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You Have *3* Wishes for SWTOR.....


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1. I would have then start working on a SWG2

2. I would have them understand that 1.7 million people playing by themselves does not make a successful MMO

3. I would tell them if they want to spend 300,000 on voice actors they can save a ton of money by getting 1 person that can do 50 voices.

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1. While I understand that this is an MMO, I would like more endgame content for people who prefer to play alone and not with a group of strangers.


2. My primary is a bounty hunter. I'd like a bounty board (on the Fleet maybe?) with a list of bounties to be killed/captured. Player bounties would be fun too, but I'd settle for NPCs. This would satisfy my need for endgame content, and it seems like every class should have something similar and class-appropriate.


3. Hood up/down toggle. Or at least in cutscenes the hood should ALWAYS be down. It sucks to watch the romantic cutscenes but not even be able to see their faces because the hoods are up.


(When I knew my companion was about to propose, I actually removed their shirts just so I could watch the scene! Not that I *mind* looking at shirtless people, but it was a little weird...)

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1-3) Made by Blizzard.


Ugh, I think I'm going to be sick. Blizzard makes games, by the way. You should play them. Exclusively. Just saying.


I only need one wish:


I wish they would make it single player/offline so I could continue the storyline I like without all the multiplayer junk that I don't. That way, I wouldn't have to be cancelling my subscription for a single player game.


*quietly ponders what this player thought story-driven MMORPG meant when they bought their game or if they missed that part entirely*


2- Ban anyone who uses the terms "fanboy", "bad", "baddie", "scrub", "L2P", "QQ", or the expressions "...then good to go", "grow a brain" or "umadbro?".


I'm not going to waste a wish on it since someone already hit the nail on the head here.


1.) Destroy it

2.) Don't ever make it again

3.) KOTOR 3


Actually, I would like to amend Zaskaszh's wish and add people who are still trolling the forums of a game they profess to hate. All the Veruca Salt kids need to go too. Sadly, I realize there is nothing Bioware can do about this. Le sigh. So I'll wish for ...


1. Same-sex romances and better/more NPC romance options for female characters.

2. Server merges/transfers for low-pop servers.

3. Two more wishes.

4. More character slots.

5. More character customization.

Edited by Dolcia
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1. Add some force-using companions for non-force classes, if only so I have a reason to keep all that willpower gear with my smuggler.


2. Missions that branch a bit depending on choices, or at least can change depending on what you say or do.


3. Add more easter eggs. A waste of a wish? Perhaps, but I do so love hunting those things down.

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1. Option to completely disable the stupid cutscenes. Even spacebar gets annoying after a while.


2. Cross server LFG-tool.


3. Being able to port to spaceship.



Close to what I would choose:


1. Prefference to auto quicken through all cut-scenes

2. LFG tool (Only not cross-server)

3. Be able to buy different ships and utilize them for more than just the current space combat.

(Id like to BH to buy/steal a TIE instead of the ugly Mantis) :D

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1. application that will allow players to send their companions to craft or on crew skills missions while at work or away from home.

2. Jedi Paladin class, jedi who can use blasters

3. faster cool down of heroic moment, the cool down is way too long so I almost never use it.

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A) Scrap Empire/Republic classes, instead make them a neutral class and then allow them to pick a faction. It's kind of stupid having two classes that everyone acts are different but really aren't. (Smuggler to Imperial Agent, Bounty Hunter to Trooper, you know what I mean.)

A1) Give Smugglers portable cover and the range of Gunslinger, The advanced classes really aren't as different as Bioware thinks they should be.

B) Amp the ESRB rating up to 17+, any less then that isn't what Bioware is supposed to do.

C) Romance scenes more like Mass Effect 1 then... whatever this is.

D) Account Legacy > Server Legacy

E) Swappable Companion Classes (I want Corso to heal me while I'm waiting for level 40 to get Guss Tuno)

F) Companions become more active in storyline

G) Opportunities to kill off companions you don't like, one option when you meet them, one during loyalty quest.

H) Dual Spec, forgot that one.

I) Scrap C2-N2, 2V-R8 is much better.

J) The stuff I do actually has a big impact on the story (I don't want a message and a gift from someone I spared, I want to know they didn't commit suicide five minutes after I saved their sorry butts)

K) Rather then modables, take an example from Inheritance items from WoW, that mold to my level.

L) Cross-Class Companions. Damn it Vette, why do you love Sith Warriors so much?

M) Advanced Class Swap, do I need to explain this one?

N) Removal of the really stupid and pointless Light/Dark Side System. The only reason I EVER look at it is because I want to know if I can buy a better Relic or if I have to grind Black Talon for the next five hours to do it.

O) Single Player Option, Why the hell didn't I list this BEFORE?

P) Optional Capes/Skirt... I don't even have to elaborate, all of you know what I'm talking about.

Q) Same Sex Romances. This isn't a big one for me, but it's still an issue.

R) How about you go online, look up mens backs for about ten minutes, and then get rid of those cancer cells on my back you mistakenly call muscles.

S) Condensing this list so people will read it instead of looking at three of them and commenting (I know at least three people will)

3 A time machine to go back and tell Bioware that they choose a totally crap Engine and to find another

^ That too...


EDIT: All companion Side quests are actual side quests like the first companion you get. I would LOVE to help Akaavi kill a Moff on Nar Shadda, instead she comes back not two seconds after the screen blacks out. It had no emotion or purpose when they do it on their own. For once, I WANT them to be absolutely helpless and come begging me if I can help them.

Edited by Kuronan
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1. Completely revamped levelling experience; scrap side-quests altogether and put entire focus of game on the personal storyline, world arcs and galatic storyline, which in turn need to be greatly expanded, need more branching out and would gain alot more depth. Less fetching and killing 10 rebels, more intrigues and Star Wars-esque story. Alot more dynamic, less static, such as the events in Guild Wars 2.


2. Expanded Legacy System: it has great potential and is a part of the kind of change and creativity that is desperately needed in this genre, less grindy buffs though and alot more focus on what it's original intent is, i.e roleplaying. Family Tree expanded to include companions, perhaps other player characters aswell. Legacy needs to be a fundamental part of the game, another layer of story to base quests, missions, storylines and events on.


3. Companions need alot more depth, they need to be top-notch quality, the kind of immersiveness needs to Mass Effect 1 + Mass Effect 2 + Knights of the Old Republic + Dragon Age: Origins + Dragon Age 2 combined. More dialogue, more choice that matters, more impactful decisions, more story, personal quests where you go along with them.


So, to sum it up, BioWare and EA should invest anything and everything towards revamping the game, towards trimming away all the fat and MMO-treadmills, such as side-quests and the like, whilst shifting the entire focus of the game towards the personal, planetary and galactic storylines, that should be interwoven; we need alot more depth, alot more branching and alot more Witcher 2-esque morality in choices. They need to put alot more resources into Companions, make them as compelling and long-lasting as if all of their previous titles that involved a party of characters were combined into one. They need to expand the Legacy system into becoming a fundamental part of the gameplay and game experience, less focus on things such as XP-boosts, much more on roleplaying purposes such as the Family Tree.

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I wish it would just die so they can start working on the next Star Wars RPG.


1) Paazaak and swoop racing and pit fighting (in cantinas) and a veiwable holo screen of huttaball matchs to make a reason for being in a cantina beyond logging for rest xp


2) Planet public group events ala RIFTs in RIFT


3) Complete redesign of PVP where xp and equipment are removed and DAoC (pre RAs) RVR is added so its a faction wide event even though its still PVP at its core.


but to be honest, thats just 3 of a bigger list of things


-Housing (EQ2 style)

-expanded companion stories and quests that require you to use said companion and adventure towards a goal for each, rather then just get affection and listen to a story

-mentoring so grouping with low levels makes sense

- changes to how forums run (Ill leave that out here but Bioware has it on my exit feedback)

-each planet supporting content of all levels so people dont go a-b-c-d-e-f patern

- increased mob toughness

- massively increased level curve so you actually feel attacted to your characters and care about them

- more conversation selection in dialogs and conversation shoices that CHANGE the patern of the conversation (NPC doesnt have same 4 replies no matter what you might say)

- ability to dismiss (and hire) companions that suit and fit you



Thats a start

Edited by Kalfear
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In the original game


Pazaak was a very well thought out mini-game that had enough depth to almost be a game of it's own. I'm actually surprised this wasn't a part of the initial release as are others from my search results.


Imagine a Pazaak tables in the cantinas and lounges and the ability to play against other characters. Pazaak could be a crew class of it's own.

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1. Completely revamped levelling experience; scrap side-quests altogether and put entire focus of game on the personal storyline, world arcs and galatic storyline, which in turn need to be greatly expanded, need more branching out and would gain alot more depth. Less fetching and killing 10 rebels, more intrigues and Star Wars-esque story. Alot more dynamic, less static, such as the events in Guild Wars 2.


2. Expanded Legacy System: it has great potential and is a part of the kind of change and creativity that is desperately needed in this genre, less grindy buffs though and alot more focus on what it's original intent is, i.e roleplaying. Family Tree expanded to include companions, perhaps other player characters aswell. Legacy needs to be a fundamental part of the game, another layer of story to base quests, missions, storylines and events on.


3. Companions need alot more depth, they need to be top-notch quality, the kind of immersiveness needs to Mass Effect 1 + Mass Effect 2 + Knights of the Old Republic + Dragon Age: Origins + Dragon Age 2 combined. More dialogue, more choice that matters, more impactful decisions, more story, personal quests where you go along with them.


So, to sum it up, BioWare and EA should invest anything and everything towards revamping the game, towards trimming away all the fat and MMO-treadmills, such as side-quests and the like, whilst shifting the entire focus of the game towards the personal, planetary and galactic storylines, that should be interwoven; we need alot more depth, alot more branching and alot more Witcher 2-esque morality in choices. They need to put alot more resources into Companions, make them as compelling and long-lasting as if all of their previous titles that involved a party of characters were combined into one. They need to expand the Legacy system into becoming a fundamental part of the gameplay and game experience, less focus on things such as XP-boosts, much more on roleplaying purposes such as the Family Tree.


I agree with this 100%, esp with #1. While all the stories do there job, almost all the other quests you do in the game start to feel static and boring after a while. A lot of it does lack depth. Sure you can skip them but it feels like a missed opportunity when you go to a new location and when you want to take a break from your story but want something just as engaging. Sure you get credits, experience and rewards/loot, but you still have pvp, flashpoint and space combat and there corresponding dailies for.


My main suggestions are the following:


1. Add side quests that are tied to your class story. The purpose is that it gives a more in depth experience on what it means to be your class on a day to day basis. ex. Sith Warriors can receive training quests from Darth Baras so you can feel like your going through more of an apprenticeship. Dueling challenges and learning about different lightsaber forms come to mind for warriors.


2. Every planet needs to focus more on the main story of the planet or World Arc. Some of them do but others like Nar Shaddaa only have multiple quest chains but no real focus, which can get boring. Though I don't know if all the planet side quests need to be removed, they should be tied more to my suggestion above, and be more about the day to day life on each planet but are also chained together more. Kill and fetch quests should be fully integrated into the bonus series of quests if they choose not to entirely get ride of them and replace them with more interesting objectives and remove the idea of being your factions errand boy.


3. Important choices aren't as common as they should be. A lot of the time it comes down to whether you just want light or Dark side points, but you don't always feel the repercussions of most of your choices. Other times it feels either like a missed opportunity. Ex: If you choose to spare Lord Rathari in the SW story, all he does is show up at the very end but doesn't have any impact at the ending. Other stuff that involves your companions were just taken out due to player feed back. Ex: Killing Malavai Quinn for betraying you was taken out during testing. It some what understandable because he's your healer but I don't think removing it altogether is the answer either since it takes away the freedom of choice and the loss of a important/emotional moment of betrayal.

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