click on them. I switch it to guard in pve.

Edited by Umpire
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I bind a target of target key. So as your running over to help you can click your ally and then be on their target as well. This enables you to assist on a target being hit or bounce quickly as well as the target nearest target next option.


Mainly as a healer you have to have a target of target and I want my target selections layouts uniform I always end up running with the full monty of target aquisition options. Target nearest being my least used (I.e. you just got ambushed) is about the only time it is necessary to get on the proper target.

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