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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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need cross-server LFFP, LFOP

need addon and macro support

needs to let us use companion in pvp, FP, and operation (they can start by reducing the aoe companions take by 90%)

needs AC respec

duel/quad specs

better resource system for BH/trooper

add auto attack

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Oh when you mean "explore the galaxy" you actually mean level through zones in a tunneled fashion and play starfox in your little spaceship.


A: The space battles are fun but I see your comparison B: There is more to it than that there is plenty of exploration IMO.

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I wouldn't be here otherwise.


Not saying it is perfect but it is easily the most stable and polished release I've ever experienced and I've experienced a lot including but not limited to AO, DAoC, Shadowbane, Warhammer and WoW.

Edited by Hellapain
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So exploring the galaxy lacks exploration? LOL.:rolleyes:


yes it does, when its so linear and the fact that it doesn't feel vast. I don't know how to explain it, but if you were to play wow you will get this sense of a huge world, but when you play SWTOR it feels like a single player game. The worlds are just so small and laid out weird. No to mention there is a loading screen every 10 seconds that takes 71/2 minutes to load ( yes i timed it).


the world also feels dead and empty with poorly placed NPCs.


I don't know maybe some of it has to do with the fact that its a wow clone but since most have already played wow it doesn't have the same sense of wounder and newness. The game borrowed the wrong things from wow.


bad things it borrowed from wow

The same hot key mmo we been playing for years

the same tank/healer/dps make up

the same end game content


Good things it didn't borrow from wow


open world



add on support

macro support

cross server communication

cross server friends list

fluid combat



I think mmos should get rid of tanks and healing all together.

they should build self heals into all classes

all bosses to change targets

all classes should be dps (range. melee or hybird (range/melee))

plus added support class dps who heals think shadow priest and ret pallies


so an 8 man raid would have 3 range 3 melee and 2 support


plus give the ability to roll out of damage or jump back , etc


that way it would be much funner then having the same game with a different skin


swtor wow fantasy in star wars clothes

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yes it does, when its so linear and the fact that it doesn't feel vast. I don't know how to explain it, but if you were to play wow you will get this sense of a huge world, but when you play SWTOR it feels like a single player game. The worlds are just so small and laid out weird. No to mention there is a loading screen every 10 seconds that takes 71/2 minutes to load ( yes i timed it).


the world also feels dead and empty with poorly placed NPCs.


I don't know maybe some of it has to do with the fact that its a wow clone but since most have already played wow it doesn't have the same sense of wounder and newness. The game borrowed the wrong things from wow.


bad things it borrowed from wow

The same hot key mmo we been playing for years

the same tank/healer/dps make up

the same end game content


Good things it didn't borrow from wow


open world



add on support

macro support

cross server communication

cross server friends list

fluid combat



I think mmos should get rid of tanks and healing all together.

they should build self heals into all classes

all bosses to change targets

all classes should be dps (range. melee or hybird (range/melee))

plus added support class dps who heals think shadow priest and ret pallies


so an 8 man raid would have 3 range 3 melee and 2 support


plus give the ability to roll out of damage or jump back , etc


that way it would be much funner then having the same game with a different skin


swtor wow fantasy in star wars clothes



i think swtor was designed with exploration in mind way more than wow was.


i actually spend time exploring every corner of the map in swtor, in wow i did not


also swtor have phasing, of course the world is not open like wow cause swtor have multiple planet, no cross server is a good thing imo and i like the combat more in swtor than the combat in wow aside from a few exception (SI knockback)


to each his own

Edited by boobaffet
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Still a lot of work to do but in general




(like to have more compenions like this purple mini elephants or this tiny hooded sand-people *g*). But most important point atm should be FPS-improvements. Went from constant 60 FPS at release to ~25 FPS now just by patches for some odd reson :/.

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No :(


I haven't logged in for 3 days and feel there's little chance I will for a while. Too many REALLY annoying bugs and I would say there is an EXTREME lack of end-game content. PvP is dull and boring with Ilum broken and population imbalances, and only 3 WZ, one of which is played at least 60% of the time for Imperial.

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Even though I dislike many things about it. I'm going to post my wishes from the wish list thread here:


1) New content/features that drive the end-game in a different direction than WoW's i.e. shift away from the gear treadmill and focusing more on social features, uses for cantinas, crafting, customisation of armour and weapons, customisation of player ships.


2) Expand the RPG-feel to the MMO mechanics. Currently the class storylines let people feel and play a role - your class is not just a label for the type of weapons and abilities you have, it defines how you play through the game. This is great but it needs to be expanded into all of the gameplay, not just your personal class quests. I am not sure how this should be done, but when I work it out I will make a thread about it (which will probably drop instantly to page 2 of the forums and never been seen again, but there you go).


3) A sexy male Cathar companion

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1. Feels like I'm paying $15 a month for a single player game.

2. PVP is pretty awful and uninspiring.

3. PVE is only marginally better because of the story. Voice acting adds nothing other than wearing out my spacebar.

4. Slow loading even on a SSD and graphically subpar for a 2011 title.

5. Warhammer devs


There are some redeeming qualities. But not enough to warrant a monthly sub.

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No. I enjoy some theme park style games. But this is one is just Sooooo theme park. It's basically a game on rails and you're just along for the ride. There is no exploration. Nothing unique. Every play though I've done for each of my alts (I've played 4 characters up to about lvl 25-30) just makes me wanna poke my eyes out when I hit the same content the 2nd time, much less the 3rd and 4th. Same quests. Same stuff. Over and over.


Also, the PVP sucks. Especially as a melee.

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i love RPGs so the class stories are what appeal to me so much. however, the end game grind for gear is absurd and crafting is just a joke.


the only thing that is keeping me paying is probably the fact that i am a mega Star Wars fan and that i was a huge fan of KoTOR 1 and 2.

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