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Nerf tracer missle now


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It's kind of important that a discussion about level 50 gear doesn't get distorted because half the people here are running around in greens -.-


So I did bother to log on my level 50 scoundrel who is decidedly not tank specced and put on the level 40 pvp gear and guess what I also have 12.2k in level 40 gear. People who have 12k in level 50 gear with mods from level 50 quests are doing it wrong, period, and should not add to this discussion based on their HP at 50.


Oh, so they should not add to the discussion because the level 50 start up gear, even in blues is only around 12k. Yeeeeah, no, does not work that way. Arrogance has no place in a discussion, so get yours out of it. If you don't like the facts, too damn bad.

Edited by Kuari
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What about classes who have no interrupt?


What about tracer missile spam in Huttball while you're snared/rooted and can't LOS?


It's ridiculous that a BH can stand up there and eviscerate players 10-15 levels higher than them and I have no way to counter it and I can't get up to him cause of all the CC/roots/snare/resolve being awful.


It isn't about 1v1 fights. It's that they can stand in one spot, spam one skill, and do massive damage to targets that are completely helpless.


Sorry, but what?


It doesn't take too much sense to realize that you shouldn't let ANY ranged class just stand AT RANGE and nuke people. And no, Tracer Missiles/Grav Round aren't OP at all.


People who actually know how to play vs commandos/mercs can lock you down beyond frustration. CC, interuptting, LoS'ing and running out of range are your friend.


Granted, if you let us turret we can wrack some havoc, but that goes for every ranged class. The biggest drawback for us commandos/mercs are that we are pretty much built around turreting (the relevant spec atleast) - Our mobility is quite pathetic. We do have a bit of staying power through Charged Barrier and heavy armor, but if you are on top of us as dps spec, we still don't survive that much.


It can be a bit frustrating on maps like Huttball I guess, but positioning goes a long way. Also, Huttball pretty much sets you up to get knocked down/away/into bad stuff.


Though I do think there is a bigger underlying issue, but it not being TM/GR being OP. It's rather that some specs are just very squishy and not have any decent defensive cooldowns/mechanics. Granted, I haven't played every class to max level, but it seems to me from my current experience and glancing at skill trees and abilities that some classes simply have A LOT LESS survivability or stayingpower than others. But I guess maybe this is where they intend proper teamwork to come into play.

Edited by Arell
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Wheres the balance. Op's and scoundrels were killing too fast doing half HP in 5-6s. well Tracer missle spam can take 3/4 of my HP is 3 hits. 3.2k 3.4k 2.9 . That is killing much faster then intended per bioware.


Balance this crap out.


Woot pvp already starting to kill pve. People have to understand. The raid bosses do not get their health nerfed for damage loss by players who get nerf. In fact pvp nerfs makes people quit the game as they have to sit on the side line as their raid leader says you dps sucks you can not raid. You tanking sucks you can not raid. You healing sucks you can not raid.



All because a bunch of loosers who can not play the game get ***** in pvp by a player who can play the game.


Stop the BS nerfs and learn to play noobs.


FYI I am not an op. I am a sniper but my friends that are ops are pissed off because they are looking 11% dps on raid boss battles. While I do not want the devs to nerf raid bosses. When it comes down to it if they are going nerf a raiding spec then they might as well nerf bosses. Cause it so makes the game pointless to play once the little in game content is unbeatable.


If you do not like dieing in pvp. Then do not pvp. It as simple as that. The devs are not holding your family hostage to pvp. So whining about dieing in a minior part of the game is bad.


Why I say pvp is miner. 3 warzones and 2 open world pvp areas. VS like 12 FP per side and 2 raids. You do the math. What is bigger 5 or 14? point being there for more pve content then their is pvp. So suck it up or quit playing. Do not ruin the rest of our fun. Hate pvp noobs.


Stupid devs always tring to make the pvp group happy. Which they well never be happy. Cause pvp players want to one shot everyone and not be killed. So this is why the devs should just say. F-you pvp noobs.

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Sorry, but what?


It doesn't take too much sense to realize that you shouldn't let ANY ranged class just stand AT RANGE and nuke people. And no, Tracer Missiles/Grav Round aren't OP at all.


People who actually know how to play vs commandos/mercs can lock you down beyond frustration. CC, interuptting, LoS'ing and running out of range are your friend.


Granted, if you let us turret we can wrack some havoc, but that goes for every ranged class. The biggest drawback for us commandos/mercs are that we are pretty much built around turreting (the relevant spec atleast) - Our mobility is quite pathetic. We do have a bit of staying power through Charged Barrier and heavy armor, but if you are on top of us as dps spec, we still don't survive that much.


It can be a bit frustrating on maps like Huttball I guess, but positioning goes a long way. Also, Huttball pretty much sets you up to get knocked down/away/into bad stuff.


Though I do think there is a bigger underlying issue, but it not being TM/GR being OP. It's rather that some specs are just very squishy and not have any decent defensive cooldowns/mechanics. Granted, I haven't played every class to max level, but it seems to me from my current experience and glancing at skill trees and abilities that some classes simply have A LOT LESS survivability or stayingpower than others. But I guess maybe this is where they intend proper teamwork to come into play.


That and GR/TM alone can do almost as much DPS as a Sniper/Gunslinger in cover, but I'm sure that your mobility is worse than... oh wait...

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Anyone who spams tracers is a joke, and if you can't figure out a way to kill a person spamming it there's something wrong.


Until you run into the ones that are fully specced for it and use the abilities, but they generally don't until someone causes them problems because they don't need to. Why waste more heat/ammo then needed when you can save it for an emergency and still tear through stuff?

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Wheres the balance. Op's and scoundrels were killing too fast doing half HP in 5-6s. well Tracer missle spam can take 3/4 of my HP is 3 hits. 3.2k 3.4k 2.9 . That is killing much faster then intended per bioware.


Balance this crap out.


i totaly agree



tracer missile and grav round spam is a joke unfair and totaly overpowerd



the whole dam commando/merc is rediculous and need to be looked at

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LOL whining about a static cannon.


1 phrase for you, "line of sight"


I'm a BH merc Pyro as I could not stand that tracer style arsenal play but arse mercs are so easy to take down by just going on the run.


The mentality of 99% of arsenal players is just kill kill kill they have no intrest in objectives so they will chase you and once you have them on the move they are nothing but fodder.

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That and GR/TM alone can do almost as much DPS as a Sniper/Gunslinger in cover, but I'm sure that your mobility is worse than... oh wait...


How does sniper/gunslinger being UP make tracers OP?


If mercs needs a nerf then nerf sorcs, juggernaughts (not DPS tree those kinda suck), powertechs aswell.

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Like other Mercs have said, if you let me get thru my rotation then you will be respawning. If you don't interrupt me, stun me, mez me, LoS me, or KB me then I'll keep on spamming my rotations till you die. Mercs are ranged DPS that's just what we do. I do love it when melee close the gap thinking that they're getting an easy kill. I'm sure they love the taste of rail gun with their humble pie.
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Like other Mercs have said, if you let me get thru my rotation then you will be respawning. If you don't interrupt me, stun me, mez me, LoS me, or KB me then I'll keep on spamming my rotations till you die. Mercs are ranged DPS that's just what we do. I do love it when melee close the gap thinking that they're getting an easy kill. I'm sure they love the taste of rail gun with their humble pie.


You mention they should do those things, yet only 1 class has a 30m range interrupt. What exactly am I too do as a Lethality Op? or an Assassin? Just interrupting is easier said than done when the ability in question has a 30m range. If you're using Tracer on someone inside 10m, it says more about you as a player than the person you're using it on...

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... If you're using Tracer on someone inside 10m, it says more about you as a player than the person you're using it on...


Except it does the same damage point-blank as at 30m.


Best dps rotation for merc is same at 0m as 30m, so why change it?


Says more about you actually, that you argue about stuff you don't understand...

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Tracer missile -10% base damage and a lower critical hit multiplier will make mercenaries balanced.

It's just a matter of time.


This, along w/ removing the Armor debuff. That's what's hurting the most.


But no one seem's to be paying attention to that.


The buff/debuff combo of this one attack, and it's mirror, trumps every other buff/debuff combo of every other AC in game, as someone else previously stated.


As a Sage, I'll trade TK throw's snare for it to make enemies take 20% more damage from ALL my attacks. If ANY of you don't agree w/ this idea, then you see why TM/GR is OP.

Edited by Sevaar
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This, along w/ removing the Armor debuff. That's what's hurting the most.


Suggest a viable alternative function for Gravity Vortex/Heat Signature, if it isn't going to reduce enemy armour.

Edited by Drachii
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Yeah, but as this guys say, the smart ones are sniping people with it. Not much can do about that at the speed it kills, especially the ones that use the other abilities powered up by it.


So a DPS class that is left alone does a lot of DPS? AMEGOSH ***?


Range DPS will always do a ton of damage unless you get your assassins or whatever to jump on his face. It's a TEAM game, if you were a DPS class that was left alone all day on the ledge on huttball, surely you wouldn't say that your class was overpowered when you did upwards of 300k damage?


A lot of people might not want to hear this but there is a big skill difference in most PvP games and swtor is not an exception. Learn to counter classes first, then move on to learn how to counter team compositions. Granted it is hard and if you are getting randoms then it might be an unpleasant experience, but thats what guilds are for. Get a crew together, get them on voice, sort out your team tactics and make sure you counter their team setup.

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Wheres the balance. Op's and scoundrels were killing too fast doing half HP in 5-6s. well Tracer missle spam can take 3/4 of my HP is 3 hits. 3.2k 3.4k 2.9 . That is killing much faster then intended per bioware.


Balance this crap out.


Tracer missile is not really a problem. Its very obvious when people are spamming it, use your interrupt, LOS it. Does seem to hit very hard though for a talented 1.2 second cast time though.


Generally when I am PVP on my 50, mercs don't get to many tracer missiles off before they get focused quickly. On the other hand when I am on my alt, and PVPin most people either don't have interrupt yet or don't know how to PVP and mercs can just sit there and spam all day.


Grav round on the other hand I think is better than tracer missile because the animation and sound is way less obvious. I haven't played an IMP so I don't know for sure, but if you compare the 2 animations and sounds just from videos its way in favor of commando. I mean like I said, soon as I start hearing tracer missiles I am looking for the merc. Grav roundon the other hand seems much much more subtle and probably alot harder to notice someone spamming it until your dead.

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I dont mind tracer missles as is, I just wish other classes had a tree that revolved around like 1-4 skills and functioned off it.


I play a marauder as my main and the trees we get just seem like random stuff thrown together when compared to tracer missle/grav tree. you know like you use tracer missles you get damage reduction, buff armor, get heat signature, your pvp set bonus gives you 15% crit, you get heat removed if you crit.


then marauders is like you get cooldown reduction on a skill you dont use that much because its more situational, or your target stands still for 3 seconds.


I mean I can put points in to make my ravage uninterruptable because you know that happens all the time....pity target moving out of range still interrupts it.

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3k tracers are comming from fairly geared mercs/ commandos. These 3k tracer shots only rely happen to players with 12k hit points. Merc isn't a hard class to play and I do have one I also happen to have 19k health in my pvp gear. What class doesn't face roll you with that level of gear difference I would love to know.
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I rolled a commando just to check out the playstyle into the 30s. It was boring but i got alot of kills. I also realized that unless the other team left me alone/my team protected me i was pretty vulnerable.


A large nerf tracer missle/grav round would really remove the dps spec from being useable in pvp. Although tracer missle does seem to hit much harder than grav round. A slight "balance" wouldnt be breaking.

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Some of you here are saying that those mercs who spam tracer missile are bad, now then explain to me something,


Tracer missile


- builds up Heat signature (increased dmg of Heatseeker missiles)

- builds up Power barrier (reduced incoming dmg)

- builds up Tracer lock (Rail shot dmg increase)

- has 30% chance to finish cd and increase dmg of Unload


Now how exactly would we be dps match to other classes without using tracer missile?


Its not our fault Bioware made mercenaries like that, Tracer missile is essential to merc dps at this point and there is nothing we can do about it.

Edited by Maslachak
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Is it that people dislike people using 1 skill over and over or the damage?


DPS is not higher then other classes, even though other classes have to press 3 buttons instead of 1


I NEVER die to a tracer spammer, its when they rack up all their cooldowns, that they kill me. But EVERY dps class can do the same


If they gave them a couple of other skilsl to rotate with, i dont think any BH would mind, its just that they DONT have any other skill to rotate with since they all have cooldowns, except 1 skill that hardly hit for 500 damage.


Tracer spammers gets overheated extremly quick in bigger fights, grav users run out of ammo even faster.


Seriously, tracer spammer never get in top damage or kills, theres alot of classes that does alot more damage. The ones that gets alot of kills are the ones that knows how to use every skill in their arsenal per warzone, its just that people refuse to see anything else then the tracer missle. 99% of the time you die, im sure their using other skills aswell.



Even if the BH/Commando wears heavy armor, it doesnt mitigate most of the attacks in the game, and their very squishy if you get close to them, dont let the huge armor fool you. Tracer users have almost no protection, almost no cc, and no absorb shields, so once you get on them, they have no way to stop you from killing them, and they cant get away from you.

Edited by SeloDaoC
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Some of you here are saying that those mercs who spam tracer missile are bad, now then explain to me something,


Tracer missile


- builds up Heat signature (increased dmg of Heatseeker missiles)

- builds up Power barrier (reduced incoming dmg)

- builds up Tracer lock (Rail shot dmg increase)

- has 30% chance to finish cd and increase dmg of Unload


Now how exactly would we be dps match to other classes without using tracer missile?


Its not our fault Bioware made mercenaries like that, Tracer missile is essential to merc dps at this point and there is nothing we can do about it.


*********** this ^^


It really annoys me all these epeen types who know absolutely nothing about a class and just demand nerfs to it because they got beat a few times and need to L2LOS.


Do NONE of you have the brains to actually look at a class / tree design before you spew your utter garbage? If you had bothered to look, as per the post I have quoted you will notice that TM is REQUIRED to make the REST of our rotation useable / worth using.


So what you are sayig really is "I'm too useless to LOS and/or use my interupt therefore break the entire class tree so I can feel carebear about myself"....utter nonsense.


You may as well be saying IA is OP therefore remove the entire cover mechanic and gimp them...problem solved. By demanding that TM is nerfed into the ground you are demanding the same thing...


Try actually playing the class first because whilst I can put our some pretty big dps in turret mode, the second I get closed down by melee Im dead because we have very little in the way of CC etc....or the second someone starts hitting me with interupt my heat sigs stop stacking and my usual rotation is no where near as powerful.


That sounds pretty balanced to me.



Edited by ImperialSun
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Some of you here are saying that those mercs who spam tracer missile are bad, now then explain to me something,


Tracer missile


- builds up Heat signature (increased dmg of Heatseeker missiles)

- builds up Power barrier (reduced incoming dmg)

- builds up Tracer lock (Rail shot dmg increase)

- has 30% chance to finish cd and increase dmg of Unload


Now how exactly would we be dps match to other classes without using tracer missile?


Its not our fault Bioware made mercenaries like that, Tracer missile is essential to merc dps at this point and there is nothing we can do about it.


Name ONE other AC, not including your mirror, that has ONE ability that does 4 things.


You also forgot the ARMOR debuff. So that's 5.


Do NONE of you have the brains to actually look at a class / tree design before you spew your utter garbage? If you had bothered to look, as per the post I have quoted you will notice that TM is REQUIRED to make the REST of our rotation useable / worth using.



Lower the damage and the crit multiplier of that ONE ability and we're all pretty OK with it doing multiple things for you.


I spam pebbles, I accept that. But my spamming of pebbles does nothing in the way of what this one ability does for you.

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