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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Were succumbing to intimidation a weakness for me I'd have to say no. But since it isn't then I'll have to vote my experience and say yes. SWTOR is fun to play right now and progressively improving. I don't expect miracles but I do expect honest effort. BW is giving that effort so I'll work with it. The mambypamby I want it all and I want it right now crowd should consider some quality couch time. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Of course, there are always improvements that could be made, and need to be made, but it is very playable for me and enjoyable. I am not going to go bonkers because of bugs, bugs get fixed. Even some bad design can and will get fixed, i.e. the UI. As long as I enjoy the game that is what counts.

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Were succumbing to intimidation a weakness for me I'd have to say no. But since it isn't then I'll have to vote my experience and say yes. SWTOR is fun to play right now and progressively improving. I don't expect miracles but I do expect honest effort. BW is giving that effort so I'll work with it. The mambypamby I want it all and I want it right now crowd should consider some quality couch time.


How can you be intimidated on a forum?Your right because someone has a different opinion then you that must be it.

Edited by well
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Have fun with your panda's


Have fun with your panda's what? Ahhh, I get it - you're not uneducated to the point of not knowing how to properly use an apostrophe - that was a sly reference to romancing, gaining affection points and whatnot. Romancing, you see, is soon to be a SWTOR thing, WoW hasn't went that low. In any case have fun with Corso's...


...and I know you will.




~ It's Funny how people cite Pandas as if to point out some inherent lameness with respect to WoW, forgetting they are playing a game that soon could very well be pitched by Elton John.

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You have just as many post in this thread as I have. Heal thyself.


It is not the number of your posts I find disturbing. It's the off topic content and obvious desire to derail this thread.


You might wish to think for 30 secs with each post if you are actually contributing something constructive to the thread or not before you post.

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No, I do not like the current state of SWTOR.


In addition, I cancelled my account yesterday as this is NOT and MMO. This is a massive single player game with a multiplayer option that is poorly implemented. Being able to play story quests and not see another person for hours at a time does not feel like an MMO. There is no guild bank/halls/quests, nothing to promote a community feeling or a co-op experience in your guild. I am very muc frustrated on the horrible pain in the *** experience of trying to put together a FP group from 1-49. At 50 it's a tiny bit easier, but not by much.


To make it worse, what little community time you do get exposed to is primarily sitting in the fleet. Fleet chat is nothing more than a neverending nerd raging troll fest. The only interacting I really get is in guild chat, and that's about as interactive as have KOTOR opened in windows mode with a Yahoo chat room opened on my 2nd monitor.


So much wasted potential, it really makes me mad that I followed this game for 3 years. I'll probably check in, in 6-8 months to see if any improvements have been made, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

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Sliding towards No.


The Star Wars-ness is not really enough to keep me having fun, so the overall feel of playing a 2006-vintage MMO in 2012 is detracting from enjoyment. The worst PvP system I've ever seen in an MMO is a bit detrimental, as well.


Being on a low population server isn't helping.

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No. The hardmode flash points are great and I hope the operations are better but that is not enough.




No challenge 1 - 50 except for the class quests. It is tedious. Walk up to some mobs, use your aoe skill, wait for it to recycle, repeat. There is no fear, no danger, walking into a new area solo should be scary. Doing anything in a duo has zero challenge outside of heroics.


The story line was great first time round but leveled to max in under a month. Will I still be playing in a years time? At the moment I cannot see it.


All the quests give too much exp so level way too fast, no incentive to actually explore anywhere. The game is beautiful, but you never actually need to sit down and think or plan so you never notice. No tactics required outside of the fp. It just feels way too easy, my buddy described it as a game aimed at 10 year olds. I think he was right.


I want an mmo not a pvp first person shooter. Come on devs, you could do so much better.

Edited by Aljabik
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Starting to lean towards no as well. So many patches and bug fixes yet things seem to remain the same. I still get an activation/ability delay, performance is still the same and my server started from heavy to now light. I'm really trying to stay optimistic about this game but things are quickly escaping from me.


I know nobody likes to hear that other MMO but honestly just to compare the general game performance go download the free trial and play it on your system, then load this game. You'd think it's reverse on which was made in '04 and which was made in '11.

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Heavy NO,


PVP is nonexistent. If you like PVP in this game then i'm not sure whats wrong with you. PVE is easy mode. The only bosses that are hard to kill are the ones that are bugged out and not working properly... that should not be the standard for a challenging boss.. one that's malfuncitoning.


The loot is so incredibly unoriginal. Why can we get columi from hard modes and then the only next step is rakata. There's norm, hard, and nightmare operations. So a total of 4 different stages of PVE to obtain gear from but only two sets of gear... that sucks. The names on gear are completely senseless. <name> lightsaber... oh big woop.. who the hell is that guy. There is no lore associated which makes it meaningless.


Why is PVP gear randomly dropped from bags... senseless that we should get 5 chest peices in a row.


Why do my rakata boots, i'm a jug tank mind you, have surge on them to replace the sheild that was on my columi boots. *** is a tank gonna do with surge prioritized over sheild... almost makes me want to switch the mod to the LOWER level one.

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Meh, not really. Subbed for a month, gonna play it out, and that'll be that. TOR really has no hope to ever be a game I can enjoy long-term.


I still have all of Corellia and Voss to slog through and I'm losing motivation to log into the game every day.


Not to mention I've taken it upon myself to reverse engineer a set of armor up to a particular type (hawkeye overkill: +power and +accuracy) and have become hugely frustrated by TOR's awful RNG crafting system (I've critted REs three times for the stupid +Presence piece).


And that aside, the worlds are the most dead and static worlds I've ever experienced, the antiquated combat frequently puts me into a coma, their awful rendition of space is still a complete joke and embarrassment, and through 50 levels of my Trooper the only matching set of armor I've been able to procure was a L40 PvP set which features a color scheme and helmet I intensely dislike (meaning that not once have I ever enjoyed the appearance of my avatar), character creator is obviously horrible and you can't change anything after creation, and on and on and on.


I'm a sandboxer at heart but I thought my love of the Star Wars IP would get me over the hump with this game. Boy, was I mistaken...


Sorry, Bioware, but TOR is pretty much the embodiment of all the design decisions I loathe in MMOs.


At least ya got $95 bucks out of me though... :(

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