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You Have *3* Wishes for SWTOR.....


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1.) "Hawksexual" companions. - If you want to romance ANY companion you get, it won't effect ANY OTHER PLAYERS .. so might as well let that each person romance whatever NPC they want. If anything just make it so the PLAYER has to initiate any sort of flirting or romance.




3.) SWTOR being actually OPEN WORLD. I mean really.. I'm SO tired of having to take taxis EVERYWHERE just to get from subzone to subzone.


..and as just a little extra if I repaired the droid and it was super grateful and gave me another wish..


4.) Each world actually being OPEN. Where you can TRAVEL FREELY around it instead of exploring things in silly little sections. I get SO tired of all the Taxi Travel!

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- An API for Makros and AddOns (for things like: Inviting group members after WZ)

- better crafting recipes

- Multiplayer and PvP Space Combat Missions




- Dualspec

- LFG Tool

Edited by _Flin_
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1: Tool to set up groups, not an automatic tool like WoW/Rift but instead something like what Aion has


2: More customizing options for the UI, maybe throw in some feature to make cooldowns that aren't on gcd activate on top of other skills (macros not needed if they did that, or they could just add macros ;))


3: § (the key left of 1) not hardwired to Write Ticket window, this thing is driving me increasingly mad :mad:

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So...basically you want people to have to group up and grind mobs to level?


How's the weather in Korea at the moment?


The sad thing is


The answer to the "silly and short sighted and unknowledgable (regarding MMORPGs)" question you pose was answered in the original 3 list I wrote.


You EVEN QUOTED IT, and still didnt understand or grasp the clearly written words.


If you have any questions not already answered before you ask them, fire away.


Oh and please look up the real meaning of grinding.


The meaning your suggesting (inccorectly yet again) isnt what Ive said or suggested at all!


But I guess if you actually took the time to understand what I suggested, you wouldnt have something to try and "Ogre" (see I can make up new words for different meanings as well).


Big Smile :)

Big Smile! :)

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So lets get this straight.


You want to blacklist:


- Server transfers (those poor Oceanics when March rolls around, I really hope you say sorry to them).


- Balanced professions.

- Developer interaction.

- Balanced classes.

- Progressive endgame content.

- Good grouping tools.

- Good textures.

- Nice looking armor.

- Armor customization.

- Good water.

- Varied enemies.

- Smart boss design.

- Parses.

- Mods.

- Macros.

- Server events.

- Varied pvp.

- Arenas.

- Addition of new races.

- Addition of new race choices.

- Addition of new character customization options.

- Streamlined skills and talents.

- Bug fixes.

- Active GMs.

- Good Auction House interface.

- Smart loot systems.

- Cross server interaction options.

- RealID friends.


And many more. You must be a very sad person.


Not sad at all. I am actually ecstatic about this game. Pretty much everything you posted is either a troll (bug fixes? Really? Because we all know WoW is the only MMO to ever fix bugs, oh wise one) or is exactly what I want to see avoided (mods, macros, cross-server pablum, etcetera).


To sum it up; this game is already about as close to WoW as it can be without actually being as ridiculously impersonal and easy as WoW is now. So yes...


...do not import anymore WoW features.

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So, you are walking through Tatooine and trip over something in the dirt. It is a damaged GM droid, who, as repayment for the rescue offers you three wishes for the game.


What would you choose?


Mine would be:


1) An interesting female companion for my sassy tank. Preferably a Twi'lek healer. Or Vette.


2) Buffs to SW/JK classes, or at least the streamlining of their skills. I don't want to have to buy a gaming mouse or train my pet ferret in order to play this class without getting carpal tunnel.


3) A cross server group finder tool.


- Yeah, pretty whitebread. What are your picks?

1) Free form space travel

2) Player built cities with player built housing

3) 3 more wishes

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1. Make all quests scale to group size, including operations.


2. Allow us to take multiple companions with us for group instances.


3. While leveling up, let me find loot that's not orange but is actually an upgrade. As it stands, there's no need to even glance at a green or blue item dropping, unless it's a relic or something.

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1: A side advancement path based near-precisely off entertainers from SWG that anyone could partake in without effecting their combat class. They'd have to be in cantinas to do their thing (buffs, changing people's appearances, etc).


2: Same sex romances right now. (And not just tossing us a fugly 'token lover' like Juhani in KOTOR1... ugh!)


3: To not go bald when I have a hood or hat on.

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1) New content/features that drive the end-game in a different direction than WoW's i.e. shift away from the gear treadmill and focusing more on social features, uses for cantinas, crafting, customisation of armour and weapons, customisation of player ships.


2) Expand the RPG-feel to the MMO mechanics. Currently the class storylines let people feel and play a role - your class is not just a label for the type of weapons and abilities you have, it defines how you play through the game. This is great but it needs to be expanded into all of the gameplay, not just your personal class quests. I am not sure how this should be done, but when I work it out I will make a thread about it (which will probably drop instantly to page 2 of the forums and never been seen again, but there you go).


3) A sexy male Cathar companion

Edited by Slightlycampana
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So, you are walking through Tatooine and trip over something in the dirt. It is a damaged GM droid, who, as repayment for the rescue offers you three wishes for the game.


What would you choose?


Mine would be:


1) An interesting female companion for my sassy tank. Preferably a Twi'lek healer. Or Vette.


2) Buffs to SW/JK classes, or at least the streamlining of their skills. I don't want to have to buy a gaming mouse or train my pet ferret in order to play this class without getting carpal tunnel.


3) A cross server group finder tool.


- Yeah, pretty whitebread. What are your picks?



1. Good frames per second.


2. Good frames per second.


3. Good frames per second.

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