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Bioware, Fix PVP or your multi-million dollar project is going to tank


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Several points I believe would solve a lot of ****.


3. Cross Server PVP VERY VERY SOON!... or you will lose a large portion of players and income. Hutball 80% of the time is not refreshing.


5. Look at what works and what doesn't. BioWare many have come before you and succeeded or failed use these examples to better this game, as I really do enjoy it with droves of others, but I believe much is currently in need of a makeover.



Huttball 80% means your an imperial, nothing wrong with that but Cross Sever PVP isn't going to help because the same problems remain. I don't think there is a single server were population imbalance isn't a factor and thus for the reasons mentioned in the original post, there is absolutely NO reason why the imperials shouldn't have a much easier gear grind on every server. So even if you have cross server war zones, then your looking at hut ball 90% of the time considering the amount of imperials that exist on every sever and how heavily they outnumber the republic. As a republic play, if i queue 15 times, I probably get 1 hut ball match for the entire night we rarely play against the same faction.


If your getting huttball 80% of the time, you know your sever has a population imbalance.


But i regress...


But to your second point, how many times did bioware push back the release date for this game? how many times did they have closed beta weekends, and this is the best that they can deliver? They deserve to loose the 100 mil they spent on this game if they don't fix the imbalances.

Edited by Eljayz
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one of my biggest complaints is if I manage to kill someone in a 1 v 3 situation I should get at least as much valor as those 3 get combined for killing me if not more. instead I get 20-60 valor and the imps get 140-200 valor each since they always control most of the points. This system heavily encourages zergs which heavily favor the side with larger numbers.


also rewards/buffs for fighting and killing despite being outnumbered are necessary to give the outnumbered side a chance to stay even gear/valor wise and encourage more people to play on the outnumbered side and bring more balance to the factions.


finally I will say I really liked the keep system in warhammer or daoc something like that might be a way to center zerg fights so the losing side can back into a more defendable location where they have npc back up but where they dont rely purely on pulling into their spawn for instant kills.

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Put an operation in Ilum- Republic will show up for Ops. We have 200 reps on the Fleet most of the day on our server- but 90% of the time, we outnumber the Reps in Ilum... when Ilum says we have 20 Imps total, and at least 5 of those are doing dailies, and another 3 are level 14s sitting on chest spawns.
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Again today we roamed around in a group of 8 trying to kill as many as we could, but we could only take two battle objectives at any point while trying to dodge the zerg. We'd work together really well calling out chain CCs and whatnot. At one point our 8 man would killed 24 of or theirs at one time, but its impossible to fight their odds simply because they could just come up and kill us AND STILL GET MORE VALOR while we're dodging around trying to avoid the zerg and whenever we'd run into them, we'd get smashed and they'd get far more valor for killing us, then we'd ever get for dodging around and playing strategically picking off as many as we could.
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