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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?






The updates we're seeing hit on a regular basis are a huge deal to me. Some of the quirks of the game get on my nerves and seeing those fixed on a regular basis is going a long way to keeping me enjoying the game.


Case in point, the space missions were something I enjoyed doing because there was a small reward during the lvl'ng process to 50. Once I hit 50 I could still do the 3 last missions for credits and xp but it felt like there was no reward.


Like magic, they added the two daily commendations for completeing that one mission! Hooray, Now I can login and do my daily space mission for a reward!


I wish they offered that reward on the other mission for the other 2 missions as well but maybe that will be later.


And the operative update pleases me greatly as well. Playing PvP is very frustrating when someone comes up to you invisible, them pops you for massive damage and knocks you out at the same time. All my stuns involve me being visible and the only one that allows me to do damage while they are stunned in a close combat attack which is extremely risky for a dps ranged sniper. But operative? Oh he get to be invisible, gets to line up behind you and gets to attack you safely knowing you're not likely to be able to counter him at all. Oh and he does MASSIVE damage. I can't even do that much damage with my best sniper shots which takes a while to setup and pull off.


That needed to be addressed and I'm extremely happy they did.


Game is a lot of fun for me. People throwing fits and quitting are likely going to be back in a month or less if they continue to keep updating the game at this pace. I really hope they vastly improve the group finding tools for flashpoints because as awful as the grind can be getting to 50 I think if playing flashpoints was a more pleasant experience for all it would improve a lot of peoples impressions of the game.

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Enjoying the leveling and i am an altaholic, so i get more of what i like. I do have concerns about the longevity of the game as i do see most planets as empty even when there is a significant player count, and the current state of the endgame by reports (i have not reached max level at this time).


But i am enjoying the game in it's current state.

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Merely highlighting a common tactic is all. Oops, does this count as two votes?


Yea I notice attackers use that.Especially those that don't allow any criticism of BW to go unchallenged.To bad everyone has their right to their own opinion.Thems the breaks.

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NO! too unbalanced.

However when I was waiting to play due to buggy billing issues, I started looking into Guild Wars 2, and I'm very excited about that.

I probably wont give this game another shot for a while. There is a lot that needs to be fixed.

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So far mostly liking the game.


I'm not at endgame and i don't care for pvp which seems to be where most of the complaints are targeted. The few bugs i do encounter are not game-breaking for me.


There are a few things that would've been been better though. Like the ship. I don't like that the ship undocks/docks from the space port every time i enter/exit the thing. Why can't it just be like a building in a persistent world zone and only instance me out when i purposely select a destination to travel to.


Also about the ship, it would be nice if it and space was more freeform but if they insist on its current form, then at least make the space missions co-op. I mean, the very first movie that plays after you install the game has 3 people entering a ship and 2 of them man gun turrets.


Another is the lack of a day/night cycle. Yes, it's a low impact aesthetic but it goes with immersion and the lack of it just makes the worlds seem static, always the same (can get monotonous over time)


Another thing about the game environment is the lack of underwater environment deep enough to actually swim in and not just looking like wading through the shallow end of a swimming pool. The prequel movies has underwater cities, i would think it could've been added.


But it seems like modern games don't do this anymore for some reason. I mean the last few i tried also didn't have a day/night cycle and only had shallow water and/or fake swimming. My very first mmo that i played at its launch 13 years ago had these and it gave me a sense of place in the game world enough that just standing around and hanging out was fun.

Edited by Jedtor
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Not really. Nothing to do apart from combat, this feels like a multiplayer action game. I want more immersion, more feeling of living in a SW universe. I will probably cancel my account pretty soon here and resub when (if) they add more non-twitchy-action things to do
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I love the game for some reason. BUT

so so performance

bugs all over

Poodoo textures (styles fine but I cant imagine hi res with current performance issues for some).

Armor is alot of nasty tho that is personal taste so I understand...

Endgame, what?

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I haven't had this much fun playing an MMO in close to ten years. The positives to me far outweigh any bugs or lack of things like UI customization, LFG tool etc. that people complain about.


I think if people would just play the game and quit fixating on these things they would probably feel the same way. :D

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I haven't had this much fun playing an MMO in close to ten years. The positives to me far outweigh any bugs or lack of things like UI customization, LFG tool etc. that people complain about.


I think if people would just play the game and quit fixating on these things they would probably feel the same way. :D


Exactly my view - YES! - there's stuff that needs fixing and, from the look of it, they're doing their damdest to get it done (the overtime payments must be eye-watering).


Looking forward to what comes out in March too.

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Perhaps because I focus on the single player aspect. The mmo is a nice bonus at times, but so far the most annoying thing in this game are other ppl caps-locking "spacebar! spacebar!...come on skip" during flashpoints.

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Mostly no. I payed for 3 months which will end in april. If there's nothing something that grabs me then in the big march patch i will most likely not sub.


The leveling was a great process. But that's it. Unless you are a alt-aholic, you won't enjoy the game after a few week's into max level.


And after reading 50 pages it seem that the only people saying yes are people who have yet to hit max level or just recently.


They screwed up pvp. And screwing up pvp is a huge hurt on an MMO. If you look at every popular mmo in the last 15 years, their pvp is the content that was most glorified (DoAC, UO, L2, WoW (at some point),etc) Getting pvp right makes a succesful MMO. With the class unbalanced, poor fixes, Ilum being useless & RNG loot system, not happening.


At this point lvl 10-49 pvp is fun, because it's actually skilled based, while lvl 50 is about who played the most/farmed the most in ilum wins.


Let's hope the rating system / new wz will help.


I remember people arguing that after you're class story there was 50 content. Yeah there is, they're the dailys and they are boring as hell. If you're like me, pass 40, the normal quest are boring and you just want to get rid of them so you can continue on you're class story.


PvE end-game content is buggy 1/2 of the time. From not getting loot, random death. Clearing normal mode is so easy, it's a little bit sad. Most people don'T really care about hardmodes and nightmare. It's sad that this generation of gamers are so freaking lazy.


Has for crafting, if you don't have biochem, you are wasting you're time. Crafting gear is completely useless, making money is super easy even without crafting. +100 to a stats is a huge boost in anything pve or pvp.


The loadings...meh, not fun but i don't really care.


so yeah. No is my answer

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