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Mercs cannot do D7 hardmode.


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Not true. Kill the first clone ignore the rest. His shield drops dps him the clones will just stand there. When you finish grab loot and exit zone to get rid of them. Annoying yes but don't be so dramatic.


So players should have to find work around to complete aspects of the game and not report bugs? Gotcha!!

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So players should have to find work around to complete aspects of the game and not report bugs? Gotcha!!


No you should come here and make overly dramatic statements that make you look like you haven't got a clue. Bug reports are done in game. Complaining is done here.

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Infinite clones on any merc cloned.


Fix it please.


I was not visiting D7 since quite a while. This *** seriously still didnt got fixed? LMAO

I am slowly starting to loose hope. Few months before I was like "hey, who else aside from Blizzard can make a good MMO if not Bioware"? What an irony. I have a feeling like this thing is coded by straight-out-of-college programmers. Seriously sometimes I have a feeling that Tabula Rasa (biggest MMO fail I know) was shipped in better state. SWTOR has two huge assets: Star Wars and Bioware. But those two brands will not keep the game alive forever if the quality of this product will not start to improve FAST.

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Not my job to report bugs. I work full time and have another job. I posted here as its easy and quick.


Shouldn't have made it to release.


I hope that all mercs take the same attitude and it never gets fixed because the technical teams never hear about it. :D


That would make me feel pretty good about your apathy.

Edited by Heliotic
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Not my job to report bugs. I work full time and have another job. I posted here as its easy and quick.


Shouldn't have made it to release.


And yet you had the time to come here and post about it, taking what one would assume to be roughly the same time, if not greater, than it would've taken you to report the bug.

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Oh for the love, it's been reported by at least by 20 members in our guild alone so I am sure there has been plenty of others.


We ran it tonight and had the problem but as it was mentioned, he can still be killed and the bugged clones mopped up after.

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Oh for the love, it's been reported by at least by 20 members in our guild alone so I am sure there has been plenty of others.


We ran it tonight and had the problem but as it was mentioned, he can still be killed and the bugged clones mopped up after.


Bioware (like any other software development company) would triage fixes based on how many people have reported the issue.


Just because you know it's been reported already is no reason not to report it yourself, it will give it a bit more visibility.

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Not true. Kill the first clone ignore the rest. His shield drops dps him the clones will just stand there. When you finish grab loot and exit zone to get rid of them. Annoying yes but don't be so dramatic.


You're acting like someone should be aware of a workaround for a bug. Don't be so dramatic, it may have ruined your run but just stop the drama mmmmkay...



IT'S A BUG, DO YOU GET IT? The OP isn't at fault for it.

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I hope that all mercs take the same attitude and it never gets fixed because the technical teams never hear about it. :D


That would make me feel pretty good about your apathy.


This is why you have beta testing.





There should not ever under any circumstance be a need to have /bug in live. This is a common thing that should never have made it past beta. The problem was bioware being retarded and wanting to keep everything a secret till launch. Beta didn't get nearly enough focus, since NDA was up pretty much all beta long. Nobody could really talk about anything. So nothing was shown, nothing was talked, nothing was done.


PTR is a fail here, nobody goes on it. Nobody is going to sit through cut scenes for the 5th time for the same damn planet they've done over and over.



If I have to do nar shadaa one more time :mad:

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I was not visiting D7 since quite a while. This *** seriously still didnt got fixed? LMAO

I am slowly starting to loose hope. Few months before I was like "hey, who else aside from Blizzard can make a good MMO if not Bioware"? What an irony. I have a feeling like this thing is coded by straight-out-of-college programmers. Seriously sometimes I have a feeling that Tabula Rasa (biggest MMO fail I know) was shipped in better state. SWTOR has two huge assets: Star Wars and Bioware. But those two brands will not keep the game alive forever if the quality of this product will not start to improve FAST.


Most of the team is made out of those who made the warhammer mmo. this should raise a red flags anyone wanting something in the line with WoW or Rift. I don't think this mmo will ever be as polished as WoW or Rift. I think they just don't have the talent. Many people don't know this but Blizzard has the smallest team around when it comes to mmos; thats why its not resources or time but talent. You can't make a pinto into mustang, no matter how hard you try. The should of waited a year or two before releasing, seriously, who makes an mmo without an cross over LFG anymore. Many industry expert still think the LFG system is around the coner and the only reason it wan't added yet is because of time and cost and not the PR stuff bioware gives us: it ruins community blah blah blah.

Edited by samht
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This is why you have beta testing.





Hahaha. What? How do you report bugs if there is no bug reporting system?


There are -always- bugs in live software. Not having a bug reporting system is like sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting LALALALALA.


I like the fact that we are given a direct (although one way) channel to the devs so we can at least be sure they have heard our complaints.

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Hahaha. What? How do you report bugs if there is no bug reporting system?


There are -always- bugs in live software. Not having a bug reporting system is like sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting LALALALALA.


I like the fact that we are given a direct (although one way) channel to the devs so we can at least be sure they have heard our complaints.


Haha, right?


Bad news, brochos, there's no such thing as a "bug free" game.

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Hahaha. What? How do you report bugs if there is no bug reporting system?


There are -always- bugs in live software. Not having a bug reporting system is like sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting LALALALALA.


I like the fact that we are given a direct (although one way) channel to the devs so we can at least be sure they have heard our complaints.


No that is why you have a BUG TESTING PERIOD! So you can gather a bunch of people to sit and go and find bugs, so you can fix them and get as good as a product as you can.



The bugs that came from instances at launch was so downright bad, it makes me question their skills as programmers and developers. I expect occasional bugs, I don't expect completely obvious bugs that is noticed outright and are repeated problems.




The truth is, Bioware spent most of beta testing trying to figure out if lip sync matched up to dialog :(

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No that is why you have a BUG TESTING PERIOD! So you can gather a bunch of people to sit and go and find bugs, so you can fix them and get as good as a product as you can.



The bugs that came from instances at launch was so downright bad, it makes me question their skills as programmers and developers. I expect occasional bugs, I don't expect completely obvious bugs that is noticed outright and are repeated problems.




The truth is, Bioware spent most of beta testing trying to figure out if lip sync matched up to dialog :(


Haha must be your first MMO.

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No you should come here and make overly dramatic statements that make you look like you haven't got a clue. Bug reports are done in game. Complaining is done here.


So...complaining about complaining is better than complaining about the game?


If I was to complain about complaining about complaining would that be even better?

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Haha must be your first MMO.


It's not, whats you don't realize you overzealous fan boy. Is that this game had a quite bad launch, and still has no real sense of direction to it. It will fail unless they start giving it some direction. The story lines are great and all, but once you're done you lose most of interest.




Rift launch wasn't this bad.


WoW launch wasn't this bad.


Warhammer launch wasn't this bad, it really wasn't.


AoC, had issues but none I had (didn't get very far to be honest)


Vanguard was a good launch (though was too everquesty)




The fanboys in this game are worse then wow fanboys. At least wowfanboys will admit when the game is screwed up. You just pass everything off like Bioware can do no wrong and absolutely nothing is wrong and you're all wrong for thinking things are wrong.

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