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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I currently really like it. I love the follower system, I love the pvp, I love the character driven story and voice acting.


Is this game perfect and everything I ever wanted? No, and no game ever will be.


This game is the least buggy most interesting mmo out the gate that I have ever seen and I have seen the launch of many many mmos.


My answer is a resounding YES.


Ediit: I would also like to add that I see a lot of room for improvement but I am only optimistic on that end.

Edited by SkullPizza
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Lacks freedom and depth in all departments.

Planets are not free, walls/blockades are everywhere(looks like a maze), feels a bit like a prison also to many is instanced. You have no reason to come back to planets when your 50. Its not a nice breathing beautiful dynamical universe, rather feels like 1 big loading screen. Bugs are everywhere. Many Illogical faults like body type 3 cant reach datacrons. And very important endgame is not good.



The planet interior in SWG (2003!) was better (more OPEN and less static).





Example of a beautiful planet.



Glad others like swtor.

Edited by Rigota
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It needs the opposite of an NGE.


It feels like I've been dragged through someone else's life Story very quickly and uninterestingly and now told to grab the next bus to alt-ville.


Not a living breathing Universe, like a Star Wars MMO should be.

Edited by adamqd
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It needs the opposite of an NGE.

You mean SWTOR needs a radical change like NGE for SWG but then everybody likes this major change. Well i would not mind it :) And i think swtor needs it.

Keep it on topic btw guys for OP.

Edited by Rigota
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You are probably counting a few of the Undecideds.


If there was any question about which side they voted or the answer was unclear to me, it was counted as Undecided.


Tally, as near as I can tell, is flawless at this time.


If you ask me, if someone is undecided it means they dont like the game enough to say 'Yes', I would count their vote as 'No'. If someone is reluctant to say 'yes' then its a 'no'


As for myself. I like low level questing (mostly because of story) but game is virtually unplayable in intense high level battles such as level 50 pvp and ops boss fights, because of crazy ability delays. Ability delay is not fixed and its not a latency and framerate issue.


Therefore overall, i'ld say 'No' because I will be moving on to Kingdoms of Amulaur when it comes out and then on to Diablo III.

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no ,


-pve endgame is bad in comparison to <insert any triple a title>

-"pvp" "endgame" is by far the worst crime against humanity i've ever seen as a pvp'er (due to me being a pvp-centric player , this point alone would make me quit)

-graphics are mediocre , performance is bad for half the playerbase for no reason

-ability delay (would be another stand alone quit reason for me)

-good single player rpg part , story writing isn't better than WoW's , but the presentation is a billion times better

-i thought you couldn't get any more retar.ded as a developer than pandas and pokebattles .... the loot distribution systems in this game taught me different




currently it's a single player mmo with exactly 1 appeal

class story , which comprises very little of even level content.


world arcs are generally uninteresting , noone gives a shiz about why they kill 10 rats or get 5 plants and most people skip them after level 20.


"endgame" is horribad and isn't even in the same league as the genre-giant , so i doubt it'll hold most people ... maybe the hardcore star wars fans or wow-haters ... but that'll be it.





admittedly the single player part (i.e class only storyparts) is pretty damn good ... but i wouldn't pay a subscription for it for the same reasons i wouldn't pay a monthly subscription for say ... the witcher 2








f2p in a year / dead in a year ... take your pick


oh well maybe gw2 won't suck

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You mean SWTOR needs a radical change like NGE for SWG but then everybody likes this major change.


I mean, How SWG went from intricate, detailed, almost endless, combat, social, career, crafting, possibilities, to a themepark... SWTOR should go from a themepark on rails, and add more customisation and sandbox features. I want to feel like I have some investment in my Character, I don't want him to look, feel, play, and use abilities, that every other Character of the same class does.

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Yes i am having fun and i understand y u dont want to be compared to WoW its got options.


This game could be great but it has a real box feel to it i dont like and u need to add some options for custom ui/ addon type stuff. And what i mean by box feel is every were u go is just another square building or street and the heroics that i have done so far feel the same.


Most ppl i talk to say it looks like a game i will play to max level once then leave for some other game. Sorry u need better enviroments but good try to compete with WoW.

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Yes. This games story and emotion driven content make it perfect for me. To me it is the best mmo I have ever played ( I've played wow eq1and 2 coh STO rifts Conan and war hammer. This is the first mmo that I really enjoy and see sticking with for a long time.
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In it's current state? NO


In my opinion...


-Love the character story arcs, but that's about it


-Sloppy, unpolished game with bugs. Lazy, uninspired coding.


-Total lack of imagination or originality in FP's (other than BT, which I enjoyed). Playing Hammerstation and Athiss (?) after BT felt like a major letdown. My husband and I have no desire to play through any of the rest of the FPs.


--Basic AAA MMO features missing (UI customization, macros, etc..) GTH is a train wreck. Having no ability to sort armor according to the slot it fills is pathetic.


--Game on rails EXTREME MODE!! Planets don't feel alive or populated. "Rat in a maze" linear quest chains (yes, this is a theme park MMO, but my god, they don't just put you on rails, they hold your hand, put one of those toddler leashes on you, and ask you if you have to go potty every 5 minutes)


--Uninspiring and repetitive armor choices. Only light armor social gear. Unbalanced armor selection at LS/DS vendors (unless you wear Heavy, you're pretty much borked)


--Lack of social fluff (housing, ship decorating, etc..) and no real reason to interact with the few people you do meet. It's been said before but I'll say it again, as a single player RPG, it's a decent game, as an MMO it's laughably horrible.


**Overall, imo, this game feels like it was a poorly done demo made by a bush league development company. I expected better from BW and am extremely disappointed with what they have turned out. As soon as we finish our story arcs, we will be unsubbing from SWTOR and possibly heading back to Rift until the Secret World and GW2 comes around**


PS: sorry about the length of the post, but this is the first time I've ever felt the urge to actually log in and comment on a forum post. Hopefully a higher up will read this thread and BW will somehow manage to salvage this game. For those enjoying the game as is, good for you, but don't attack legitimate critics who want to see the game improved.

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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?


~No talk about/comparison to wow.


~No flaming/arguing. You get your say, everyone else gets their say too.


~If someone annoys you, IGNORE THEM. You have your opinion, they have theirs.


~No fanboyism and/or hater banter.



Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of this forum with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.



I like it as a newly released MMO with the potential to grow which I will be around for to watch. If it is still like this in 6-8 months, then no, I will be bored with it ....

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So sick of elves and broadswords and bows and arrows. Gimme fighters and lightsabers and blasters!


That being said, I will play D3 and GW2, but this is the only game in the MMO genre to tackle a sci-fi universe and it's pretty fun for me so I will leave my sub active and keep coming back to play it even as I play other games in the future.

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No, the game is a failure. I wish EA invested more money in it so BW could drag EA down with them in their fall.


Sorry to derail, as I did want to respect the OP's wishes, but you voted very early in the thread, and posted multiple times responding negatively to other forum members who voted.


I'm going to flag this post (others should as well) and also call out foulplay in attempting to vote 2nd/3rd/4th time in this thread.

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