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Wz win not counting not fixed.


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WRONG lockout timers are a knee jerk fix to punish people for being frustrated with a problem.


They need to fix the REASON people are leaving not the effect.


I leave a WZ when I get into huttball 15 times in a row.


I leave a WZ when it's 8v5, 8v6, 8v7 and the game doesn't end.


I leave a WZ when I am teamed with gearless 50's against double battlemaster premades in Huttball that instead of winning hold the ball and farm us for medals for 15 mins.


All of which I would leave whether you locked me out of WZ's for 15 minutes or not.


Perfect example, when I leave a 8v5 Warzone that refuses to end, if I just Que back up guess what? I get RIGHT BACK in the same non-ending WZ. So, I have to wait 10-15 minutes to Que anyway to get back in.


A penalty will NOT solve the "underlying" issue.


You are the quitter that needs to be punished. You are failing to play the game that the other 15 people are trying to play. You are EXACTLY why we need a lockout timer.


And if 15 minutes doesn't work for you, it should be an hour.


I'm frankly sick and tired of the quitters in this game ruining the competition for others.


Your underlying "issue" is when you don't win. BOO HOO. Guess what? 50% of the players will not win. EXCEPT when quitters are spamming through the game, then closer to 70-80-90% of the players don't win because more and more people on the losing side add up as people come in quit and requeue.

Edited by thanealpha
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I encourage everyone to report anyone who does this intentionally in-game.


I encourage everyone at BioWare to spend more time fixing this bug and less time telling people how to exploit it.


BioWare, self owning like Anakin Skywalker.

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Wait, is this the first person to enter the warzone at all, or the first person on the side that happens to win?


(don't actually answer that, just make sure you're testing all 3 cases).


It sounds like you're saying warzones are like instances attached to someone and if they leave it will either not run the quest code (could this relate to raid NPCs' not giving quest credit?), or it just fails on the first person on its list because they aren't there, throws and error state and then doesn't check anyone else. So then will it throw an error state if the 8th person on the list leaves, and no one past the 8th gets credit?


This sounds like a pretty serious architectural bug. I'm not even sure how you can grab the right automated testing data to see if it's working right.


You might want to have a 'testwarzone' queue that's like 3 minute matches and just hang out and watch all of the different things that can go wrong, because there's a lot of different errors that could merely be moved to not affect everyone, but now only effect some people on the list.

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The bug is only when the score of the game is 6-0.

If you get the last capture and the other team has not scored you will not get credit for your daily.

If you get 5-0 and then farm medals in the middle you will get credit. The bug is when the game ends because of a 6th score. it does not seem to have any effect when the game ends from the timer expiring.

Also you can let the other team score so they do not have a score of 0 when u capture the 6th point.


not true. Ive won plenty of games 5-0 while thinking the same thing as you... but alas the win did not count.

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Hi everyone,


I wanted to let you all know that we have been investigating this issue with the patch note not matching up to in-game behavior since we started seeing these type of threads yesterday.


After some investigation, it appears that there was some miscommunication between teams and this patch note was not intended to be included in this last patch.


This is a high priority issue for us, and it won't be resolved overnight, but we are actively working towards a solution. We apologize for the error with the patch note and we will also work to prevent situations like that from happening again.


The patch note has since been removed and we will keep you updated on the status of a resolution to this issue.


Thank you very much for your patience and for your understanding.


Man you guys can't get out your own way... How hard is it fix anything in this game? Glad it's a high priority for you guys, that tells us anything not on High status is still a year out from being fixed...



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The issue with faction imbalance is another thing that needs to be addressed, my original post simply stated that awarding people for poor performance (ie. losing) will lead back down the path of welfare gear.


If you're not able to win, you do not deserve to get gear as fast (arguably at all, but you're getting some charity already) as those who are winning. No matter how underpopulated your faction may be on any given server, if you can't muster up 3 other people to run a decent pre-made with and beat those supposed "mouth-breathers" on the empire side, then reroll on another server and stop asking for handouts.


I personally rerolled Republic after leveling an Operative to 50 at launch, I got sick of getting nothing but Huttball and my "mouthbreather" teammates, and wasn't a fan of how the healing mechanics worked for the class at endgame. I found a server that had a decent Republic population and leveled and geared a new character. So, I've gone through 2 characters worth of "gear RNG", so I know the system sucks horribly (it is better now than it was prior to 1.1.2).


If you start giving out daily bags however for simply showing up, you're going to have people on your team half-assing it (or god forbid afking, cause that NEVER happens) because they have no incentive to improve if all they have to do it queue up and collect bags after X number of games.


I know this has strayed from the original topic, however I really dislike this attitude of people expecting rewards for just showing up. Yes, it is a game and you should enjoy it, but if all you're after is the gear, and not the experience or "competition" (I laughed a little there) or PvP in this game, then you need to find a new hobby.


Thank you for this, Sir. I am also a Republic PVPr. I run into this attitude on almost a per-game basis. "BM premade GG" and "Faction imbalance ftl" are just some of the things I see in WZ chat. The basic premise here is that as soon as an underskilled/undergeared person starts "losing" they start the blame game. True story: I enter a WZ solo just 2 days ago and encounter the "BM premade GG" attitude. We go on to lose by not much. Later on at the fleet I run into this person and decide to take a gander at their gear. Not only do they have greens that are not level 50, they have orange pieces with non-level 50 mods AND no pvp gear. I have since started to check gear on a regular basis and I regret to say this is all too common. I certainly hope the March patch will alleviate the gear disparity between fresh 50's and also seperate those who put in effort/skill from those who don't.

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I encourage everyone to report anyone who does this intentionally in-game.


Because you'll know someones intention on the other side of a PC who doesn't speak? Maybe they're just tired of the 1 billion huttball games they've played? Your solution is flawed.

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I encourage everyone at BioWare to spend more time fixing this bug and less time telling people how to exploit it.


BioWare, self owning like Anakin Skywalker.


You do realize that Community managers and reps are in no way connected to the Development process. Their sole job is to post and moderate the forums, not to develop the game. So in essence they ARE spending their time as they should, and its you that are owning yourself.

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You AGREED to play the warzone when you hit accept when the queue pops. You have an opportunity right then to say no. Otherwise you ARE obligated to the 15 other HUMAN BEINGS who are playing to sit there for 15 minutes and participate. If you behaved this way in a real life obligation I would NEVER want you playing with me again, that's for sure. You like to call names and claim people are "in their mother's basement" but you are displaying the most immature perspective of all. YOUR needs are over the other 15 people who have agreed to play together for that time frame. And it's not even a huge timeframe. It's 15 minutes. Here's a tip. If you don't have 15 minutes to commit DO NOT QUEUE.


I have a real life. When I start a warzone I'm committing to a team of 7 other players and 8 opponents that I will play for 15 minutes. Imagine if in REAL LIFE you agreed to play a game with 15 other people for 15 minutes...and MOST of the time several people couldn't fullfill that 15 minutes. You'd NEVER agree to play again.


15 minutes shouldn't be too much to commit to 99.99% of the time.


That one time every month of warzones that a real life emergency arises then sure, but in that case you should have NO problem because it happens so rarely.


A simple hour long lock out would be the best solution, IMHO. Anyone that leaves for legitimate reasons should have no problem with that.


I don't queue EVER when I know I am expecting calls, or I'm committed to other things going on in real life. EVER. STOP QUEUING if you're that selfish.


This post is pretty much the final word as the game stands.


Until the planned upgrade and expansion of the wz system, this is how it is. Either play or do not, don't **** it up for those that want to play, as it is now.



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For all the bugs in this game. I love this game. No seriously I absolutely LOVE it, however it is starting to seem like Warhammer all over again. Hey Bioware heres a bug....ok thank you its sent to the "relevant" department! Fix? No, no fix! Learn to raid and PvP with bugs like everyone else for we have no intention of fixing the major things we just like to work on the small stuff. You wanna fix something useful? I have an idea....fix the Opersations bugs anf then when u have the time please fix the /stuck exploit that people can use after they have been killed and rezzed on Ilum that allows them to pop right back up where u killed them. Retarded bug is retarded. :D
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Dumb post. You have 0 way to judge intention over the internet. If i leave without saying anything ingame, i get reported and consequences based on speculation when in reality maybe i had to help parents or someone or do something important and maje an emergency leave.


#logic failware.

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this has started such a big controversy...


Basicly, if i leave a warzone because my son cut his hand.... i can get banned for exploiting....


That was such a poorly thought-out comment. First of all, as you say, it opens the game up even more to false reports and harassment.


And second, Bioware doesn't have enough on their plates? They want to invent a new category of bug reports for themselves to field, "People who are suspected of exploiting a bug that shouldn't exist in the first place and which would drive anyone with a soul to occasionally quit out."

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this has started such a big controversy...


Basicly, if i leave a warzone because my son cut his hand.... i can get banned for exploiting....


I think he means when you see someone doing it all the time, on purpose to cause the bug. You obviously cannot get banned for quitting a warzone.

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I encourage everyone to report anyone who does this intentionally in-game.

you get paid to write replies like this?

I want your job. Seriously.

I think he means when you see someone doing it all the time, on purpose to cause the bug. You obviously cannot get banned for quitting a warzone.

I have reported a bot/afker dozens of time on my server, and i never had a single feedback.

Maybe they care. Maybe Santa is alive


It's the word "intentionally" that drives me crazy. How the hell I know if someone do this ..."intentionally"??

I have to check the rooster all the time, instead of playing the game i've paid for?:D

Edited by Tritemius
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The bug is only when the score of the game is 6-0.

If you get the last capture and the other team has not scored you will not get credit for your daily.

If you get 5-0 and then farm medals in the middle you will get credit. The bug is when the game ends because of a 6th score. it does not seem to have any effect when the game ends from the timer expiring.

Also you can let the other team score so they do not have a score of 0 when u capture the 6th point.


Not sure this is the case.


We had a knock down drag out 2 to 2 affair last night in huttball due to timer expiry (win went to possesion)


it didnt count even though we got the victory.



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I encourage everyone to report anyone who does this intentionally in-game.


Heh. This means the end of warzones for me. There is no way on Earth to force me to play 30 warzones to complete "win 3" daily for an empty BM bag in the end.


Bye! This buggy exploited crap won't be missed for sure.

Edited by Pashgan
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I can't believe they openly said what causes the bug, like every single idiot is not gonna start doing it on purpose.


I mean, are you really this proud of yourselves for fixing a trivial bug, you HAD TO explain the reason one week before the patch (wich i suspect is not going to fix a ****)?



Result: 3.5 hours of warzones and I'm still at 0/3.

Didn't have a single victory count for the quest.

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Its not like they can prove somone left a warzone because they were first in on purpose.


Yet they wont ban people exploiting in pvp and using the other well known bugs.




Edited by Spyde
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Disagree completely, people shouldn't be rewarded for losing, no matter how many times they bash against their heads against the wall. If your faction is losing horribly, maybe you should work to improve that, instead of expecting welfare bags because you have the time to queue 10 times, versus those who only have time to queue 5 and actually work to win 3 of those 5 games.




And lol@ welfare bags.

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