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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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This game provides the most entertainment I have ever had while playing an MMO.


That being said, of course there are bugs, however I have found none to be game breaking. There are also features that I could have done without (I'm not fond of having to gear all my companions or the crafting system), but the positives far out weigh the negatives for me.

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I count 65 NO's


You are probably counting a few of the Undecideds.


If there was any question about which side they voted or the answer was unclear to me, it was counted as Undecided.


Tally, as near as I can tell, is flawless at this time.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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The game - yes.

How it is done (UI, delays, etc.) - no.


Overall - no, realization kills idea. Bad for idea and for company (BW).


EXACTLY...... you would keep playing if " How it is done (UI, delays, etc.) - no." ?????? wasnt sorted.


I bet NO, i love the gameplay but there is far more stuff that needs altering/fixing than even the great gameplay could keep me long term.


As the weeks go on im more and more optimistic that a lot of what players are asking for WONT* be delivered, im 46 and no green teen, i wont be subbing beyond 3 or 4 months if issues arent addressed.


* If im proved wrong at the end of March, ill post to that effect.

Edited by Urko
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Great story, nice touch with the companions, but the whole world feels dead. PvP at endgame is nothing but a grind for gear while PvP pre 50 is a bunch of fun. Might return if the game improves so will keep my eye on the forums and see how the game changes.

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Yes, I am enjoying the game. I feel this was one of the smoothest launches I have seen for an MMO. There are however glaring issues with bugs, lag, and other things that do need to be fixed, and fixed quickly. I am still confident that BW will come through, but fixing these things takes some time. I did a 6 month sub, which I figured would give them enough time to work out most of the serious bugs.
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All the signs for a NO are there.


Thats most of all the YES replies.


I love the game but ... .... ...


I think everyone likes star wars and wants the game to succeed but thats not what hes asking but thats the question they are answering.

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Cancelled my sub yesterday, kinda says it all (it means No).


I see no reason why anyone should play this over WoW or Rift, apart from Class quests those 2 games do/does everything much much better.


I can tell you my reason : because the game is happening in the Starwars universe. It's fun to to improve the Force skills of my character...


SWTOR offers me a nice shift away from Wow : i have recently levelled up my paladin to 85 , and am currently beginning to lose interest in continuing with it . Yeah, sure, I am supposed to go raiding with the guild, or do arenas, or farm for transmog items. But for some reason i got tired of all that stuff. Oh, and the ore prices got ridiculously expensive lately ; this was frustrating because i had just learned jc and enchanting to max.


My point is that people are different , and it can happen that each gets bored because of various things.


It is quite possible that i will get bored of swtor after levelling 2-3 characters upto 50. In fact this is my plan from the very beginning : play SWTOR for only about 2 months and then stop .

Edited by Tigrakis
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Please do not argue in my thread if you can help it. I have tended and nurtured this thread for five whole hours.


Please be the mature one and walk away from the fight so that this thread may remain pristine and organized. Thank you.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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You are probably counting a few of the Undecideds.


If there was any question about which side they voted or the answer was unclear to me, it was counted as Undecided.


Tally, as near as I can tell, is flawless at this time.


No, I think a recount is in order if you dont want to be blamed about being biass becose I got closer to 65 too...

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EXACTLY...... you would keep playing if " How it is done (UI, delays, etc.) - no." ?????? wasnt sorted.


I bet NO, i love the gameplay but there is far more stuff that needs altering/fixing than even the great gameplay could keep me long term.


As the weeks go on im more and more optimistic that a lot of what players are asking for WONT* be delivered, im 46 and no green teen, i wont be subbing beyond 3 or 4 months if issues arent addressed.


* If im proved wrong at the end of March, ill post to that effect.


Gameplay itself is badly designed. It needs changes. What changes? Devs better to read forums to find out. Never do polls, they show nothing, just read what community thinks.


Again, idea is great, how it is done in this particular game - close to failure.

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